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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_transport -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

SSH key exchange handling.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from hashlib import sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512

from zope.interface import Attribute, implementer, Interface

from twisted.conch import error
from twisted.python.compat import long

class _IKexAlgorithm(Interface):
    An L{_IKexAlgorithm} describes a key exchange algorithm.

    preference = Attribute(
        "An L{int} giving the preference of the algorithm when negotiating "
        "key exchange. Algorithms with lower precedence values are more "

    hashProcessor = Attribute(
        "A callable hash algorithm constructor (e.g. C{hashlib.sha256}) "
        "suitable for use with this key exchange algorithm.")

class _IFixedGroupKexAlgorithm(_IKexAlgorithm):
    An L{_IFixedGroupKexAlgorithm} describes a key exchange algorithm with a
    fixed prime / generator group.

    prime = Attribute(
        "A L{long} giving the prime number used in Diffie-Hellman key "
        "exchange, or L{None} if not applicable.")

    generator = Attribute(
        "A L{long} giving the generator number used in Diffie-Hellman key "
        "exchange, or L{None} if not applicable. (This is not related to "
        "Python generator functions.)")

class _IEllipticCurveExchangeKexAlgorithm(_IKexAlgorithm):
    An L{_IEllipticCurveExchangeKexAlgorithm} describes a key exchange algorithm
    that uses an elliptic curve exchange between the client and server.

class _IGroupExchangeKexAlgorithm(_IKexAlgorithm):
    An L{_IGroupExchangeKexAlgorithm} describes a key exchange algorithm
    that uses group exchange between the client and server.

    A prime / generator group should be chosen at run time based on the
    requested size. See RFC 4419.

class _ECDH256(object):
    Elliptic Curve Key Exchange with SHA-256 as HASH. Defined in
    RFC 5656.
    preference = 1
    hashProcessor = sha256

class _ECDH384(object):
    Elliptic Curve Key Exchange with SHA-384 as HASH. Defined in
    RFC 5656.
    preference = 2
    hashProcessor = sha384

class _ECDH512(object):
    Elliptic Curve Key Exchange with SHA-512 as HASH. Defined in
    RFC 5656.
    preference = 3
    hashProcessor = sha512

class _DHGroupExchangeSHA256(object):
    Diffie-Hellman Group and Key Exchange with SHA-256 as HASH. Defined in
    RFC 4419, 4.2.

    preference = 4
    hashProcessor = sha256

class _DHGroupExchangeSHA1(object):
    Diffie-Hellman Group and Key Exchange with SHA-1 as HASH. Defined in
    RFC 4419, 4.1.

    preference = 5
    hashProcessor = sha1

class _DHGroup14SHA1(object):
    Diffie-Hellman key exchange with SHA-1 as HASH and Oakley Group 14
    (2048-bit MODP Group). Defined in RFC 4253, 8.2.

    preference = 7
    hashProcessor = sha1
    # Diffie-Hellman primes from Oakley Group 14 (RFC 3526, 3).
    prime = long('32317006071311007300338913926423828248817941241140239112842'
    generator = 2

# Which ECDH hash function to use is dependent on the size.
_kexAlgorithms = {
    b"diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256": _DHGroupExchangeSHA256(),
    b"diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1": _DHGroupExchangeSHA1(),
    b"diffie-hellman-group14-sha1": _DHGroup14SHA1(),
    b"ecdh-sha2-nistp256": _ECDH256(),
    b"ecdh-sha2-nistp384": _ECDH384(),
    b"ecdh-sha2-nistp521": _ECDH512(),

def getKex(kexAlgorithm):
    Get a description of a named key exchange algorithm.

    @param kexAlgorithm: The key exchange algorithm name.
    @type kexAlgorithm: L{bytes}

    @return: A description of the key exchange algorithm named by
    @rtype: L{_IKexAlgorithm}

    @raises ConchError: if the key exchange algorithm is not found.
    if kexAlgorithm not in _kexAlgorithms:
        raise error.ConchError(
            "Unsupported key exchange algorithm: %s" % (kexAlgorithm,))
    return _kexAlgorithms[kexAlgorithm]

def isEllipticCurve(kexAlgorithm):
    Returns C{True} if C{kexAlgorithm} is an elliptic curve.

    @param kexAlgorithm: The key exchange algorithm name.
    @type kexAlgorithm: C{str}

    @return: C{True} if C{kexAlgorithm} is an elliptic curve,
        otherwise C{False}.
    @rtype: C{bool}
    return _IEllipticCurveExchangeKexAlgorithm.providedBy(getKex(kexAlgorithm))

def isFixedGroup(kexAlgorithm):
    Returns C{True} if C{kexAlgorithm} has a fixed prime / generator group.

    @param kexAlgorithm: The key exchange algorithm name.
    @type kexAlgorithm: L{bytes}

    @return: C{True} if C{kexAlgorithm} has a fixed prime / generator group,
        otherwise C{False}.
    @rtype: L{bool}
    return _IFixedGroupKexAlgorithm.providedBy(getKex(kexAlgorithm))

def getHashProcessor(kexAlgorithm):
    Get the hash algorithm callable to use in key exchange.

    @param kexAlgorithm: The key exchange algorithm name.
    @type kexAlgorithm: L{bytes}

    @return: A callable hash algorithm constructor (e.g. C{hashlib.sha256}).
    @rtype: C{callable}
    kex = getKex(kexAlgorithm)
    return kex.hashProcessor

def getDHGeneratorAndPrime(kexAlgorithm):
    Get the generator and the prime to use in key exchange.

    @param kexAlgorithm: The key exchange algorithm name.
    @type kexAlgorithm: L{bytes}

    @return: A L{tuple} containing L{long} generator and L{long} prime.
    @rtype: L{tuple}
    kex = getKex(kexAlgorithm)
    return kex.generator, kex.prime

def getSupportedKeyExchanges():
    Get a list of supported key exchange algorithm names in order of

    @return: A C{list} of supported key exchange algorithm names.
    @rtype: C{list} of L{bytes}
    from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
    from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import _curveTable

    backend = default_backend()
    kexAlgorithms = _kexAlgorithms.copy()
    for keyAlgorithm in list(kexAlgorithms):
        if keyAlgorithm.startswith(b"ecdh"):
            keyAlgorithmDsa = keyAlgorithm.replace(b"ecdh", b"ecdsa")
            supported = backend.elliptic_curve_exchange_algorithm_supported(
                ec.ECDH(), _curveTable[keyAlgorithmDsa])
            if not supported:
    return sorted(
        key = lambda kexAlgorithm: kexAlgorithms[kexAlgorithm].preference)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 183 B 0644
_kex.py File 7.49 KB 0644
address.py File 1.13 KB 0644
agent.py File 9.46 KB 0644
channel.py File 9.62 KB 0644
common.py File 2.12 KB 0644
connection.py File 25.12 KB 0644
factory.py File 3.73 KB 0644
filetransfer.py File 33.53 KB 0644
forwarding.py File 7.98 KB 0644
keys.py File 52.35 KB 0644
service.py File 1.42 KB 0644
session.py File 10.95 KB 0644
sexpy.py File 1.03 KB 0644
transport.py File 70.94 KB 0644
userauth.py File 26.7 KB 0644