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botdev@ ~ $
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_strcred -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Cred plugin for an in-memory user database.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from zope.interface import implementer

from twisted import plugin
from twisted.cred.strcred import ICheckerFactory
from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse
from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword, IUsernameHashedPassword

inMemoryCheckerFactoryHelp = """
A checker that uses an in-memory user database.

This is only of use in one-off test programs or examples which
don't want to focus too much on how credentials are verified. You
really don't want to use this for anything else. It is a toy.

@implementer(ICheckerFactory, plugin.IPlugin)
class InMemoryCheckerFactory(object):
    A factory for in-memory credentials checkers.

    This is only of use in one-off test programs or examples which don't
    want to focus too much on how credentials are verified.

    You really don't want to use this for anything else.  It is, at best, a
    toy.  If you need a simple credentials checker for a real application,
    see L{cred_file.FileCheckerFactory}.
    authType = 'memory'
    authHelp = inMemoryCheckerFactoryHelp
    argStringFormat = 'A colon-separated list (name:password:...)'
    credentialInterfaces = (IUsernamePassword,

    def generateChecker(self, argstring):
        This checker factory expects to get a list of
        username:password pairs, with each pair also separated by a
        colon. For example, the string 'alice:f:bob:g' would generate
        two users, one named 'alice' and one named 'bob'.
        checker = InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
        if argstring:
            pieces = argstring.split(':')
            if len(pieces) % 2:
                from twisted.cred.strcred import InvalidAuthArgumentString
                raise InvalidAuthArgumentString(
                    "argstring must be in format U:P:...")
            for i in range(0, len(pieces), 2):
                username, password = pieces[i], pieces[i+1]
                checker.addUser(username, password)
        return checker

theInMemoryCheckerFactory = InMemoryCheckerFactory()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 590 B 0644
cred_anonymous.py File 1017 B 0644
cred_file.py File 1.83 KB 0644
cred_memory.py File 2.33 KB 0644
cred_sshkeys.py File 1.46 KB 0644
cred_unix.py File 3.75 KB 0644
dropin.cache File 6.05 KB 0755
twisted_conch.py File 519 B 0644
twisted_core.py File 589 B 0644
twisted_ftp.py File 229 B 0644
twisted_inet.py File 260 B 0644
twisted_names.py File 247 B 0644
twisted_portforward.py File 275 B 0644
twisted_reactors.py File 1.84 KB 0644
twisted_runner.py File 278 B 0644
twisted_socks.py File 247 B 0644
twisted_trial.py File 2.04 KB 0644
twisted_web.py File 312 B 0644
twisted_words.py File 1 KB 0644