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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_endpoints -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Endpoint implementations of various SSH interactions.

__all__ = [
    'AuthenticationFailed', 'SSHCommandAddress', 'SSHCommandClientEndpoint']

from struct import unpack
from os.path import expanduser

from zope.interface import Interface, implementer

from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone, ProcessTerminated
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IStreamClientEndpoint
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed, CancelledError
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint, connectProtocol

from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key
from twisted.conch.ssh.common import NS
from twisted.conch.ssh.transport import SSHClientTransport
from twisted.conch.ssh.connection import SSHConnection
from twisted.conch.ssh.userauth import SSHUserAuthClient
from twisted.conch.ssh.channel import SSHChannel
from twisted.conch.client.knownhosts import ConsoleUI, KnownHostsFile
from twisted.conch.client.agent import SSHAgentClient
from twisted.conch.client.default import _KNOWN_HOSTS

class AuthenticationFailed(Exception):
    An SSH session could not be established because authentication was not

# This should be public.  See #6541.
class _ISSHConnectionCreator(Interface):
    An L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} knows how to create SSH connections somehow.
    def secureConnection():
        Return a new, connected, secured, but not yet authenticated instance of
        L{twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHServerTransport} or

    def cleanupConnection(connection, immediate):
        Perform cleanup necessary for a connection object previously returned
        from this creator's C{secureConnection} method.

        @param connection: An L{twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHServerTransport}
            or L{twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHClientTransport} returned by a
            previous call to C{secureConnection}.  It is no longer needed by the
            caller of that method and may be closed or otherwise cleaned up as

        @param immediate: If C{True} don't wait for any network communication,
            just close the connection immediately and as aggressively as

class SSHCommandAddress(object):
    An L{SSHCommandAddress} instance represents the address of an SSH server, a
    username which was used to authenticate with that server, and a command
    which was run there.

    @ivar server: See L{__init__}
    @ivar username: See L{__init__}
    @ivar command: See L{__init__}
    def __init__(self, server, username, command):
        @param server: The address of the SSH server on which the command is
        @type server: L{IAddress} provider

        @param username: An authentication username which was used to
            authenticate against the server at the given address.
        @type username: L{bytes}

        @param command: A command which was run in a session channel on the
            server at the given address.
        @type command: L{bytes}
        self.server = server
        self.username = username
        self.command = command

class _CommandChannel(SSHChannel):
    A L{_CommandChannel} executes a command in a session channel and connects
    its input and output to an L{IProtocol} provider.

    @ivar _creator: See L{__init__}
    @ivar _command: See L{__init__}
    @ivar _protocolFactory:  See L{__init__}
    @ivar _commandConnected:  See L{__init__}
    @ivar _protocol: An L{IProtocol} provider created using C{_protocolFactory}
        which is hooked up to the running command's input and output streams.
    name = b'session'

    def __init__(self, creator, command, protocolFactory, commandConnected):
        @param creator: The L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} provider which was used
            to get the connection which this channel exists on.
        @type creator: L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} provider

        @param command: The command to be executed.
        @type command: L{bytes}

        @param protocolFactory: A client factory to use to build a L{IProtocol}
            provider to use to associate with the running command.

        @param commandConnected: A L{Deferred} to use to signal that execution
            of the command has failed or that it has succeeded and the command
            is now running.
        @type commandConnected: L{Deferred}
        self._creator = creator
        self._command = command
        self._protocolFactory = protocolFactory
        self._commandConnected = commandConnected
        self._reason = None

    def openFailed(self, reason):
        When the request to open a new channel to run this command in fails,
        fire the C{commandConnected} deferred with a failure indicating that.

    def channelOpen(self, ignored):
        When the request to open a new channel to run this command in succeeds,
        issue an C{"exec"} request to run the command.
        command = self.conn.sendRequest(
            self, b'exec', NS(self._command), wantReply=True)
        command.addCallbacks(self._execSuccess, self._execFailure)

    def _execFailure(self, reason):
        When the request to execute the command in this channel fails, fire the
        C{commandConnected} deferred with a failure indicating this.

        @param reason: The cause of the command execution failure.
        @type reason: L{Failure}

    def _execSuccess(self, ignored):
        When the request to execute the command in this channel succeeds, use
        C{protocolFactory} to build a protocol to handle the command's input and
        output and connect the protocol to a transport representing those

        Also fire C{commandConnected} with the created protocol after it is
        connected to its transport.

        @param ignored: The (ignored) result of the execute request
        self._protocol = self._protocolFactory.buildProtocol(

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        When the command's stdout data arrives over the channel, deliver it to
        the protocol instance.

        @param data: The bytes from the command's stdout.
        @type data: L{bytes}

    def request_exit_status(self, data):
        When the server sends the command's exit status, record it for later
        delivery to the protocol.

        @param data: The network-order four byte representation of the exit
            status of the command.
        @type data: L{bytes}
        (status,) = unpack('>L', data)
        if status != 0:
            self._reason = ProcessTerminated(status, None, None)

    def request_exit_signal(self, data):
        When the server sends the command's exit status, record it for later
        delivery to the protocol.

        @param data: The network-order four byte representation of the exit
            signal of the command.
        @type data: L{bytes}
        (signal,) = unpack('>L', data)
        self._reason = ProcessTerminated(None, signal, None)

    def closed(self):
        When the channel closes, deliver disconnection notification to the
        self._creator.cleanupConnection(self.conn, False)
        if self._reason is None:
            reason = ConnectionDone("ssh channel closed")
            reason = self._reason

class _ConnectionReady(SSHConnection):
    L{_ConnectionReady} is an L{SSHConnection} (an SSH service) which only
    propagates the I{serviceStarted} event to a L{Deferred} to be handled
    def __init__(self, ready):
        @param ready: A L{Deferred} which should be fired when
            I{serviceStarted} happens.
        self._ready = ready

    def serviceStarted(self):
        When the SSH I{connection} I{service} this object represents is ready to
        be used, fire the C{connectionReady} L{Deferred} to publish that event
        to some other interested party.

        del self._ready

class _UserAuth(SSHUserAuthClient):
    L{_UserAuth} implements the client part of SSH user authentication in the
    convenient way a user might expect if they are familiar with the
    interactive I{ssh} command line client.

    L{_UserAuth} supports key-based authentication, password-based
    authentication, and delegating authentication to an agent.
    password = None
    keys = None
    agent = None

    def getPublicKey(self):
        Retrieve the next public key object to offer to the server, possibly
        delegating to an authentication agent if there is one.

        @return: The public part of a key pair that could be used to
            authenticate with the server, or L{None} if there are no more public
            keys to try.
        @rtype: L{twisted.conch.ssh.keys.Key} or L{None}
        if self.agent is not None:
            return self.agent.getPublicKey()

        if self.keys:
            self.key = self.keys.pop(0)
            self.key = None
        return self.key.public()

    def signData(self, publicKey, signData):
        Extend the base signing behavior by using an SSH agent to sign the
        data, if one is available.

        @type publicKey: L{Key}
        @type signData: L{str}
        if self.agent is not None:
            return self.agent.signData(publicKey.blob(), signData)
            return SSHUserAuthClient.signData(self, publicKey, signData)

    def getPrivateKey(self):
        Get the private part of a key pair to use for authentication.  The key
        corresponds to the public part most recently returned from

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the private key.
        @rtype: L{Deferred}
        return succeed(self.key)

    def getPassword(self):
        Get the password to use for authentication.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the password, or L{None} if the
            password was not specified.
        if self.password is None:
        return succeed(self.password)

    def ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet):
        Handle user authentication success in the normal way, but also make a
        note of the state change on the L{_CommandTransport}.
        self.transport._state = b'CHANNELLING'
        return SSHUserAuthClient.ssh_USERAUTH_SUCCESS(self, packet)

    def connectToAgent(self, endpoint):
        Set up a connection to the authentication agent and trigger its

        @param endpoint: An endpoint which can be used to connect to the
            authentication agent.
        @type endpoint: L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the agent connection is ready
            for use.
        factory = Factory()
        factory.protocol = SSHAgentClient
        d = endpoint.connect(factory)
        def connected(agent):
            self.agent = agent
            return agent.getPublicKeys()
        return d

    def loseAgentConnection(self):
        Disconnect the agent.
        if self.agent is None:

class _CommandTransport(SSHClientTransport):
    L{_CommandTransport} is an SSH client I{transport} which includes a host key
    verification step before it will proceed to secure the connection.

    L{_CommandTransport} also knows how to set up a connection to an
    authentication agent if it is told where it can connect to one.

    @ivar _userauth: The L{_UserAuth} instance which is in charge of the
        overall authentication process or L{None} if the SSH connection has not
        reach yet the C{user-auth} service.
    @type _userauth: L{_UserAuth}
    _state = b'STARTING'

    _hostKeyFailure = None

    _userauth = None

    def __init__(self, creator):
        @param creator: The L{_NewConnectionHelper} that created this

        @type creator: L{_NewConnectionHelper}.
        self.connectionReady = Deferred(
            lambda d: self.transport.abortConnection())
        # Clear the reference to that deferred to help the garbage collector
        # and to signal to other parts of this implementation (in particular
        # connectionLost) that it has already been fired and does not need to
        # be fired again.
        def readyFired(result):
            self.connectionReady = None
            return result
        self.creator = creator

    def verifyHostKey(self, hostKey, fingerprint):
        Ask the L{KnownHostsFile} provider available on the factory which
        created this protocol this protocol to verify the given host key.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the result of
        hostname = self.creator.hostname
        ip = networkString(self.transport.getPeer().host)

        self._state = b'SECURING'
        d = self.creator.knownHosts.verifyHostKey(
            self.creator.ui, hostname, ip, Key.fromString(hostKey))
        return d

    def _saveHostKeyFailure(self, reason):
        When host key verification fails, record the reason for the failure in
        order to fire a L{Deferred} with it later.

        @param reason: The cause of the host key verification failure.
        @type reason: L{Failure}

        @return: C{reason}
        @rtype: L{Failure}
        self._hostKeyFailure = reason
        return reason

    def connectionSecure(self):
        When the connection is secure, start the authentication process.
        self._state = b'AUTHENTICATING'

        command = _ConnectionReady(self.connectionReady)

        self._userauth = _UserAuth(self.creator.username, command)
        self._userauth.password = self.creator.password
        if self.creator.keys:
            self._userauth.keys = list(self.creator.keys)

        if self.creator.agentEndpoint is not None:
            d = self._userauth.connectToAgent(self.creator.agentEndpoint)
            d = succeed(None)

        def maybeGotAgent(ignored):

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        When the underlying connection to the SSH server is lost, if there were
        any connection setup errors, propagate them. Also, clean up the
        connection to the ssh agent if one was created.
        if self._userauth:

        if self._state == b'RUNNING' or self.connectionReady is None:
        if self._state == b'SECURING' and self._hostKeyFailure is not None:
            reason = self._hostKeyFailure
        elif self._state == b'AUTHENTICATING':
            reason = Failure(
                AuthenticationFailed("Connection lost while authenticating"))

class SSHCommandClientEndpoint(object):
    L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} exposes the command-executing functionality of
    SSH servers.

    L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint} can set up a new SSH connection, authenticate
    it in any one of a number of different ways (keys, passwords, agents),
    launch a command over that connection and then associate its input and
    output with a protocol.

    It can also re-use an existing, already-authenticated SSH connection
    (perhaps one which already has some SSH channels being used for other
    purposes).  In this case it creates a new SSH channel to use to execute the
    command.  Notably this means it supports multiplexing several different
    command invocations over a single SSH connection.

    def __init__(self, creator, command):
        @param creator: An L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} provider which will be
            used to set up the SSH connection which will be used to run a
        @type creator: L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} provider

        @param command: The command line to execute on the SSH server.  This
            byte string is interpreted by a shell on the SSH server, so it may
            have a value like C{"ls /"}.  Take care when trying to run a command
            like C{"/Volumes/My Stuff/a-program"} - spaces (and other special
            bytes) may require escaping.
        @type command: L{bytes}

        self._creator = creator
        self._command = command

    def newConnection(cls, reactor, command, username, hostname, port=None,
                      keys=None, password=None, agentEndpoint=None,
                      knownHosts=None, ui=None):
        Create and return a new endpoint which will try to create a new
        connection to an SSH server and run a command over it.  It will also
        close the connection if there are problems leading up to the command
        being executed, after the command finishes, or if the connection
        L{Deferred} is cancelled.

        @param reactor: The reactor to use to establish the connection.
        @type reactor: L{IReactorTCP} provider

        @param command: See L{__init__}'s C{command} argument.

        @param username: The username with which to authenticate to the SSH
        @type username: L{bytes}

        @param hostname: The hostname of the SSH server.
        @type hostname: L{bytes}

        @param port: The port number of the SSH server.  By default, the
            standard SSH port number is used.
        @type port: L{int}

        @param keys: Private keys with which to authenticate to the SSH server,
            if key authentication is to be attempted (otherwise L{None}).
        @type keys: L{list} of L{Key}

        @param password: The password with which to authenticate to the SSH
            server, if password authentication is to be attempted (otherwise
        @type password: L{bytes} or L{None}

        @param agentEndpoint: An L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider which may be
            used to connect to an SSH agent, if one is to be used to help with
        @type agentEndpoint: L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider

        @param knownHosts: The currently known host keys, used to check the
            host key presented by the server we actually connect to.
        @type knownHosts: L{KnownHostsFile}

        @param ui: An object for interacting with users to make decisions about
            whether to accept the server host keys.  If L{None}, a L{ConsoleUI}
            connected to /dev/tty will be used; if /dev/tty is unavailable, an
            object which answers C{b"no"} to all prompts will be used.
        @type ui: L{None} or L{ConsoleUI}

        @return: A new instance of C{cls} (probably
        helper = _NewConnectionHelper(
            reactor, hostname, port, command, username, keys, password,
            agentEndpoint, knownHosts, ui)
        return cls(helper, command)

    def existingConnection(cls, connection, command):
        Create and return a new endpoint which will try to open a new channel on
        an existing SSH connection and run a command over it.  It will B{not}
        close the connection if there is a problem executing the command or
        after the command finishes.

        @param connection: An existing connection to an SSH server.
        @type connection: L{SSHConnection}

        @param command: See L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection}'s
            C{command} parameter.
        @type command: L{bytes}

        @return: A new instance of C{cls} (probably
        helper = _ExistingConnectionHelper(connection)
        return cls(helper, command)

    def connect(self, protocolFactory):
        Set up an SSH connection, use a channel from that connection to launch
        a command, and hook the stdin and stdout of that command up as a
        transport for a protocol created by the given factory.

        @param protocolFactory: A L{Factory} to use to create the protocol
            which will be connected to the stdin and stdout of the command on
            the SSH server.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with an error if the connection
            cannot be set up for any reason or with the protocol instance
            created by C{protocolFactory} once it has been connected to the
        d = self._creator.secureConnection()
        d.addCallback(self._executeCommand, protocolFactory)
        return d

    def _executeCommand(self, connection, protocolFactory):
        Given a secured SSH connection, try to execute a command in a new
        channel created on it and associate the result with a protocol from the
        given factory.

        @param connection: See L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection}'s
            C{connection} parameter.

        @param protocolFactory: See L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect}'s
            C{protocolFactory} parameter.

        @return: See L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.connect}'s return value.
        commandConnected = Deferred()
        def disconnectOnFailure(passthrough):
            # Close the connection immediately in case of cancellation, since
            # that implies user wants it gone immediately (e.g. a timeout):
            immediate =  passthrough.check(CancelledError)
            self._creator.cleanupConnection(connection, immediate)
            return passthrough

        channel = _CommandChannel(
            self._creator, self._command, protocolFactory, commandConnected)
        return commandConnected

class _ReadFile(object):
    A weakly file-like object which can be used with L{KnownHostsFile} to
    respond in the negative to all prompts for decisions.
    def __init__(self, contents):
        @param contents: L{bytes} which will be returned from every C{readline}
        self._contents = contents

    def write(self, data):

        @param data: ignored

    def readline(self, count=-1):
        Always give back the byte string that this L{_ReadFile} was initialized

        @param count: ignored

        @return: A fixed byte-string.
        @rtype: L{bytes}
        return self._contents

    def close(self):

class _NewConnectionHelper(object):
    L{_NewConnectionHelper} implements L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} by
    establishing a brand new SSH connection, securing it, and authenticating.
    port = 22

    def __init__(self, reactor, hostname, port, command, username, keys,
                 password, agentEndpoint, knownHosts, ui,
        @param tty: The path of the tty device to use in case C{ui} is L{None}.
        @type tty: L{FilePath}

        @see: L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection}
        self.reactor = reactor
        self.hostname = hostname
        if port is not None:
            self.port = port
        self.command = command
        self.username = username
        self.keys = keys
        self.password = password
        self.agentEndpoint = agentEndpoint
        if knownHosts is None:
            knownHosts = self._knownHosts()
        self.knownHosts = knownHosts

        if ui is None:
            ui = ConsoleUI(self._opener)
        self.ui = ui
        self.tty = tty

    def _opener(self):
        Open the tty if possible, otherwise give back a file-like object from
        which C{b"no"} can be read.

        For use as the opener argument to L{ConsoleUI}.
            return self.tty.open("rb+")
            # Give back a file-like object from which can be read a byte string
            # that KnownHostsFile recognizes as rejecting some option (b"no").
            return _ReadFile(b"no")

    def _knownHosts(cls):

        @return: A L{KnownHostsFile} instance pointed at the user's personal
            I{known hosts} file.
        @type: L{KnownHostsFile}
        return KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(expanduser(cls._KNOWN_HOSTS)))

    def secureConnection(self):
        Create and return a new SSH connection which has been secured and on
        which authentication has already happened.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with the ready-to-use connection or
            with a failure if something prevents the connection from being
            setup, secured, or authenticated.
        protocol = _CommandTransport(self)
        ready = protocol.connectionReady

        sshClient = TCP4ClientEndpoint(
            self.reactor, nativeString(self.hostname), self.port)

        d = connectProtocol(sshClient, protocol)
        d.addCallback(lambda ignored: ready)
        return d

    def cleanupConnection(self, connection, immediate):
        Clean up the connection by closing it.  The command running on the
        endpoint has ended so the connection is no longer needed.

        @param connection: The L{SSHConnection} to close.
        @type connection: L{SSHConnection}

        @param immediate: Whether to close connection immediately.
        @type immediate: L{bool}.
        if immediate:
            # We're assuming the underlying connection is an ITCPTransport,
            # which is what the current implementation is restricted to:

class _ExistingConnectionHelper(object):
    L{_ExistingConnectionHelper} implements L{_ISSHConnectionCreator} by
    handing out an existing SSH connection which is supplied to its

    def __init__(self, connection):
        @param connection: See L{SSHCommandClientEndpoint.existingConnection}'s
            C{connection} parameter.
        self.connection = connection

    def secureConnection(self):

        @return: A L{Deferred} that fires synchronously with the
            already-established connection object.
        return succeed(self.connection)

    def cleanupConnection(self, connection, immediate):
        Do not do any cleanup on the connection.  Leave that responsibility to
        whatever code created it in the first place.

        @param connection: The L{SSHConnection} which will not be modified in
            any way.
        @type connection: L{SSHConnection}

        @param immediate: An argument which will be ignored.
        @type immediate: L{bool}.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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client Folder 0755
insults Folder 0755
openssh_compat Folder 0755
scripts Folder 0755
ssh Folder 0755
test Folder 0755
ui Folder 0755
__init__.py File 515 B 0644
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manhole_ssh.py File 3.9 KB 0644
manhole_tap.py File 5.24 KB 0644
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telnet.py File 37.64 KB 0644
ttymodes.py File 2.19 KB 0644
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