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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_telnet -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tests for L{twisted.conch.telnet}.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject

from twisted.internet import defer

from twisted.conch import telnet

from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.test import proto_helpers
from twisted.python.compat import iterbytes

class TestProtocol:
    localEnableable = ()
    remoteEnableable = ()

    def __init__(self):
        self.data = b''
        self.subcmd = []
        self.calls = []

        self.enabledLocal = []
        self.enabledRemote = []
        self.disabledLocal = []
        self.disabledRemote = []

    def makeConnection(self, transport):
        d = transport.negotiationMap = {}
        d[b'\x12'] = self.neg_TEST_COMMAND

        d = transport.commandMap = transport.commandMap.copy()
        for cmd in ('NOP', 'DM', 'BRK', 'IP', 'AO', 'AYT', 'EC', 'EL', 'GA'):
            d[getattr(telnet, cmd)] = lambda arg, cmd=cmd: self.calls.append(cmd)

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        self.data += data

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

    def neg_TEST_COMMAND(self, payload):
        self.subcmd = payload

    def enableLocal(self, option):
        if option in self.localEnableable:
            return True
        return False

    def disableLocal(self, option):

    def enableRemote(self, option):
        if option in self.remoteEnableable:
            return True
        return False

    def disableRemote(self, option):

class InterfacesTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_interface(self):
        L{telnet.TelnetProtocol} implements L{telnet.ITelnetProtocol}
        p = telnet.TelnetProtocol()
        verifyObject(telnet.ITelnetProtocol, p)

class TelnetTransportTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for L{telnet.TelnetTransport}.
    def setUp(self):
        self.p = telnet.TelnetTransport(TestProtocol)
        self.t = proto_helpers.StringTransport()

    def testRegularBytes(self):
        # Just send a bunch of bytes.  None of these do anything
        # with telnet.  They should pass right through to the
        # application layer.
        h = self.p.protocol

        L = [b"here are some bytes la la la",
             b"some more arrive here",
             b"lots of bytes to play with",
             b"la la la",
             b"ta de da",
        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L))

    def testNewlineHandling(self):
        # Send various kinds of newlines and make sure they get translated
        # into \n.
        h = self.p.protocol

        L = [b"here is the first line\r\n",
             b"here is the second line\r\0",
             b"here is the third line\r\n",
             b"here is the last line\r\0"]

        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.data, L[0][:-2] + b'\n' +
                          L[1][:-2] + b'\r' +
                          L[2][:-2] + b'\n' +
                          L[3][:-2] + b'\r')

    def testIACEscape(self):
        # Send a bunch of bytes and a couple quoted \xFFs.  Unquoted,
        # \xFF is a telnet command.  Quoted, one of them from each pair
        # should be passed through to the application layer.
        h = self.p.protocol

        L = [b"here are some bytes\xff\xff with an embedded IAC",
             b"and here is a test of a border escape\xff",
             b"\xff did you get that IAC?"]

        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L).replace(b'\xff\xff', b'\xff'))

    def _simpleCommandTest(self, cmdName):
        # Send a single simple telnet command and make sure
        # it gets noticed and the appropriate method gets
        # called.
        h = self.p.protocol

        cmd = telnet.IAC + getattr(telnet, cmdName)
        L = [b"Here's some bytes, tra la la",
             b"But ono!" + cmd + b" an interrupt"]

        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.calls, [cmdName])
        self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L).replace(cmd, b''))

    def testInterrupt(self):

    def testNoOperation(self):

    def testDataMark(self):

    def testBreak(self):

    def testAbortOutput(self):

    def testAreYouThere(self):

    def testEraseCharacter(self):

    def testEraseLine(self):

    def testGoAhead(self):

    def testSubnegotiation(self):
        # Send a subnegotiation command and make sure it gets
        # parsed and that the correct method is called.
        h = self.p.protocol

        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.SB + b'\x12hello world' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SE
        L = [b"These are some bytes but soon" + cmd,
             b"there will be some more"]

        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L).replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, list(iterbytes(b"hello world")))

    def testSubnegotiationWithEmbeddedSE(self):
        # Send a subnegotiation command with an embedded SE.  Make sure
        # that SE gets passed to the correct method.
        h = self.p.protocol

        cmd = (telnet.IAC + telnet.SB +
               b'\x12' + telnet.SE +
               telnet.IAC + telnet.SE)

        L = [b"Some bytes are here" + cmd + b"and here",
             b"and here"]

        for b in L:

        self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L).replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, [telnet.SE])

    def testBoundarySubnegotiation(self):
        # Send a subnegotiation command.  Split it at every possible byte boundary
        # and make sure it always gets parsed and that it is passed to the correct
        # method.
        cmd = (telnet.IAC + telnet.SB +
               b'\x12' + telnet.SE + b'hello' +
               telnet.IAC + telnet.SE)

        for i in range(len(cmd)):
            h = self.p.protocol = TestProtocol()

            a, b = cmd[:i], cmd[i:]
            L = [b"first part" + a,
                 b + b"last part"]

            for data in L:

            self.assertEqual(h.data, b''.join(L).replace(cmd, b''))
            self.assertEqual(h.subcmd, [telnet.SE] + list(iterbytes(b'hello')))

    def _enabledHelper(self, o, eL=[], eR=[], dL=[], dR=[]):
        self.assertEqual(o.enabledLocal, eL)
        self.assertEqual(o.enabledRemote, eR)
        self.assertEqual(o.disabledLocal, dL)
        self.assertEqual(o.disabledRemote, dR)

    def testRefuseWill(self):
        # Try to enable an option.  The server should refuse to enable it.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x12'

        data = b"surrounding bytes" + cmd + b"to spice things up"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x12')

    def testRefuseDo(self):
        # Try to enable an option.  The server should refuse to enable it.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x12'

        data = b"surrounding bytes" + cmd + b"to spice things up"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x12')

    def testAcceptDo(self):
        # Try to enable an option.  The option is in our allowEnable
        # list, so we will allow it to be enabled.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x19'
        data = b'padding' + cmd + b'trailer'

        h = self.p.protocol
        h.localEnableable = (b'\x19',)

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x19')
        self._enabledHelper(h, eL=[b'\x19'])

    def testAcceptWill(self):
        # Same as testAcceptDo, but reversed.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x91'
        data = b'header' + cmd + b'padding'

        h = self.p.protocol
        h.remoteEnableable = (b'\x91',)

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x91')
        self._enabledHelper(h, eR=[b'\x91'])

    def testAcceptWont(self):
        # Try to disable an option.  The server must allow any option to
        # be disabled at any time.  Make sure it disables it and sends
        # back an acknowledgement of this.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x29'

        # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
        # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
        # via normal negotiation.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x29')
        s.him.state = 'yes'

        data = b"fiddle dee" + cmd

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x29')
        self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
        self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dR=[b'\x29'])

    def testAcceptDont(self):
        # Try to disable an option.  The server must allow any option to
        # be disabled at any time.  Make sure it disables it and sends
        # back an acknowledgement of this.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x29'

        # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
        # such that it believes the option to have beenp previously enabled
        # via normal negotiation.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x29')
        s.us.state = 'yes'

        data = b"fiddle dum " + cmd

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x29')
        self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')
        self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dL=[b'\x29'])

    def testIgnoreWont(self):
        # Try to disable an option.  The option is already disabled.  The
        # server should send nothing in response to this.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x47'

        data = b"dum de dum" + cmd + b"tra la la"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), b'')

    def testIgnoreDont(self):
        # Try to disable an option.  The option is already disabled.  The
        # server should send nothing in response to this.  Doing so could
        # lead to a negotiation loop.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x47'

        data = b"dum de dum" + cmd + b"tra la la"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), b'')

    def testIgnoreWill(self):
        # Try to enable an option.  The option is already enabled.  The
        # server should send nothing in response to this.  Doing so could
        # lead to a negotiation loop.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x56'

        # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
        # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
        # via normal negotiation.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x56')
        s.him.state = 'yes'

        data = b"tra la la" + cmd + b"dum de dum"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), b'')

    def testIgnoreDo(self):
        # Try to enable an option.  The option is already enabled.  The
        # server should send nothing in response to this.  Doing so could
        # lead to a negotiation loop.
        cmd = telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x56'

        # Jimmy it - after these two lines, the server will be in a state
        # such that it believes the option to have been previously enabled
        # via normal negotiation.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x56')
        s.us.state = 'yes'

        data = b"tra la la" + cmd + b"dum de dum"

        self.assertEqual(self.p.protocol.data, data.replace(cmd, b''))
        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), b'')

    def testAcceptedEnableRequest(self):
        # Try to enable an option through the user-level API.  This
        # returns a Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option
        # finishes.  Make sure it fires, make sure state gets updated
        # properly, make sure the result indicates the option was enabled.
        d = self.p.do(b'\x42')

        h = self.p.protocol
        h.remoteEnableable = (b'\x42',)

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x42')

        self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x42')

        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
        d.addCallback(lambda _:  self._enabledHelper(h, eR=[b'\x42']))
        return d

    def test_refusedEnableRequest(self):
        If the peer refuses to enable an option we request it to enable, the
        L{Deferred} returned by L{TelnetProtocol.do} fires with an
        L{OptionRefused} L{Failure}.
        # Try to enable an option through the user-level API.  This returns a
        # Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option finishes.  Make
        # sure it fires, make sure state gets updated properly, make sure the
        # result indicates the option was enabled.
        self.p.protocol.remoteEnableable = (b'\x42',)
        d = self.p.do(b'\x42')

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DO + b'\x42')

        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x42')
        self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
        self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')

        self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x42')

        d = self.assertFailure(d, telnet.OptionRefused)
        d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol))
            lambda ignored: self.assertFalse(s.him.negotiating))
        return d

    def test_refusedEnableOffer(self):
        If the peer refuses to allow us to enable an option, the L{Deferred}
        returned by L{TelnetProtocol.will} fires with an L{OptionRefused}
        # Try to offer an option through the user-level API.  This returns a
        # Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option finishes.  Make
        # sure it fires, make sure state gets updated properly, make sure the
        # result indicates the option was enabled.
        self.p.protocol.localEnableable = (b'\x42',)
        d = self.p.will(b'\x42')

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x42')

        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x42')
        self.assertEqual(s.him.state, 'no')
        self.assertEqual(s.us.state, 'no')

        self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x42')

        d = self.assertFailure(d, telnet.OptionRefused)
        d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol))
            lambda ignored: self.assertFalse(s.us.negotiating))
        return d

    def testAcceptedDisableRequest(self):
        # Try to disable an option through the user-level API.  This
        # returns a Deferred that fires when negotiation about the option
        # finishes.  Make sure it fires, make sure state gets updated
        # properly, make sure the result indicates the option was enabled.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x42')
        s.him.state = 'yes'

        d = self.p.dont(b'\x42')

        self.assertEqual(self.t.value(), telnet.IAC + telnet.DONT + b'\x42')

        self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x42')

        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol,
        return d

    def testNegotiationBlocksFurtherNegotiation(self):
        # Try to disable an option, then immediately try to enable it, then
        # immediately try to disable it.  Ensure that the 2nd and 3rd calls
        # fail quickly with the right exception.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\x24')
        s.him.state = 'yes'
        self.p.dont(b'\x24') # fires after the first line of _final

        def _do(x):
            d = self.p.do(b'\x24')
            return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyNegotiating)

        def _dont(x):
            d = self.p.dont(b'\x24')
            return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyNegotiating)

        def _final(x):
            self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WONT + b'\x24')
            # an assertion that only passes if d2 has fired
            self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol, dR=[b'\x24'])
            # Make sure we allow this
            self.p.protocol.remoteEnableable = (b'\x24',)
            d = self.p.do(b'\x24')
            self.p.dataReceived(telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x24')
            d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, True)
            d.addCallback(lambda _: self._enabledHelper(self.p.protocol,
            return d

        d = _do(None)
        return d

    def testSuperfluousDisableRequestRaises(self):
        # Try to disable a disabled option.  Make sure it fails properly.
        d = self.p.dont(b'\xab')
        return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyDisabled)

    def testSuperfluousEnableRequestRaises(self):
        # Try to disable a disabled option.  Make sure it fails properly.
        s = self.p.getOptionState(b'\xab')
        s.him.state = 'yes'
        d = self.p.do(b'\xab')
        return self.assertFailure(d, telnet.AlreadyEnabled)

    def testLostConnectionFailsDeferreds(self):
        d1 = self.p.do(b'\x12')
        d2 = self.p.do(b'\x23')
        d3 = self.p.do(b'\x34')

        class TestException(Exception):

        self.p.connectionLost(TestException("Total failure!"))

        d1 = self.assertFailure(d1, TestException)
        d2 = self.assertFailure(d2, TestException)
        d3 = self.assertFailure(d3, TestException)
        return defer.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])

class TestTelnet(telnet.Telnet):
    A trivial extension of the telnet protocol class useful to unit tests.
    def __init__(self):
        self.events = []

    def applicationDataReceived(self, data):
        Record the given data in C{self.events}.
        self.events.append(('bytes', data))

    def unhandledCommand(self, command, data):
        Record the given command in C{self.events}.
        self.events.append(('command', command, data))

    def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, data):
        Record the given subnegotiation command in C{self.events}.
        self.events.append(('negotiate', command, data))

class TelnetTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for L{telnet.Telnet}.

    L{telnet.Telnet} implements the TELNET protocol (RFC 854), including option
    and suboption negotiation, and option state tracking.
    def setUp(self):
        Create an unconnected L{telnet.Telnet} to be used by tests.
        self.protocol = TestTelnet()

    def test_enableLocal(self):
        L{telnet.Telnet.enableLocal} should reject all options, since
        L{telnet.Telnet} does not know how to implement any options.

    def test_enableRemote(self):
        L{telnet.Telnet.enableRemote} should reject all options, since
        L{telnet.Telnet} does not know how to implement any options.

    def test_disableLocal(self):
        It is an error for L{telnet.Telnet.disableLocal} to be called, since
        L{telnet.Telnet.enableLocal} will never allow any options to be enabled
        locally.  If a subclass overrides enableLocal, it must also override
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.protocol.disableLocal, b'\0')

    def test_disableRemote(self):
        It is an error for L{telnet.Telnet.disableRemote} to be called, since
        L{telnet.Telnet.enableRemote} will never allow any options to be
        enabled remotely.  If a subclass overrides enableRemote, it must also
        override disableRemote.
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.protocol.disableRemote, b'\0')

    def test_requestNegotiation(self):
        L{telnet.Telnet.requestNegotiation} formats the feature byte and the
        payload bytes into the subnegotiation format and sends them.

        See RFC 855.
        transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
        self.protocol.requestNegotiation(b'\x01', b'\x02\x03')
            # IAC SB feature bytes IAC SE

    def test_requestNegotiationEscapesIAC(self):
        If the payload for a subnegotiation includes I{IAC}, it is escaped by
        L{telnet.Telnet.requestNegotiation} with another I{IAC}.

        See RFC 855.
        transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
        self.protocol.requestNegotiation(b'\x01', b'\xff')

    def _deliver(self, data, *expected):
        Pass the given bytes to the protocol's C{dataReceived} method and
        assert that the given events occur.
        received = self.protocol.events = []
        self.assertEqual(received, list(expected))

    def test_oneApplicationDataByte(self):
        One application-data byte in the default state gets delivered right
        self._deliver(b'a', ('bytes', b'a'))

    def test_twoApplicationDataBytes(self):
        Two application-data bytes in the default state get delivered
        self._deliver(b'bc', ('bytes', b'bc'))

    def test_threeApplicationDataBytes(self):
        Three application-data bytes followed by a control byte get
        delivered, but the control byte doesn't.
        self._deliver(b'def' + telnet.IAC, ('bytes', b'def'))

    def test_escapedControl(self):
        IAC in the escaped state gets delivered and so does another
        application-data byte following it.
        self._deliver(telnet.IAC + b'g', ('bytes', telnet.IAC + b'g'))

    def test_carriageReturn(self):
        A carriage return only puts the protocol into the newline state.  A
        linefeed in the newline state causes just the newline to be
        delivered.  A nul in the newline state causes a carriage return to
        be delivered.  An IAC in the newline state causes a carriage return
        to be delivered and puts the protocol into the escaped state.
        Anything else causes a carriage return and that thing to be
        self._deliver(b'\n', ('bytes', b'\n'))
        self._deliver(b'\r\n', ('bytes', b'\n'))

        self._deliver(b'\0', ('bytes', b'\r'))
        self._deliver(b'\r\0', ('bytes', b'\r'))

        self._deliver(b'a', ('bytes', b'\ra'))
        self._deliver(b'\ra', ('bytes', b'\ra'))

            telnet.IAC + telnet.IAC + b'x', ('bytes', b'\r' + telnet.IAC + b'x'))

    def test_applicationDataBeforeSimpleCommand(self):
        Application bytes received before a command are delivered before the
        command is processed.
            b'x' + telnet.IAC + telnet.NOP,
            ('bytes', b'x'), ('command', telnet.NOP, None))

    def test_applicationDataBeforeCommand(self):
        Application bytes received before a WILL/WONT/DO/DONT are delivered
        before the command is processed.
        self.protocol.commandMap = {}
            b'y' + telnet.IAC + telnet.WILL + b'\x00',
            ('bytes', b'y'), ('command', telnet.WILL, b'\x00'))

    def test_applicationDataBeforeSubnegotiation(self):
        Application bytes received before a subnegotiation command are
        delivered before the negotiation is processed.
            b'z' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SB + b'Qx' + telnet.IAC + telnet.SE,
            ('bytes', b'z'), ('negotiate', b'Q', [b'x']))


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 14 B 0644
keydata.py File 17.06 KB 0644
loopback.py File 757 B 0644
test_address.py File 1.59 KB 0644
test_agent.py File 12.78 KB 0644
test_cftp.py File 49.7 KB 0644
test_channel.py File 11.82 KB 0644
test_checkers.py File 30.76 KB 0644
test_ckeygen.py File 19.8 KB 0644
test_conch.py File 24.55 KB 0644
test_connection.py File 27.49 KB 0644
test_default.py File 11.31 KB 0644
test_endpoints.py File 51.96 KB 0644
test_filetransfer.py File 26.65 KB 0644
test_forwarding.py File 2.16 KB 0644
test_helper.py File 20.01 KB 0644
test_insults.py File 32.79 KB 0644
test_keys.py File 53.57 KB 0644
test_knownhosts.py File 48.26 KB 0644
test_manhole.py File 12.52 KB 0644
test_manhole_tap.py File 4.14 KB 0644
test_mixin.py File 1.03 KB 0644
test_openssh_compat.py File 4.52 KB 0644
test_recvline.py File 24.81 KB 0644
test_scripts.py File 1.84 KB 0644
test_session.py File 38.54 KB 0644
test_ssh.py File 31.62 KB 0644
test_tap.py File 4.83 KB 0644
test_telnet.py File 25.9 KB 0644
test_text.py File 3.85 KB 0644
test_transport.py File 89.71 KB 0644
test_unix.py File 2.47 KB 0644
test_userauth.py File 31.84 KB 0644
test_window.py File 2.07 KB 0644