# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for L{twisted.protocols.haproxy._parser}.
from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase as TestCase
from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
from twisted.internet.endpoints import (
_WrapperServerEndpoint, TCP4ServerEndpoint, TCP6ServerEndpoint,
UNIXServerEndpoint, serverFromString, _parse as parseEndpoint
from .._wrapper import HAProxyWrappingFactory
from .._parser import unparseEndpoint
class UnparseEndpointTests(TestCase):
Tests to ensure that un-parsing an endpoint string round trips through
escaping properly.
def check(self, input):
Check that the input unparses into the output, raising an assertion
error if it doesn't.
@param input: an input in endpoint-string-description format. (To
ensure determinism, keyword arguments should be in alphabetical
@type input: native L{str}
self.assertEqual(unparseEndpoint(*parseEndpoint(input)), input)
def test_basicUnparse(self):
An individual word.
def test_multipleArguments(self):
Multiple arguments.
def test_keywords(self):
Keyword arguments.
def test_colonInArgument(self):
Escaped ":".
def test_colonInKeywordValue(self):
Escaped ":" in keyword value.
def test_colonInKeywordName(self):
Escaped ":" in keyword name.
class HAProxyServerParserTests(TestCase):
Tests that the parser generates the correct endpoints.
def onePrefix(self, description, expectedClass):
Test the C{haproxy} enpdoint prefix against one sub-endpoint type.
@param description: A string endpoint description beginning with
@type description: native L{str}
@param expectedClass: the expected sub-endpoint class given the
@type expectedClass: L{type}
@return: the parsed endpoint
@rtype: L{IStreamServerEndpoint}
@raise twisted.trial.unittest.Failtest: if the parsed endpoint doesn't
match expectations.
reactor = MemoryReactor()
endpoint = serverFromString(reactor, description)
self.assertIsInstance(endpoint, _WrapperServerEndpoint)
self.assertIsInstance(endpoint._wrappedEndpoint, expectedClass)
self.assertIs(endpoint._wrapperFactory, HAProxyWrappingFactory)
return endpoint
def test_tcp4(self):
Test if the parser generates a wrapped TCP4 endpoint.
self.onePrefix('haproxy:tcp:8080', TCP4ServerEndpoint)
def test_tcp6(self):
Test if the parser generates a wrapped TCP6 endpoint.
self.onePrefix('haproxy:tcp6:8080', TCP6ServerEndpoint)
def test_unix(self):
Test if the parser generates a wrapped UNIX endpoint.
self.onePrefix('haproxy:unix:address=/tmp/socket', UNIXServerEndpoint)