# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_amp,twisted.test.test_iosim -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Utilities and helpers for simulating a network """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import itertools try: from OpenSSL.SSL import Error as NativeOpenSSLError except ImportError: pass from zope.interface import implementer, directlyProvides from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint, TCP4ServerEndpoint from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.internet import error from twisted.internet import interfaces from .proto_helpers import MemoryReactorClock class TLSNegotiation: def __init__(self, obj, connectState): self.obj = obj self.connectState = connectState self.sent = False self.readyToSend = connectState def __repr__(self): return 'TLSNegotiation(%r)' % (self.obj,) def pretendToVerify(self, other, tpt): # Set the transport problems list here? disconnections? # hmmmmm... need some negative path tests. if not self.obj.iosimVerify(other.obj): tpt.disconnectReason = NativeOpenSSLError() tpt.loseConnection() @implementer(interfaces.IAddress) class FakeAddress(object): """ The default address type for the host and peer of L{FakeTransport} connections. """ @implementer(interfaces.ITransport, interfaces.ITLSTransport) class FakeTransport: """ A wrapper around a file-like object to make it behave as a Transport. This doesn't actually stream the file to the attached protocol, and is thus useful mainly as a utility for debugging protocols. """ _nextserial = staticmethod(lambda counter=itertools.count(): next(counter)) closed = 0 disconnecting = 0 disconnected = 0 disconnectReason = error.ConnectionDone("Connection done") producer = None streamingProducer = 0 tls = None def __init__(self, protocol, isServer, hostAddress=None, peerAddress=None): """ @param protocol: This transport will deliver bytes to this protocol. @type protocol: L{IProtocol} provider @param isServer: C{True} if this is the accepting side of the connection, C{False} if it is the connecting side. @type isServer: L{bool} @param hostAddress: The value to return from C{getHost}. L{None} results in a new L{FakeAddress} being created to use as the value. @type hostAddress: L{IAddress} provider or L{None} @param peerAddress: The value to return from C{getPeer}. L{None} results in a new L{FakeAddress} being created to use as the value. @type peerAddress: L{IAddress} provider or L{None} """ self.protocol = protocol self.isServer = isServer self.stream = [] self.serial = self._nextserial() if hostAddress is None: hostAddress = FakeAddress() self.hostAddress = hostAddress if peerAddress is None: peerAddress = FakeAddress() self.peerAddress = peerAddress def __repr__(self): return 'FakeTransport<%s,%s,%s>' % ( self.isServer and 'S' or 'C', self.serial, self.protocol.__class__.__name__) def write(self, data): if self.tls is not None: self.tlsbuf.append(data) else: self.stream.append(data) def _checkProducer(self): # Cheating; this is called at "idle" times to allow producers to be # found and dealt with if self.producer and not self.streamingProducer: self.producer.resumeProducing() def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): """ From abstract.FileDescriptor """ self.producer = producer self.streamingProducer = streaming if not streaming: producer.resumeProducing() def unregisterProducer(self): self.producer = None def stopConsuming(self): self.unregisterProducer() self.loseConnection() def writeSequence(self, iovec): self.write(b"".join(iovec)) def loseConnection(self): self.disconnecting = True def abortConnection(self): """ For the time being, this is the same as loseConnection; no buffered data will be lost. """ self.disconnecting = True def reportDisconnect(self): if self.tls is not None: # We were in the middle of negotiating! Must have been a TLS # problem. err = NativeOpenSSLError() else: err = self.disconnectReason self.protocol.connectionLost(Failure(err)) def logPrefix(self): """ Identify this transport/event source to the logging system. """ return "iosim" def getPeer(self): return self.peerAddress def getHost(self): return self.hostAddress def resumeProducing(self): # Never sends data anyways pass def pauseProducing(self): # Never sends data anyways pass def stopProducing(self): self.loseConnection() def startTLS(self, contextFactory, beNormal=True): # Nothing's using this feature yet, but startTLS has an undocumented # second argument which defaults to true; if set to False, servers will # behave like clients and clients will behave like servers. connectState = self.isServer ^ beNormal self.tls = TLSNegotiation(contextFactory, connectState) self.tlsbuf = [] def getOutBuffer(self): """ Get the pending writes from this transport, clearing them from the pending buffer. @return: the bytes written with C{transport.write} @rtype: L{bytes} """ S = self.stream if S: self.stream = [] return b''.join(S) elif self.tls is not None: if self.tls.readyToSend: # Only _send_ the TLS negotiation "packet" if I'm ready to. self.tls.sent = True return self.tls else: return None else: return None def bufferReceived(self, buf): if isinstance(buf, TLSNegotiation): assert self.tls is not None # By the time you're receiving a # negotiation, you have to have called # startTLS already. if self.tls.sent: self.tls.pretendToVerify(buf, self) self.tls = None # We're done with the handshake if we've gotten # this far... although maybe it failed...? # TLS started! Unbuffer... b, self.tlsbuf = self.tlsbuf, None self.writeSequence(b) directlyProvides(self, interfaces.ISSLTransport) else: # We haven't sent our own TLS negotiation: time to do that! self.tls.readyToSend = True else: self.protocol.dataReceived(buf) def makeFakeClient(clientProtocol): """ Create and return a new in-memory transport hooked up to the given protocol. @param clientProtocol: The client protocol to use. @type clientProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider @return: The transport. @rtype: L{FakeTransport} """ return FakeTransport(clientProtocol, isServer=False) def makeFakeServer(serverProtocol): """ Create and return a new in-memory transport hooked up to the given protocol. @param serverProtocol: The server protocol to use. @type serverProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider @return: The transport. @rtype: L{FakeTransport} """ return FakeTransport(serverProtocol, isServer=True) class IOPump: """ Utility to pump data between clients and servers for protocol testing. Perhaps this is a utility worthy of being in protocol.py? """ def __init__(self, client, server, clientIO, serverIO, debug): self.client = client self.server = server self.clientIO = clientIO self.serverIO = serverIO self.debug = debug def flush(self, debug=False): """ Pump until there is no more input or output. Returns whether any data was moved. """ result = False for x in range(1000): if self.pump(debug): result = True else: break else: assert 0, "Too long" return result def pump(self, debug=False): """ Move data back and forth. Returns whether any data was moved. """ if self.debug or debug: print('-- GLUG --') sData = self.serverIO.getOutBuffer() cData = self.clientIO.getOutBuffer() self.clientIO._checkProducer() self.serverIO._checkProducer() if self.debug or debug: print('.') # XXX slightly buggy in the face of incremental output if cData: print('C: ' + repr(cData)) if sData: print('S: ' + repr(sData)) if cData: self.serverIO.bufferReceived(cData) if sData: self.clientIO.bufferReceived(sData) if cData or sData: return True if (self.serverIO.disconnecting and not self.serverIO.disconnected): if self.debug or debug: print('* C') self.serverIO.disconnected = True self.clientIO.disconnecting = True self.clientIO.reportDisconnect() return True if self.clientIO.disconnecting and not self.clientIO.disconnected: if self.debug or debug: print('* S') self.clientIO.disconnected = True self.serverIO.disconnecting = True self.serverIO.reportDisconnect() return True return False def connect(serverProtocol, serverTransport, clientProtocol, clientTransport, debug=False, greet=True): """ Create a new L{IOPump} connecting two protocols. @param serverProtocol: The protocol to use on the accepting side of the connection. @type serverProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider @param serverTransport: The transport to associate with C{serverProtocol}. @type serverTransport: L{FakeTransport} @param clientProtocol: The protocol to use on the initiating side of the connection. @type clientProtocol: L{IProtocol} provider @param clientTransport: The transport to associate with C{clientProtocol}. @type clientTransport: L{FakeTransport} @param debug: A flag indicating whether to log information about what the L{IOPump} is doing. @type debug: L{bool} @param greet: Should the L{IOPump} be L{flushed <IOPump.flush>} once before returning to put the protocols into their post-handshake or post-server-greeting state? @type greet: L{bool} @return: An L{IOPump} which connects C{serverProtocol} and C{clientProtocol} and delivers bytes between them when it is pumped. @rtype: L{IOPump} """ serverProtocol.makeConnection(serverTransport) clientProtocol.makeConnection(clientTransport) pump = IOPump( clientProtocol, serverProtocol, clientTransport, serverTransport, debug ) if greet: # Kick off server greeting, etc pump.flush() return pump def connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass, ClientClass, clientTransportFactory=makeFakeClient, serverTransportFactory=makeFakeServer, debug=False, greet=True): """ Connect a given server and client class to each other. @param ServerClass: a callable that produces the server-side protocol. @type ServerClass: 0-argument callable returning L{IProtocol} provider. @param ClientClass: like C{ServerClass} but for the other side of the connection. @type ClientClass: 0-argument callable returning L{IProtocol} provider. @param clientTransportFactory: a callable that produces the transport which will be attached to the protocol returned from C{ClientClass}. @type clientTransportFactory: callable taking (L{IProtocol}) and returning L{FakeTransport} @param serverTransportFactory: a callable that produces the transport which will be attached to the protocol returned from C{ServerClass}. @type serverTransportFactory: callable taking (L{IProtocol}) and returning L{FakeTransport} @param debug: Should this dump an escaped version of all traffic on this connection to stdout for inspection? @type debug: L{bool} @param greet: Should the L{IOPump} be L{flushed <IOPump.flush>} once before returning to put the protocols into their post-handshake or post-server-greeting state? @type greet: L{bool} @return: the client protocol, the server protocol, and an L{IOPump} which, when its C{pump} and C{flush} methods are called, will move data between the created client and server protocol instances. @rtype: 3-L{tuple} of L{IProtocol}, L{IProtocol}, L{IOPump} """ c = ClientClass() s = ServerClass() cio = clientTransportFactory(c) sio = serverTransportFactory(s) return c, s, connect(s, sio, c, cio, debug, greet) def _factoriesShouldConnect(clientInfo, serverInfo): """ Should the client and server described by the arguments be connected to each other, i.e. do their port numbers match? @param clientInfo: the args for connectTCP @type clientInfo: L{tuple} @param serverInfo: the args for listenTCP @type serverInfo: L{tuple} @return: If they do match, return factories for the client and server that should connect; otherwise return L{None}, indicating they shouldn't be connected. @rtype: L{None} or 2-L{tuple} of (L{ClientFactory}, L{IProtocolFactory}) """ (clientHost, clientPort, clientFactory, clientTimeout, clientBindAddress) = clientInfo (serverPort, serverFactory, serverBacklog, serverInterface) = serverInfo if serverPort == clientPort: return clientFactory, serverFactory else: return None class ConnectionCompleter(object): """ A L{ConnectionCompleter} can cause synthetic TCP connections established by L{MemoryReactor.connectTCP} and L{MemoryReactor.listenTCP} to succeed or fail. """ def __init__(self, memoryReactor): """ Create a L{ConnectionCompleter} from a L{MemoryReactor}. @param memoryReactor: The reactor to attach to. @type memoryReactor: L{MemoryReactor} """ self._reactor = memoryReactor def succeedOnce(self, debug=False): """ Complete a single TCP connection established on this L{ConnectionCompleter}'s L{MemoryReactor}. @param debug: A flag; whether to dump output from the established connection to stdout. @type debug: L{bool} @return: a pump for the connection, or L{None} if no connection could be established. @rtype: L{IOPump} or L{None} """ memoryReactor = self._reactor for clientIdx, clientInfo in enumerate(memoryReactor.tcpClients): for serverInfo in memoryReactor.tcpServers: factories = _factoriesShouldConnect(clientInfo, serverInfo) if factories: memoryReactor.tcpClients.remove(clientInfo) memoryReactor.connectors.pop(clientIdx) clientFactory, serverFactory = factories clientProtocol = clientFactory.buildProtocol(None) serverProtocol = serverFactory.buildProtocol(None) serverTransport = makeFakeServer(serverProtocol) clientTransport = makeFakeClient(clientProtocol) return connect(serverProtocol, serverTransport, clientProtocol, clientTransport, debug) def failOnce(self, reason=Failure(ConnectionRefusedError())): """ Fail a single TCP connection established on this L{ConnectionCompleter}'s L{MemoryReactor}. @param reason: the reason to provide that the connection failed. @type reason: L{Failure} """ self._reactor.tcpClients.pop(0)[2].clientConnectionFailed( self._reactor.connectors.pop(0), reason ) def connectableEndpoint(debug=False): """ Create an endpoint that can be fired on demand. @param debug: A flag; whether to dump output from the established connection to stdout. @type debug: L{bool} @return: A client endpoint, and an object that will cause one of the L{Deferred}s returned by that client endpoint. @rtype: 2-L{tuple} of (L{IStreamClientEndpoint}, L{ConnectionCompleter}) """ reactor = MemoryReactorClock() clientEndpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "", 4321) serverEndpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 4321) serverEndpoint.listen(Factory.forProtocol(Protocol)) return clientEndpoint, ConnectionCompleter(reactor)
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