[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tests for twisted.enterprise.adbapi.

from twisted.trial import unittest

import os
import stat

from twisted.enterprise.adbapi import ConnectionPool, ConnectionLost
from twisted.enterprise.adbapi import Connection, Transaction
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, interfaces
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule

simple_table_schema = """
  x integer

class ADBAPITestBase(object):
    Test the asynchronous DB-API code.
    openfun_called = {}

    if interfaces.IReactorThreads(reactor, None) is None:
        skip = "ADB-API requires threads, no way to test without them"

    def extraSetUp(self):
        Set up the database and create a connection pool pointing at it.
        self.dbpool = self.makePool(cp_openfun=self.openfun)

    def tearDown(self):
        d =  self.dbpool.runOperation('DROP TABLE simple')
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.dbpool.close())
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.stopDB())
        return d

    def openfun(self, conn):
        self.openfun_called[conn] = True

    def checkOpenfunCalled(self, conn=None):
        if not conn:
            self.assertIn(conn, self.openfun_called)

    def test_pool(self):
        d = self.dbpool.runOperation(simple_table_schema)
        if self.test_failures:
            d.addCallback(lambda res: self.flushLoggedErrors())
        return d

    def _testPool_1_1(self, res):
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runQuery, "select * from NOTABLE")
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: None)
        return d

    def _testPool_1_2(self, res):
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runOperation,
                                "deletexxx from NOTABLE")
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: None)
        return d

    def _testPool_1_3(self, res):
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runInteraction,
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: None)
        return d

    def _testPool_1_4(self, res):
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runWithConnection,
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: None)
        return d

    def _testPool_2(self, res):
        # verify simple table is empty
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(sql)
        def _check(row):
            self.assertTrue(int(row[0][0]) == 0, "Interaction not rolled back")
        return d

    def _testPool_3(self, res):
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        inserts = []
        # add some rows to simple table (runOperation)
        for i in range(self.num_iterations):
            sql = "insert into simple(x) values(%d)" % i
        d = defer.gatherResults(inserts)

        def _select(res):
            # make sure they were added (runQuery)
            sql = "select x from simple order by x";
            d = self.dbpool.runQuery(sql)
            return d

        def _check(rows):
            self.assertTrue(len(rows) == self.num_iterations,
                            "Wrong number of rows")
            for i in range(self.num_iterations):
                self.assertTrue(len(rows[i]) == 1, "Wrong size row")
                self.assertTrue(rows[i][0] == i, "Values not returned.")

        return d

    def _testPool_4(self, res):
        # runInteraction
        d = self.dbpool.runInteraction(self.interaction)
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.assertEqual(res, "done"))
        return d

    def _testPool_5(self, res):
        # withConnection
        d = self.dbpool.runWithConnection(self.withConnection)
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.assertEqual(res, "done"))
        return d

    def _testPool_6(self, res):
        # Test a withConnection cannot be closed
        d = self.dbpool.runWithConnection(self.close_withConnection)
        return d

    def _testPool_7(self, res):
        # give the pool a workout
        ds = []
        for i in range(self.num_iterations):
            sql = "select x from simple where x = %d" % i
        dlist = defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
        def _check(result):
            for i in range(self.num_iterations):
                self.assertTrue(result[i][1][0][0] == i, "Value not returned")
        return dlist

    def _testPool_8(self, res):
        # now delete everything
        ds = []
        for i in range(self.num_iterations):
            sql = "delete from simple where x = %d" % i
        dlist = defer.DeferredList(ds, fireOnOneErrback=True)
        return dlist

    def _testPool_9(self, res):
        # verify simple table is empty
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(sql)
        def _check(row):
            self.assertTrue(int(row[0][0]) == 0,
                            "Didn't successfully delete table contents")
        return d

    def checkConnect(self):
        """Check the connect/disconnect synchronous calls."""
        conn = self.dbpool.connect()
        curs = conn.cursor()
        curs.execute("insert into simple(x) values(1)")
        curs.execute("select x from simple")
        res = curs.fetchall()
        self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(res[0]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(res[0][0], 1)
        curs.execute("delete from simple")
        curs.execute("select x from simple")
        self.assertEqual(len(curs.fetchall()), 0)

    def interaction(self, transaction):
        transaction.execute("select x from simple order by x")
        for i in range(self.num_iterations):
            row = transaction.fetchone()
            self.assertTrue(len(row) == 1, "Wrong size row")
            self.assertTrue(row[0] == i, "Value not returned.")
        self.assertIsNone(transaction.fetchone(), "Too many rows")
        return "done"

    def bad_interaction(self, transaction):
        if self.can_rollback:
            transaction.execute("insert into simple(x) values(0)")

        transaction.execute("select * from NOTABLE")

    def withConnection(self, conn):
        curs = conn.cursor()
            curs.execute("select x from simple order by x")
            for i in range(self.num_iterations):
                row = curs.fetchone()
                self.assertTrue(len(row) == 1, "Wrong size row")
                self.assertTrue(row[0] == i, "Value not returned.")
        return "done"

    def close_withConnection(self, conn):

    def bad_withConnection(self, conn):
        curs = conn.cursor()
            curs.execute("select * from NOTABLE")

class ReconnectTestBase(object):
    Test the asynchronous DB-API code with reconnect.

    if interfaces.IReactorThreads(reactor, None) is None:
        skip = "ADB-API requires threads, no way to test without them"

    def extraSetUp(self):
        Skip the test if C{good_sql} is unavailable.  Otherwise, set up the
        database, create a connection pool pointed at it, and set up a simple
        schema in it.
        if self.good_sql is None:
            raise unittest.SkipTest('no good sql for reconnect test')
        self.dbpool = self.makePool(cp_max=1, cp_reconnect=True,
        return self.dbpool.runOperation(simple_table_schema)

    def tearDown(self):
        d = self.dbpool.runOperation('DROP TABLE simple')
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.dbpool.close())
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.stopDB())
        return d

    def test_pool(self):
        d = defer.succeed(None)
        if not self.early_reconnect:
        return d

    def _testPool_1(self, res):
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(sql)
        def _check(row):
            self.assertTrue(int(row[0][0]) == 0, "Table not empty")
        return d

    def _testPool_2(self, res):
        # reach in and close the connection manually

    def _testPool_3(self, res):
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runQuery, sql)
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: None)
        return d

    def _testPool_4(self, res):
        sql = "select count(1) from simple"
        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(sql)
        def _check(row):
            self.assertTrue(int(row[0][0]) == 0, "Table not empty")
        return d

    def _testPool_5(self, res):
        sql = "select * from NOTABLE" # bad sql
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbpool.runQuery, sql)
        d.addCallbacks(lambda res: self.fail('no exception'),
                       lambda f: self.assertFalse(f.check(ConnectionLost)))
        return d

class DBTestConnector(object):
    A class which knows how to test for the presence of
    and establish a connection to a relational database.

    To enable test cases  which use a central, system database,
    you must create a database named DB_NAME with a user DB_USER
    and password DB_PASS with full access rights to database DB_NAME.
    TEST_PREFIX = None # used for creating new test cases

    DB_NAME = "twisted_test"
    DB_USER = 'twisted_test'
    DB_PASS = 'twisted_test'

    DB_DIR = None # directory for database storage

    nulls_ok = True # nulls supported
    trailing_spaces_ok = True # trailing spaces in strings preserved
    can_rollback = True # rollback supported
    test_failures = True # test bad sql?
    escape_slashes = True # escape \ in sql?
    good_sql = ConnectionPool.good_sql
    early_reconnect = True # cursor() will fail on closed connection
    can_clear = True # can try to clear out tables when starting

    num_iterations = 50 # number of iterations for test loops
                        # (lower this for slow db's)

    def setUp(self):
        self.DB_DIR = self.mktemp()
        if not self.can_connect():
            raise unittest.SkipTest('%s: Cannot access db' % self.TEST_PREFIX)
        return self.extraSetUp()

    def can_connect(self):
        """Return true if this database is present on the system
        and can be used in a test."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def startDB(self):
        """Take any steps needed to bring database up."""

    def stopDB(self):
        """Bring database down, if needed."""

    def makePool(self, **newkw):
        """Create a connection pool with additional keyword arguments."""
        args, kw = self.getPoolArgs()
        kw = kw.copy()
        return ConnectionPool(*args, **kw)

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        """Return a tuple (args, kw) of list and keyword arguments
        that need to be passed to ConnectionPool to create a connection
        to this database."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

class SQLite3Connector(DBTestConnector):
    Connector that uses the stdlib SQLite3 database support.
    TEST_PREFIX = 'SQLite3'
    escape_slashes = False
    num_iterations = 1 # slow

    def can_connect(self):
        if requireModule('sqlite3') is None:
            return False
            return True

    def startDB(self):
        self.database = os.path.join(self.DB_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
        if os.path.exists(self.database):

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('sqlite3',)
        kw = {'database': self.database,
              'cp_max': 1,
              'check_same_thread': False}
        return args, kw

class PySQLite2Connector(DBTestConnector):
    Connector that uses pysqlite's SQLite database support.
    TEST_PREFIX = 'pysqlite2'
    escape_slashes = False
    num_iterations = 1 # slow

    def can_connect(self):
        if requireModule('pysqlite2.dbapi2') is None:
            return False
            return True

    def startDB(self):
        self.database = os.path.join(self.DB_DIR, self.DB_NAME)
        if os.path.exists(self.database):

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('pysqlite2.dbapi2',)
        kw = {'database': self.database,
              'cp_max': 1,
              'check_same_thread': False}
        return args, kw

class PyPgSQLConnector(DBTestConnector):

    def can_connect(self):
        try: from pyPgSQL import PgSQL
        except: return False
            conn = PgSQL.connect(database=self.DB_NAME, user=self.DB_USER,
            return True
            return False

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('pyPgSQL.PgSQL',)
        kw = {'database': self.DB_NAME, 'user': self.DB_USER,
              'password': self.DB_PASS, 'cp_min': 0}
        return args, kw

class PsycopgConnector(DBTestConnector):
    TEST_PREFIX = 'Psycopg'

    def can_connect(self):
        try: import psycopg
        except: return False
            conn = psycopg.connect(database=self.DB_NAME, user=self.DB_USER,
            return True
            return False

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('psycopg',)
        kw = {'database': self.DB_NAME, 'user': self.DB_USER,
              'password': self.DB_PASS, 'cp_min': 0}
        return args, kw

class MySQLConnector(DBTestConnector):

    trailing_spaces_ok = False
    can_rollback = False
    early_reconnect = False

    def can_connect(self):
        try: import MySQLdb
        except: return False
            conn = MySQLdb.connect(db=self.DB_NAME, user=self.DB_USER,
            return True
            return False

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('MySQLdb',)
        kw = {'db': self.DB_NAME, 'user': self.DB_USER, 'passwd': self.DB_PASS}
        return args, kw

class FirebirdConnector(DBTestConnector):
    TEST_PREFIX = 'Firebird'

    test_failures = False # failure testing causes problems
    escape_slashes = False
    good_sql = None # firebird doesn't handle failed sql well
    can_clear = False # firebird is not so good

    num_iterations = 5 # slow

    def can_connect(self):
        if requireModule('kinterbasdb') is None:
            return False
            return True
            return False

    def startDB(self):
        import kinterbasdb
        self.DB_NAME = os.path.join(self.DB_DIR, DBTestConnector.DB_NAME)
        os.chmod(self.DB_DIR, stat.S_IRWXU + stat.S_IRWXG + stat.S_IRWXO)
        sql = 'create database "%s" user "%s" password "%s"'
        sql %= (self.DB_NAME, self.DB_USER, self.DB_PASS);
        conn = kinterbasdb.create_database(sql)

    def getPoolArgs(self):
        args = ('kinterbasdb',)
        kw = {'database': self.DB_NAME, 'host': '',
              'user': self.DB_USER, 'password': self.DB_PASS}
        return args, kw

    def stopDB(self):
        import kinterbasdb
        conn = kinterbasdb.connect(database=self.DB_NAME,
                                   host='', user=self.DB_USER,

def makeSQLTests(base, suffix, globals):
    Make a test case for every db connector which can connect.

    @param base: Base class for test case. Additional base classes
                 will be a DBConnector subclass and unittest.TestCase
    @param suffix: A suffix used to create test case names. Prefixes
                   are defined in the DBConnector subclasses.
    connectors = [PySQLite2Connector, SQLite3Connector, PyPgSQLConnector,
                  PsycopgConnector, MySQLConnector, FirebirdConnector]
    tests = {}
    for connclass in connectors:
        name = connclass.TEST_PREFIX + suffix

        class testcase(connclass, base, unittest.TestCase):
            __module__ = connclass.__module__

        testcase.__name__ = name
        if hasattr(connclass, "__qualname__"):
            testcase.__qualname__ = ".".join(
                connclass.__qualname__.split()[0:-1] + [name])
        tests[name] = testcase


# PySQLite2Connector SQLite3ADBAPITests PyPgSQLADBAPITests
# PsycopgADBAPITests MySQLADBAPITests FirebirdADBAPITests
makeSQLTests(ADBAPITestBase, 'ADBAPITests', globals())

# PySQLite2Connector SQLite3ReconnectTests PyPgSQLReconnectTests
# PsycopgReconnectTests MySQLReconnectTests FirebirdReconnectTests
makeSQLTests(ReconnectTestBase, 'ReconnectTests', globals())

class FakePool(object):
    A fake L{ConnectionPool} for tests.

    @ivar connectionFactory: factory for making connections returned by the
        C{connect} method.
    @type connectionFactory: any callable
    reconnect = True
    noisy = True

    def __init__(self, connectionFactory):
        self.connectionFactory = connectionFactory

    def connect(self):
        Return an instance of C{self.connectionFactory}.
        return self.connectionFactory()

    def disconnect(self, connection):
        Do nothing.

class ConnectionTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for the L{Connection} class.

    def test_rollbackErrorLogged(self):
        If an error happens during rollback, L{ConnectionLost} is raised but
        the original error is logged.
        class ConnectionRollbackRaise(object):
            def rollback(self):
                raise RuntimeError("problem!")

        pool = FakePool(ConnectionRollbackRaise)
        connection = Connection(pool)
        self.assertRaises(ConnectionLost, connection.rollback)
        errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
        self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args[0], "problem!")

class TransactionTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for the L{Transaction} class.

    def test_reopenLogErrorIfReconnect(self):
        If the cursor creation raises an error in L{Transaction.reopen}, it
        reconnects but log the error occurred.
        class ConnectionCursorRaise(object):
            count = 0

            def reconnect(self):

            def cursor(self):
                if self.count == 0:
                    self.count += 1
                    raise RuntimeError("problem!")

        pool = FakePool(None)
        transaction = Transaction(pool, ConnectionCursorRaise())
        errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
        self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args[0], "problem!")

class NonThreadPool(object):
    def callInThreadWithCallback(self, onResult, f, *a, **kw):
        success = True
            result = f(*a, **kw)
        except Exception:
            success = False
            result = Failure()
        onResult(success, result)

class DummyConnectionPool(ConnectionPool):
    A testable L{ConnectionPool};
    threadpool = NonThreadPool()

    def __init__(self):
        Don't forward init call.
        self.reactor = reactor

class EventReactor(object):
    Partial L{IReactorCore} implementation with simple event-related

    @ivar _running: A C{bool} indicating whether the reactor is pretending
        to have been started already or not.

    @ivar triggers: A C{list} of pending system event triggers.
    def __init__(self, running):
        self._running = running
        self.triggers = []

    def callWhenRunning(self, function):
        if self._running:
            return self.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'startup', function)

    def addSystemEventTrigger(self, phase, event, trigger):
        handle = (phase, event, trigger)
        return handle

    def removeSystemEventTrigger(self, handle):

class ConnectionPoolTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Unit tests for L{ConnectionPool}.

    def test_runWithConnectionRaiseOriginalError(self):
        If rollback fails, L{ConnectionPool.runWithConnection} raises the
        original exception and log the error of the rollback.
        class ConnectionRollbackRaise(object):
            def __init__(self, pool):

            def rollback(self):
                raise RuntimeError("problem!")

        def raisingFunction(connection):
            raise ValueError("foo")

        pool = DummyConnectionPool()
        pool.connectionFactory = ConnectionRollbackRaise
        d = pool.runWithConnection(raisingFunction)
        d = self.assertFailure(d, ValueError)
        def cbFailed(ignored):
            errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
            self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
            self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args[0], "problem!")
        return d

    def test_closeLogError(self):
        L{ConnectionPool._close} logs exceptions.
        class ConnectionCloseRaise(object):
            def close(self):
                raise RuntimeError("problem!")

        pool = DummyConnectionPool()

        errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
        self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args[0], "problem!")

    def test_runWithInteractionRaiseOriginalError(self):
        If rollback fails, L{ConnectionPool.runInteraction} raises the
        original exception and log the error of the rollback.
        class ConnectionRollbackRaise(object):
            def __init__(self, pool):

            def rollback(self):
                raise RuntimeError("problem!")

        class DummyTransaction(object):
            def __init__(self, pool, connection):

        def raisingFunction(transaction):
            raise ValueError("foo")

        pool = DummyConnectionPool()
        pool.connectionFactory = ConnectionRollbackRaise
        pool.transactionFactory = DummyTransaction

        d = pool.runInteraction(raisingFunction)
        d = self.assertFailure(d, ValueError)
        def cbFailed(ignored):
            errors = self.flushLoggedErrors(RuntimeError)
            self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
            self.assertEqual(errors[0].value.args[0], "problem!")
        return d

    def test_unstartedClose(self):
        If L{ConnectionPool.close} is called without L{ConnectionPool.start}
        having been called, the pool's startup event is cancelled.
        reactor = EventReactor(False)
        pool = ConnectionPool('twisted.test.test_adbapi', cp_reactor=reactor)
        # There should be a startup trigger waiting.
        self.assertEqual(reactor.triggers, [('after', 'startup', pool._start)])
        # But not anymore.

    def test_startedClose(self):
        If L{ConnectionPool.close} is called after it has been started, but
        not by its shutdown trigger, the shutdown trigger is cancelled.
        reactor = EventReactor(True)
        pool = ConnectionPool('twisted.test.test_adbapi', cp_reactor=reactor)
        # There should be a shutdown trigger waiting.
                         [('during', 'shutdown', pool.finalClose)])
        # But not anymore.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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raiser.c File 93.05 KB 0644
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test_strerror.py File 5.06 KB 0644
test_stringtransport.py File 12.95 KB 0644
test_strports.py File 1.75 KB 0644
test_task.py File 38.4 KB 0644
test_tcp.py File 64.07 KB 0644
test_tcp_internals.py File 8.54 KB 0644
test_text.py File 6.3 KB 0644
test_threadable.py File 3.65 KB 0644
test_threadpool.py File 22.47 KB 0644
test_threads.py File 12.96 KB 0644
test_tpfile.py File 1.56 KB 0644
test_twistd.py File 61.05 KB 0644
test_twisted.py File 18.42 KB 0644
test_udp.py File 24.1 KB 0644
test_unix.py File 14.8 KB 0644
test_usage.py File 23.09 KB 0644
testutils.py File 5.19 KB 0644