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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_win32 -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Win32 utilities.

See also twisted.python.shortcut.

@var O_BINARY: the 'binary' mode flag on Windows, or 0 on other platforms, so it
    may safely be OR'ed into a mask for os.open.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import re
import os

    import win32api
    import win32con
except ImportError:

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated
from twisted.python.runtime import platform
from incremental import Version

# http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/debug/base/system_error_codes.asp

O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)

class FakeWindowsError(OSError):
    Stand-in for sometimes-builtin exception on platforms for which it
    is missing.

    WindowsError = WindowsError
except NameError:
    WindowsError = FakeWindowsError

@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0))
def getProgramsMenuPath():
    Get the path to the Programs menu.

    Probably will break on non-US Windows.

    @return: the filesystem location of the common Start Menu->Programs.
    @rtype: L{str}
    if not platform.isWindows():
        return "C:\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"
    keyname = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders'
    hShellFolders = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
                                          keyname, 0, win32con.KEY_READ)
    return win32api.RegQueryValueEx(hShellFolders, 'Common Programs')[0]

@deprecated(Version("Twisted", 15, 3, 0))
def getProgramFilesPath():
    """Get the path to the Program Files folder."""
    keyname = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion'
    currentV = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
                                     keyname, 0, win32con.KEY_READ)
    return win32api.RegQueryValueEx(currentV, 'ProgramFilesDir')[0]

_cmdLineQuoteRe = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
_cmdLineQuoteRe2 = re.compile(r'(\\+)\Z')
def cmdLineQuote(s):
    Internal method for quoting a single command-line argument.

    @param s: an unquoted string that you want to quote so that something that
        does cmd.exe-style unquoting will interpret it as a single argument,
        even if it contains spaces.
    @type s: C{str}

    @return: a quoted string.
    @rtype: C{str}
    quote = ((" " in s) or ("\t" in s) or ('"' in s) or s == '') and '"' or ''
    return quote + _cmdLineQuoteRe2.sub(r"\1\1", _cmdLineQuoteRe.sub(r'\1\1\\"', s)) + quote

def quoteArguments(arguments):
    Quote an iterable of command-line arguments for passing to CreateProcess or
    a similar API.  This allows the list passed to C{reactor.spawnProcess} to
    match the child process's C{sys.argv} properly.

    @param arglist: an iterable of C{str}, each unquoted.

    @return: a single string, with the given sequence quoted as necessary.
    return ' '.join([cmdLineQuote(a) for a in arguments])

class _ErrorFormatter(object):
    Formatter for Windows error messages.

    @ivar winError: A callable which takes one integer error number argument
        and returns an L{exceptions.WindowsError} instance for that error (like

    @ivar formatMessage: A callable which takes one integer error number
        argument and returns a C{str} giving the message for that error (like

    @ivar errorTab: A mapping from integer error numbers to C{str} messages
        which correspond to those erorrs (like I{socket.errorTab}).
    def __init__(self, WinError, FormatMessage, errorTab):
        self.winError = WinError
        self.formatMessage = FormatMessage
        self.errorTab = errorTab

    def fromEnvironment(cls):
        Get as many of the platform-specific error translation objects as
        possible and return an instance of C{cls} created with them.
            from ctypes import WinError
        except ImportError:
            WinError = None
            from win32api import FormatMessage
        except ImportError:
            FormatMessage = None
            from socket import errorTab
        except ImportError:
            errorTab = None
        return cls(WinError, FormatMessage, errorTab)
    fromEnvironment = classmethod(fromEnvironment)

    def formatError(self, errorcode):
        Returns the string associated with a Windows error message, such as the
        ones found in socket.error.

        Attempts direct lookup against the win32 API via ctypes and then
        pywin32 if available), then in the error table in the socket module,
        then finally defaulting to C{os.strerror}.

        @param errorcode: the Windows error code
        @type errorcode: C{int}

        @return: The error message string
        @rtype: C{str}
        if self.winError is not None:
            return self.winError(errorcode).strerror
        if self.formatMessage is not None:
            return self.formatMessage(errorcode)
        if self.errorTab is not None:
            result = self.errorTab.get(errorcode)
            if result is not None:
                return result
        return os.strerror(errorcode)

formatError = _ErrorFormatter.fromEnvironment().formatError


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
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test Folder 0755
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_inotify.py File 3.37 KB 0644
_oldstyle.py File 2.53 KB 0644
_release.py File 18.03 KB 0644
_sendmsg.c File 15.42 KB 0644
_setup.py File 12.6 KB 0644
_shellcomp.py File 23.76 KB 0644
_textattributes.py File 8.87 KB 0644
_tzhelper.py File 3.12 KB 0644
_url.py File 253 B 0644
compat.py File 21.91 KB 0644
components.py File 13.96 KB 0644
constants.py File 544 B 0644
context.py File 3.93 KB 0644
deprecate.py File 26.15 KB 0644
failure.py File 23.38 KB 0644
fakepwd.py File 5.99 KB 0644
filepath.py File 57.51 KB 0644
formmethod.py File 11.19 KB 0644
htmlizer.py File 3.27 KB 0644
lockfile.py File 7.54 KB 0644
log.py File 21.95 KB 0644
logfile.py File 9.85 KB 0644
modules.py File 26.5 KB 0644
monkey.py File 2.17 KB 0644
procutils.py File 1.39 KB 0644
randbytes.py File 3.87 KB 0644
rebuild.py File 9.04 KB 0644
reflect.py File 19.02 KB 0644
release.py File 1.16 KB 0644
roots.py File 7.23 KB 0644
runtime.py File 6.13 KB 0644
sendmsg.py File 3.34 KB 0644
shortcut.py File 2.2 KB 0644
syslog.py File 3.64 KB 0644
systemd.py File 2.77 KB 0644
text.py File 5.35 KB 0644
threadable.py File 3.22 KB 0644
threadpool.py File 9.61 KB 0644
twisted-completion.zsh File 1.33 KB 0644
url.py File 244 B 0644
urlpath.py File 8.87 KB 0644
usage.py File 34.19 KB 0644
util.py File 27.29 KB 0644
versions.py File 322 B 0644
win32.py File 5.42 KB 0644
zippath.py File 9.02 KB 0644
zipstream.py File 9.53 KB 0644