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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.logger.test.test_format -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tools for formatting logging events.

from datetime import datetime as DateTime

from twisted.python.compat import unicode
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.python.reflect import safe_repr
from twisted.python._tzhelper import FixedOffsetTimeZone

from ._flatten import flatFormat, aFormatter

timeFormatRFC3339 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"

def formatEvent(event):
    Formats an event as a L{unicode}, using the format in

    This implementation should never raise an exception; if the formatting
    cannot be done, the returned string will describe the event generically so
    that a useful message is emitted regardless.

    @param event: A logging event.
    @type event: L{dict}

    @return: A formatted string.
    @rtype: L{unicode}
        if "log_flattened" in event:
            return flatFormat(event)

        format = event.get("log_format", None)
        if format is None:
            return u""

        # Make sure format is unicode.
        if isinstance(format, bytes):
            # If we get bytes, assume it's UTF-8 bytes
            format = format.decode("utf-8")
        elif not isinstance(format, unicode):
            raise TypeError(
                "Log format must be unicode or bytes, not {0!r}".format(format)

        return formatWithCall(format, event)

    except Exception as e:
        return formatUnformattableEvent(event, e)

def formatUnformattableEvent(event, error):
    Formats an event as a L{unicode} that describes the event generically and a
    formatting error.

    @param event: A logging event.
    @type event: L{dict}

    @param error: The formatting error.
    @type error: L{Exception}

    @return: A formatted string.
    @rtype: L{unicode}
        return (
            u"Unable to format event {event!r}: {error}"
            .format(event=event, error=error)
    except BaseException:
        # Yikes, something really nasty happened.
        # Try to recover as much formattable data as possible; hopefully at
        # least the namespace is sane, which will help you find the offending
        # logger.
        failure = Failure()

        text = u", ".join(
            u" = ".join((safe_repr(key), safe_repr(value)))
            for key, value in event.items()

        return (
            u"MESSAGE LOST: unformattable object logged: {error}\n"
            u"Recoverable data: {text}\n"
            u"Exception during formatting:\n{failure}"
            .format(error=safe_repr(error), failure=failure, text=text)

def formatTime(when, timeFormat=timeFormatRFC3339, default=u"-"):
    Format a timestamp as text.


        >>> from time import time
        >>> from twisted.logger import formatTime
        >>> t = time()
        >>> formatTime(t)
        >>> formatTime(t, timeFormat="%Y/%W")  # Year and week number

    @param when: A timestamp.
    @type then: L{float}

    @param timeFormat: A time format.
    @type timeFormat: L{unicode} or L{None}

    @param default: Text to return if C{when} or C{timeFormat} is L{None}.
    @type default: L{unicode}

    @return: A formatted time.
    @rtype: L{unicode}
    if (timeFormat is None or when is None):
        return default
        tz = FixedOffsetTimeZone.fromLocalTimeStamp(when)
        datetime = DateTime.fromtimestamp(when, tz)
        return unicode(datetime.strftime(timeFormat))

def formatEventAsClassicLogText(event, formatTime=formatTime):
    Format an event as a line of human-readable text for, e.g. traditional log
    file output.

    The output format is C{u"{timeStamp} [{system}] {event}\\n"}, where:

        - C{timeStamp} is computed by calling the given C{formatTime} callable
          on the event's C{"log_time"} value

        - C{system} is the event's C{"log_system"} value, if set, otherwise,
          the C{"log_namespace"} and C{"log_level"}, joined by a C{u"#"}.  Each
          defaults to C{u"-"} is not set.

        - C{event} is the event, as formatted by L{formatEvent}.


        >>> from __future__ import print_function
        >>> from time import time
        >>> from twisted.logger import formatEventAsClassicLogText
        >>> from twisted.logger import LogLevel
        >>> formatEventAsClassicLogText(dict())  # No format, returns None
        >>> formatEventAsClassicLogText(dict(log_format=u"Hello!"))
        u'- [-#-] Hello!\\n'
        >>> formatEventAsClassicLogText(dict(
        ...     log_format=u"Hello!",
        ...     log_time=time(),
        ...     log_namespace="my_namespace",
        ...     log_level=LogLevel.info,
        ... ))
        u'2013-10-22T17:30:02-0700 [my_namespace#info] Hello!\\n'
        >>> formatEventAsClassicLogText(dict(
        ...     log_format=u"Hello!",
        ...     log_time=time(),
        ...     log_system="my_system",
        ... ))
        u'2013-11-11T17:22:06-0800 [my_system] Hello!\\n'

    @param event: an event.
    @type event: L{dict}

    @param formatTime: A time formatter
    @type formatTime: L{callable} that takes an C{event} argument and returns
        a L{unicode}

    @return: A formatted event, or L{None} if no output is appropriate.
    @rtype: L{unicode} or L{None}
    eventText = formatEvent(event)

    if "log_failure" in event:
            traceback = event["log_failure"].getTraceback()
            traceback = u"(UNABLE TO OBTAIN TRACEBACK FROM EVENT)\n"
        eventText = u"\n".join((eventText, traceback))

    if not eventText:
        return None

    eventText = eventText.replace(u"\n", u"\n\t")
    timeStamp = formatTime(event.get("log_time", None))

    system = event.get("log_system", None)

    if system is None:
        level = event.get("log_level", None)
        if level is None:
            levelName = u"-"
            levelName = level.name

        system = u"{namespace}#{level}".format(
            namespace=event.get("log_namespace", u"-"),
            system = unicode(system)
        except Exception:
            system = u"UNFORMATTABLE"

    return u"{timeStamp} [{system}] {event}\n".format(

class CallMapping(object):
    Read-only mapping that turns a C{()}-suffix in key names into an invocation
    of the key rather than a lookup of the key.

    Implementation support for L{formatWithCall}.
    def __init__(self, submapping):
        @param submapping: Another read-only mapping which will be used to look
            up items.
        self._submapping = submapping

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Look up an item in the submapping for this L{CallMapping}, calling it
        if C{key} ends with C{"()"}.
        callit = key.endswith(u"()")
        realKey = key[:-2] if callit else key
        value = self._submapping[realKey]
        if callit:
            value = value()
        return value

def formatWithCall(formatString, mapping):
    Format a string like L{unicode.format}, but:

        - taking only a name mapping; no positional arguments

        - with the additional syntax that an empty set of parentheses
          correspond to a formatting item that should be called, and its result
          C{str}'d, rather than calling C{str} on the element directly as

    For example::

        >>> formatWithCall("{string}, {function()}.",
        ...                dict(string="just a string",
        ...                     function=lambda: "a function"))
        'just a string, a function.'

    @param formatString: A PEP-3101 format string.
    @type formatString: L{unicode}

    @param mapping: A L{dict}-like object to format.

    @return: The string with formatted values interpolated.
    @rtype: L{unicode}
    return unicode(
        aFormatter.vformat(formatString, (), CallMapping(mapping))


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
test Folder 0755
__init__.py File 3.13 KB 0644
_buffer.py File 1.45 KB 0644
_file.py File 2.43 KB 0644
_filter.py File 6.83 KB 0644
_flatten.py File 4.97 KB 0644
_format.py File 8.22 KB 0644
_global.py File 8.43 KB 0644
_io.py File 4.35 KB 0644
_json.py File 9.83 KB 0644
_legacy.py File 5.11 KB 0644
_levels.py File 3.68 KB 0644
_logger.py File 9.03 KB 0644
_observer.py File 4.87 KB 0644
_stdlib.py File 4.3 KB 0644
_util.py File 1.3 KB 0644