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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_htb -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Hierarchical Token Bucket traffic shaping.

Patterned after U{Martin Devera's Hierarchical Token Bucket traffic
shaper for the Linux kernel<http://luxik.cdi.cz/~devik/qos/htb/>}.

@seealso: U{HTB Linux queuing discipline manual - user guide
@seealso: U{Token Bucket Filter in Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control

# TODO: Investigate whether we should be using os.times()[-1] instead of
# time.time.  time.time, it has been pointed out, can go backwards.  Is
# the same true of os.times?
from time import time
from zope.interface import implementer, Interface

from twisted.protocols import pcp

class Bucket:
    Implementation of a Token bucket.

    A bucket can hold a certain number of tokens and it drains over time.

    @cvar maxburst: The maximum number of tokens that the bucket can
        hold at any given time. If this is L{None}, the bucket has
        an infinite size.
    @type maxburst: C{int}
    @cvar rate: The rate at which the bucket drains, in number
        of tokens per second. If the rate is L{None}, the bucket
        drains instantaneously.
    @type rate: C{int}

    maxburst = None
    rate = None

    _refcount = 0

    def __init__(self, parentBucket=None):
        Create a L{Bucket} that may have a parent L{Bucket}.

        @param parentBucket: If a parent Bucket is specified,
            all L{add} and L{drip} operations on this L{Bucket}
            will be applied on the parent L{Bucket} as well.
        @type parentBucket: L{Bucket}
        self.content = 0
        self.parentBucket = parentBucket
        self.lastDrip = time()

    def add(self, amount):
        Adds tokens to the L{Bucket} and its C{parentBucket}.

        This will add as many of the C{amount} tokens as will fit into both
        this L{Bucket} and its C{parentBucket}.

        @param amount: The number of tokens to try to add.
        @type amount: C{int}

        @returns: The number of tokens that actually fit.
        @returntype: C{int}
        if self.maxburst is None:
            allowable = amount
            allowable = min(amount, self.maxburst - self.content)

        if self.parentBucket is not None:
            allowable = self.parentBucket.add(allowable)
        self.content += allowable
        return allowable

    def drip(self):
        Let some of the bucket drain.

        The L{Bucket} drains at the rate specified by the class
        variable C{rate}.

        @returns: C{True} if the bucket is empty after this drip.
        @returntype: C{bool}
        if self.parentBucket is not None:

        if self.rate is None:
            self.content = 0
            now = time()
            deltaTime = now - self.lastDrip
            deltaTokens = deltaTime * self.rate
            self.content = max(0, self.content - deltaTokens)
            self.lastDrip = now
        return self.content == 0

class IBucketFilter(Interface):
    def getBucketFor(*somethings, **some_kw):
        Return a L{Bucket} corresponding to the provided parameters.

        @returntype: L{Bucket}

class HierarchicalBucketFilter:
    Filter things into buckets that can be nested.

    @cvar bucketFactory: Class of buckets to make.
    @type bucketFactory: L{Bucket}
    @cvar sweepInterval: Seconds between sweeping out the bucket cache.
    @type sweepInterval: C{int}
    bucketFactory = Bucket
    sweepInterval = None

    def __init__(self, parentFilter=None):
        self.buckets = {}
        self.parentFilter = parentFilter
        self.lastSweep = time()

    def getBucketFor(self, *a, **kw):
        Find or create a L{Bucket} corresponding to the provided parameters.

        Any parameters are passed on to L{getBucketKey}, from them it
        decides which bucket you get.

        @returntype: L{Bucket}
        if ((self.sweepInterval is not None)
            and ((time() - self.lastSweep) > self.sweepInterval)):

        if self.parentFilter:
            parentBucket = self.parentFilter.getBucketFor(self, *a, **kw)
            parentBucket = None

        key = self.getBucketKey(*a, **kw)
        bucket = self.buckets.get(key)
        if bucket is None:
            bucket = self.bucketFactory(parentBucket)
            self.buckets[key] = bucket
        return bucket

    def getBucketKey(self, *a, **kw):
        Construct a key based on the input parameters to choose a L{Bucket}.

        The default implementation returns the same key for all
        arguments. Override this method to provide L{Bucket} selection.

        @returns: Something to be used as a key in the bucket cache.
        return None

    def sweep(self):
        Remove empty buckets.
        for key, bucket in self.buckets.items():
            bucket_is_empty = bucket.drip()
            if (bucket._refcount == 0) and bucket_is_empty:
                del self.buckets[key]

        self.lastSweep = time()

class FilterByHost(HierarchicalBucketFilter):
    A Hierarchical Bucket filter with a L{Bucket} for each host.
    sweepInterval = 60 * 20

    def getBucketKey(self, transport):
        return transport.getPeer()[1]

class FilterByServer(HierarchicalBucketFilter):
    A Hierarchical Bucket filter with a L{Bucket} for each service.
    sweepInterval = None

    def getBucketKey(self, transport):
        return transport.getHost()[2]

class ShapedConsumer(pcp.ProducerConsumerProxy):
    Wraps a C{Consumer} and shapes the rate at which it receives data.
    # Providing a Pull interface means I don't have to try to schedule
    # traffic with callLaters.
    iAmStreaming = False

    def __init__(self, consumer, bucket):
        pcp.ProducerConsumerProxy.__init__(self, consumer)
        self.bucket = bucket
        self.bucket._refcount += 1

    def _writeSomeData(self, data):
        # In practice, this actually results in obscene amounts of
        # overhead, as a result of generating lots and lots of packets
        # with twelve-byte payloads.  We may need to do a version of
        # this with scheduled writes after all.
        amount = self.bucket.add(len(data))
        return pcp.ProducerConsumerProxy._writeSomeData(self, data[:amount])

    def stopProducing(self):
        self.bucket._refcount -= 1

class ShapedTransport(ShapedConsumer):
    Wraps a C{Transport} and shapes the rate at which it receives data.

    This is a L{ShapedConsumer} with a little bit of magic to provide for
    the case where the consumer it wraps is also a C{Transport} and people
    will be attempting to access attributes this does not proxy as a
    C{Consumer} (e.g. C{loseConnection}).
    # Ugh.  We only wanted to filter IConsumer, not ITransport.

    iAmStreaming = False
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        # Because people will be doing things like .getPeer and
        # .loseConnection on me.
        return getattr(self.consumer, name)

class ShapedProtocolFactory:
    Dispense C{Protocols} with traffic shaping on their transports.


        myserver = SomeFactory()
        myserver.protocol = ShapedProtocolFactory(myserver.protocol,

    Where C{SomeServerFactory} is a L{twisted.internet.protocol.Factory}, and
    C{bucketFilter} is an instance of L{HierarchicalBucketFilter}.
    def __init__(self, protoClass, bucketFilter):
        Tell me what to wrap and where to get buckets.

        @param protoClass: The class of C{Protocol} this will generate
          wrapped instances of.
        @type protoClass: L{Protocol<twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol>}
        @param bucketFilter: The filter which will determine how
          traffic is shaped.
        @type bucketFilter: L{HierarchicalBucketFilter}.
        # More precisely, protoClass can be any callable that will return
        # instances of something that implements IProtocol.
        self.protocol = protoClass
        self.bucketFilter = bucketFilter

    def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
        Make a C{Protocol} instance with a shaped transport.

        Any parameters will be passed on to the protocol's initializer.

        @returns: A C{Protocol} instance with a L{ShapedTransport}.
        proto = self.protocol(*a, **kw)
        origMakeConnection = proto.makeConnection
        def makeConnection(transport):
            bucket = self.bucketFilter.getBucketFor(transport)
            shapedTransport = ShapedTransport(transport, bucket)
            return origMakeConnection(shapedTransport)
        proto.makeConnection = makeConnection
        return proto


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
haproxy Folder 0755
test Folder 0755
__init__.py File 572 B 0644
amp.py File 95.83 KB 0644
basic.py File 31.26 KB 0644
dict.py File 10.52 KB 0644
finger.py File 1.19 KB 0644
ftp.py File 103.64 KB 0644
htb.py File 9.11 KB 0644
ident.py File 7.6 KB 0644
loopback.py File 11.65 KB 0644
memcache.py File 23.14 KB 0644
pcp.py File 6.92 KB 0644
policies.py File 20.72 KB 0644
portforward.py File 2.33 KB 0644
postfix.py File 3.65 KB 0644
sip.py File 36.91 KB 0644
socks.py File 7.63 KB 0644
stateful.py File 1.6 KB 0644
tls.py File 31.73 KB 0644
wire.py File 2.5 KB 0644