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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Whitebox tests for TCP APIs.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import errno, socket, os

    import resource
except ImportError:
    resource = None

from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase

from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory
from twisted.python.runtime import platform
from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred, gatherResults
from twisted.internet import reactor, interfaces

class PlatformAssumptionsTests(TestCase):
    Test assumptions about platform behaviors.
    socketLimit = 8192

    def setUp(self):
        self.openSockets = []
        if resource is not None:
            # On some buggy platforms we might leak FDs, and the test will
            # fail creating the initial two sockets we *do* want to
            # succeed. So, we make the soft limit the current number of fds
            # plus two more (for the two sockets we want to succeed). If we've
            # leaked too many fds for that to work, there's nothing we can
            # do.
            from twisted.internet.process import _listOpenFDs
            newLimit = len(_listOpenFDs()) + 2
            self.originalFileLimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (newLimit, self.originalFileLimit[1]))
            self.socketLimit = newLimit + 100

    def tearDown(self):
        while self.openSockets:
        if resource is not None:
            # OS X implicitly lowers the hard limit in the setrlimit call
            # above.  Retrieve the new hard limit to pass in to this
            # setrlimit call, so that it doesn't give us a permission denied
            # error.
            currentHardLimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
            newSoftLimit = min(self.originalFileLimit[0], currentHardLimit)
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (newSoftLimit, currentHardLimit))

    def socket(self):
        Create and return a new socket object, also tracking it so it can be
        closed in the test tear down.
        s = socket.socket()
        return s

    def test_acceptOutOfFiles(self):
        Test that the platform accept(2) call fails with either L{EMFILE} or
        L{ENOBUFS} when there are too many file descriptors open.
        # Make a server to which to connect
        port = self.socket()
        port.bind(('', 0))
        serverPortNumber = port.getsockname()[1]

        # Make a client to use to connect to the server
        client = self.socket()

        # Use up all the rest of the file descriptors.
        for i in range(self.socketLimit):
            except socket.error as e:
                if e.args[0] in (EMFILE, ENOBUFS):
                    # The desired state has been achieved.
                    # Some unexpected error occurred.
            self.fail("Could provoke neither EMFILE nor ENOBUFS from platform.")

        # Non-blocking connect is supposed to fail, but this is not true
        # everywhere (e.g. freeBSD)
        self.assertIn(client.connect_ex(('', serverPortNumber)),
                      (0, EINPROGRESS))

        # Make sure that the accept call fails in the way we expect.
        exc = self.assertRaises(socket.error, port.accept)
        self.assertIn(exc.args[0], (EMFILE, ENOBUFS))
    if platform.getType() == "win32":
        test_acceptOutOfFiles.skip = (
            "Windows requires an unacceptably large amount of resources to "
            "provoke this behavior in the naive manner.")

class SelectReactorTests(TestCase):
    Tests for select-specific failure conditions.

    def setUp(self):
        self.ports = []
        self.messages = []

    def tearDown(self):
        return gatherResults([
            for p in self.ports])

    def port(self, portNumber, factory, interface):
        Create, start, and return a new L{Port}, also tracking it so it can
        be stopped in the test tear down.
        p = Port(portNumber, factory, interface=interface)
        return p

    def _acceptFailureTest(self, socketErrorNumber):
        Test behavior in the face of an exception from C{accept(2)}.

        On any exception which indicates the platform is unable or unwilling
        to allocate further resources to us, the existing port should remain
        listening, a message should be logged, and the exception should not
        propagate outward from doRead.

        @param socketErrorNumber: The errno to simulate from accept.
        class FakeSocket(object):
            Pretend to be a socket in an overloaded system.
            def accept(self):
                raise socket.error(
                    socketErrorNumber, os.strerror(socketErrorNumber))

        factory = ServerFactory()
        port = self.port(0, factory, interface='')
        originalSocket = port.socket
            port.socket = FakeSocket()


            expectedFormat = "Could not accept new connection (%s)"
            expectedErrorCode = errno.errorcode[socketErrorNumber]
            expectedMessage = expectedFormat % (expectedErrorCode,)
            for msg in self.messages:
                if msg.get('message') == (expectedMessage,):
                self.fail("Log event for failed accept not found in "
                          "%r" % (self.messages,))
            port.socket = originalSocket

    def test_tooManyFilesFromAccept(self):
        C{accept(2)} can fail with C{EMFILE} when there are too many open file
        descriptors in the process.  Test that this doesn't negatively impact
        any other existing connections.

        C{EMFILE} mainly occurs on Linux when the open file rlimit is
        return self._acceptFailureTest(EMFILE)

    def test_noBufferSpaceFromAccept(self):
        Similar to L{test_tooManyFilesFromAccept}, but test the case where
        C{accept(2)} fails with C{ENOBUFS}.

        This mainly occurs on Windows and FreeBSD, but may be possible on
        Linux and other platforms as well.
        return self._acceptFailureTest(ENOBUFS)

    def test_connectionAbortedFromAccept(self):
        Similar to L{test_tooManyFilesFromAccept}, but test the case where
        C{accept(2)} fails with C{ECONNABORTED}.

        It is not clear whether this is actually possible for TCP
        connections on modern versions of Linux.
        return self._acceptFailureTest(ECONNABORTED)

    def test_noFilesFromAccept(self):
        Similar to L{test_tooManyFilesFromAccept}, but test the case where
        C{accept(2)} fails with C{ENFILE}.

        This can occur on Linux when the system has exhausted (!) its supply
        of inodes.
        return self._acceptFailureTest(ENFILE)
    if platform.getType() == 'win32':
        test_noFilesFromAccept.skip = "Windows accept(2) cannot generate ENFILE"

    def test_noMemoryFromAccept(self):
        Similar to L{test_tooManyFilesFromAccept}, but test the case where
        C{accept(2)} fails with C{ENOMEM}.

        On Linux at least, this can sensibly occur, even in a Python program
        (which eats memory like no ones business), when memory has become
        fragmented or low memory has been filled (d_alloc calls
        kmem_cache_alloc calls kmalloc - kmalloc only allocates out of low
        return self._acceptFailureTest(ENOMEM)
    if platform.getType() == 'win32':
        test_noMemoryFromAccept.skip = "Windows accept(2) cannot generate ENOMEM"

if not interfaces.IReactorFDSet.providedBy(reactor):
    skipMsg = 'This test only applies to reactors that implement IReactorFDset'
    PlatformAssumptionsTests.skip = skipMsg
    SelectReactorTests.skip = skipMsg


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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test_tcp_internals.py File 8.54 KB 0644
test_text.py File 6.3 KB 0644
test_threadable.py File 3.65 KB 0644
test_threadpool.py File 22.47 KB 0644
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test_tpfile.py File 1.56 KB 0644
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test_udp.py File 24.1 KB 0644
test_unix.py File 14.8 KB 0644
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