# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Test cases for L{twisted.logger._file}.
from io import StringIO
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject, BrokenMethodImplementation
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.python.compat import unicode
from .._observer import ILogObserver
from .._file import FileLogObserver
from .._file import textFileLogObserver
class FileLogObserverTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{FileLogObserver}.
def test_interface(self):
L{FileLogObserver} is an L{ILogObserver}.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = FileLogObserver(fileHandle, lambda e: unicode(e))
verifyObject(ILogObserver, observer)
except BrokenMethodImplementation as e:
def test_observeWrites(self):
L{FileLogObserver} writes to the given file when it observes events.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = FileLogObserver(fileHandle, lambda e: unicode(e))
event = dict(x=1)
self.assertEqual(fileHandle.getvalue(), unicode(event))
def _test_observeWrites(self, what, count):
Verify that observer performs an expected number of writes when the
formatter returns a given value.
@param what: the value for the formatter to return.
@type what: L{unicode}
@param count: the expected number of writes.
@type count: L{int}
with DummyFile() as fileHandle:
observer = FileLogObserver(fileHandle, lambda e: what)
event = dict(x=1)
self.assertEqual(fileHandle.writes, count)
def test_observeWritesNone(self):
L{FileLogObserver} does not write to the given file when it observes
events and C{formatEvent} returns L{None}.
self._test_observeWrites(None, 0)
def test_observeWritesEmpty(self):
L{FileLogObserver} does not write to the given file when it observes
events and C{formatEvent} returns C{u""}.
self._test_observeWrites(u"", 0)
def test_observeFlushes(self):
L{FileLogObserver} calles C{flush()} on the output file when it
observes an event.
with DummyFile() as fileHandle:
observer = FileLogObserver(fileHandle, lambda e: unicode(e))
event = dict(x=1)
self.assertEqual(fileHandle.flushes, 1)
class TextFileLogObserverTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{textFileLogObserver}.
def test_returnsFileLogObserver(self):
L{textFileLogObserver} returns a L{FileLogObserver}.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = textFileLogObserver(fileHandle)
self.assertIsInstance(observer, FileLogObserver)
def test_outFile(self):
Returned L{FileLogObserver} has the correct outFile.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = textFileLogObserver(fileHandle)
self.assertIs(observer._outFile, fileHandle)
def test_timeFormat(self):
Returned L{FileLogObserver} has the correct outFile.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = textFileLogObserver(fileHandle, timeFormat=u"%f")
observer(dict(log_format=u"XYZZY", log_time=112345.6))
self.assertEqual(fileHandle.getvalue(), u"600000 [-#-] XYZZY\n")
def test_observeFailure(self):
If the C{"log_failure"} key exists in an event, the observer appends
the failure's traceback to the output.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = textFileLogObserver(fileHandle)
1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
failure = Failure()
event = dict(log_failure=failure)
output = fileHandle.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(output.split("\n")[1].startswith("\tTraceback "),
def test_observeFailureThatRaisesInGetTraceback(self):
If the C{"log_failure"} key exists in an event, and contains an object
that raises when you call its C{getTraceback()}, then the observer
appends a message noting the problem, instead of raising.
with StringIO() as fileHandle:
observer = textFileLogObserver(fileHandle)
event = dict(log_failure=object()) # object has no getTraceback()
output = fileHandle.getvalue()
expected = (
self.assertIn(expected, output)
class DummyFile(object):
File that counts writes and flushes.
def __init__(self):
self.writes = 0
self.flushes = 0
def write(self, data):
Write data.
@param data: data
@type data: L{unicode} or L{bytes}
self.writes += 1
def flush(self):
Flush buffers.
self.flushes += 1
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):