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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_ssh -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Common functions for the SSH classes.

Maintainer: Paul Swartz

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import struct

from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes, int_to_bytes

from twisted.python.compat import unicode
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
from twisted.python.versions import Version

__all__ = ["NS", "getNS", "MP", "getMP", "ffs"]

def NS(t):
    net string
    if isinstance(t, unicode):
        t = t.encode("utf-8")
    return struct.pack('!L', len(t)) + t

def getNS(s, count=1):
    get net string
    ns = []
    c = 0
    for i in range(count):
        l, = struct.unpack('!L', s[c:c + 4])
        ns.append(s[c + 4:4 + l + c])
        c += 4 + l
    return tuple(ns) + (s[c:],)

def MP(number):
    if number == 0:
        return b'\000' * 4
    assert number > 0
    bn = int_to_bytes(number)
    if ord(bn[0:1]) & 128:
        bn = b'\000' + bn
    return struct.pack('>L', len(bn)) + bn

def getMP(data, count=1):
    Get multiple precision integer out of the string.  A multiple precision
    integer is stored as a 4-byte length followed by length bytes of the
    integer.  If count is specified, get count integers out of the string.
    The return value is a tuple of count integers followed by the rest of
    the data.
    mp = []
    c = 0
    for i in range(count):
        length, = struct.unpack('>L', data[c:c + 4])
        mp.append(int_from_bytes(data[c + 4:c + 4 + length], 'big'))
        c += 4 + length
    return tuple(mp) + (data[c:],)

def _MPpow(x, y, z):
    Return the MP version of C{(x ** y) % z}.
    return MP(pow(x, y, z))

def ffs(c, s):
    first from second
    goes through the first list, looking for items in the second, returns the first one
    for i in c:
        if i in s:
            return i

@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 16, 5, 0))
def install():
    # This used to install gmpy, but is technically public API, so just do
    # nothing.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 183 B 0644
_kex.py File 7.49 KB 0644
address.py File 1.13 KB 0644
agent.py File 9.46 KB 0644
channel.py File 9.62 KB 0644
common.py File 2.12 KB 0644
connection.py File 25.12 KB 0644
factory.py File 3.73 KB 0644
filetransfer.py File 33.53 KB 0644
forwarding.py File 7.98 KB 0644
keys.py File 52.35 KB 0644
service.py File 1.42 KB 0644
session.py File 10.95 KB 0644
sexpy.py File 1.03 KB 0644
transport.py File 70.94 KB 0644
userauth.py File 26.7 KB 0644