# -*- test-case-name: twisted.application.runner.test.test_runner -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted application runner.
from sys import stderr
from signal import SIGTERM
from os import kill
from attr import attrib, attrs, Factory
from twisted.logger import (
globalLogBeginner, textFileLogObserver,
FilteringLogObserver, LogLevelFilterPredicate,
LogLevel, Logger,
from ._exit import exit, ExitStatus
from ._pidfile import nonePIDFile, AlreadyRunningError, InvalidPIDFileError
class Runner(object):
Twisted application runner.
@cvar _log: The logger attached to this class.
@type _log: L{Logger}
@ivar _reactor: The reactor to start and run the application in.
@type _reactor: L{IReactorCore}
@ivar _pidFile: The file to store the running process ID in.
@type _pidFile: L{IPIDFile}
@ivar _kill: Whether this runner should kill an existing running
instance of the application.
@type _kill: L{bool}
@ivar _defaultLogLevel: The default log level to start the logging
system with.
@type _defaultLogLevel: L{constantly.NamedConstant} from L{LogLevel}
@ivar _logFile: A file stream to write logging output to.
@type _logFile: writable file-like object
@ivar _fileLogObserverFactory: A factory for the file log observer to
use when starting the logging system.
@type _pidFile: callable that takes a single writable file-like object
argument and returns a L{twisted.logger.FileLogObserver}
@ivar _whenRunning: Hook to call after the reactor is running;
this is where the application code that relies on the reactor gets
@type _whenRunning: callable that takes the keyword arguments specified
by C{whenRunningArguments}
@ivar _whenRunningArguments: Keyword arguments to pass to
C{whenRunning} when it is called.
@type _whenRunningArguments: L{dict}
@ivar _reactorExited: Hook to call after the reactor exits.
@type _reactorExited: callable that takes the keyword arguments
specified by C{reactorExitedArguments}
@ivar _reactorExitedArguments: Keyword arguments to pass to
C{reactorExited} when it is called.
@type _reactorExitedArguments: L{dict}
_log = Logger()
_reactor = attrib()
_pidFile = attrib(default=nonePIDFile)
_kill = attrib(default=False)
_defaultLogLevel = attrib(default=LogLevel.info)
_logFile = attrib(default=stderr)
_fileLogObserverFactory = attrib(default=textFileLogObserver)
_whenRunning = attrib(default=lambda **_: None)
_whenRunningArguments = attrib(default=Factory(dict))
_reactorExited = attrib(default=lambda **_: None)
_reactorExitedArguments = attrib(default=Factory(dict))
def run(self):
Run this command.
pidFile = self._pidFile
with pidFile:
except AlreadyRunningError:
exit(ExitStatus.EX_CONFIG, "Already running.")
return # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit
def killIfRequested(self):
If C{self._kill} is true, attempt to kill a running instance of the
pidFile = self._pidFile
if self._kill:
if pidFile is nonePIDFile:
exit(ExitStatus.EX_USAGE, "No PID file specified.")
return # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit
pid = pidFile.read()
except EnvironmentError:
exit(ExitStatus.EX_IOERR, "Unable to read PID file.")
return # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit
except InvalidPIDFileError:
exit(ExitStatus.EX_DATAERR, "Invalid PID file.")
return # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit
self._log.info("Terminating process: {pid}", pid=pid)
kill(pid, SIGTERM)
return # When testing, patched exit doesn't exit
def startLogging(self):
Start the L{twisted.logger} logging system.
logFile = self._logFile
fileLogObserverFactory = self._fileLogObserverFactory
fileLogObserver = fileLogObserverFactory(logFile)
logLevelPredicate = LogLevelFilterPredicate(
filteringObserver = FilteringLogObserver(
fileLogObserver, [logLevelPredicate]
def startReactor(self):
Register C{self._whenRunning} with the reactor so that it is called
once the reactor is running, then start the reactor.
self._log.info("Starting reactor...")
def whenRunning(self):
Call C{self._whenRunning} with C{self._whenRunningArguments}.
@note: This method is called after the reactor starts running.
def reactorExited(self):
Call C{self._reactorExited} with C{self._reactorExitedArguments}.
@note: This method is called after the reactor exits.