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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_udp -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tests for implementations of L{IReactorUDP} and L{IReactorMulticast}.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

from twisted.trial import unittest

from twisted.python.compat import intToBytes
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, gatherResults, maybeDeferred
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, error, defer, interfaces, udp
from twisted.python import runtime

class Mixin:

    started = 0
    stopped = 0

    startedDeferred = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.packets = []

    def startProtocol(self):
        self.started = 1
        if self.startedDeferred is not None:
            d, self.startedDeferred = self.startedDeferred, None

    def stopProtocol(self):
        self.stopped = 1

class Server(Mixin, protocol.DatagramProtocol):
    packetReceived = None
    refused = 0

    def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
        self.packets.append((data, addr))
        if self.packetReceived is not None:
            d, self.packetReceived = self.packetReceived, None

class Client(Mixin, protocol.ConnectedDatagramProtocol):

    packetReceived = None
    refused = 0

    def datagramReceived(self, data):
        if self.packetReceived is not None:
            d, self.packetReceived = self.packetReceived, None

    def connectionFailed(self, failure):
        if self.startedDeferred is not None:
            d, self.startedDeferred = self.startedDeferred, None
        self.failure = failure

    def connectionRefused(self):
        if self.startedDeferred is not None:
            d, self.startedDeferred = self.startedDeferred, None
        self.refused = 1

class GoodClient(Server):

    def connectionRefused(self):
        if self.startedDeferred is not None:
            d, self.startedDeferred = self.startedDeferred, None
        self.refused = 1

class BadClientError(Exception):
    Raised by BadClient at the end of every datagramReceived call to try and
    screw stuff up.

class BadClient(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
    A DatagramProtocol which always raises an exception from datagramReceived.
    Used to test error handling behavior in the reactor for that method.
    d = None

    def setDeferred(self, d):
        Set the Deferred which will be called back when datagramReceived is
        self.d = d

    def datagramReceived(self, bytes, addr):
        if self.d is not None:
            d, self.d = self.d, None
        raise BadClientError("Application code is very buggy!")

class UDPTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_oldAddress(self):
        The C{type} of the host address of a listening L{DatagramProtocol}'s
        transport is C{"UDP"}.
        server = Server()
        d = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        p = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")
        def cbStarted(ignored):
            addr = p.getHost()
            self.assertEqual(addr.type, 'UDP')
            return p.stopListening()
        return d.addCallback(cbStarted)

    def test_startStop(self):
        The L{DatagramProtocol}'s C{startProtocol} and C{stopProtocol}
        methods are called when its transports starts and stops listening,
        server = Server()
        d = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        port1 = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")
        def cbStarted(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(server.started, 1)
            self.assertEqual(server.stopped, 0)
            return port1.stopListening()
        def cbStopped(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(server.stopped, 1)
        return d.addCallback(cbStarted).addCallback(cbStopped)

    def test_rebind(self):
        Re-listening with the same L{DatagramProtocol} re-invokes the
        C{startProtocol} callback.
        server = Server()
        d = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        p = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")

        def cbStarted(ignored, port):
            return port.stopListening()

        def cbStopped(ignored):
            d = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
            p = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")
            return d.addCallback(cbStarted, p)

        return d.addCallback(cbStarted, p)

    def test_bindError(self):
        A L{CannotListenError} exception is raised when attempting to bind a
        second protocol instance to an already bound port
        server = Server()
        d = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        port = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface='')

        def cbStarted(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(port.getHost(), server.transport.getHost())
            server2 = Server()
                reactor.listenUDP, port.getHost().port, server2,

        def cbFinished(ignored):
            return port.stopListening()
        return d

    def test_sendPackets(self):
        Datagrams can be sent with the transport's C{write} method and
        received via the C{datagramReceived} callback method.
        server = Server()
        serverStarted = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        port1 = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")

        client = GoodClient()
        clientStarted = client.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()

        def cbServerStarted(ignored):
            self.port2 = reactor.listenUDP(0, client, interface="")
            return clientStarted

        d = serverStarted.addCallback(cbServerStarted)

        def cbClientStarted(ignored):
            cAddr = client.transport.getHost()
            sAddr = server.transport.getHost()

            serverSend = client.packetReceived = defer.Deferred()
            server.transport.write(b"hello", (cAddr.host, cAddr.port))

            clientWrites = [
                (b"b", None),
                (b"c", (sAddr.host, sAddr.port))]

            def cbClientSend(ignored):
                if clientWrites:
                    nextClientWrite = server.packetReceived = defer.Deferred()
                    return nextClientWrite

            # No one will ever call .errback on either of these Deferreds,
            # but there is a non-trivial amount of test code which might
            # cause them to fail somehow.  So fireOnOneErrback=True.
            return defer.DeferredList([


        def cbSendsFinished(ignored):
            cAddr = client.transport.getHost()
            sAddr = server.transport.getHost()
                [(b"hello", (sAddr.host, sAddr.port))])
            clientAddr = (cAddr.host, cAddr.port)
                [(b"a", clientAddr),
                 (b"b", clientAddr),
                 (b"c", clientAddr)])


        def cbFinished(ignored):
            return defer.DeferredList([

        return d

    def test_connectionRefused(self):
        A L{ConnectionRefusedError} exception is raised when a connection
        attempt is actively refused by the other end.

        Note: This test assumes no one is listening on port 80 UDP.
        client = GoodClient()
        clientStarted = client.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        port = reactor.listenUDP(0, client, interface="")

        server = Server()
        serverStarted = server.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        port2 = reactor.listenUDP(0, server, interface="")

        d = defer.DeferredList(
            [clientStarted, serverStarted],

        def cbStarted(ignored):
            connectionRefused = client.startedDeferred = defer.Deferred()
            client.transport.connect("", 80)

            for i in range(10):
                server.transport.write(intToBytes(i), ("", 80))

            return self.assertFailure(


        def cbFinished(ignored):
            return defer.DeferredList([

        return d

    def test_badConnect(self):
        A call to the transport's connect method fails with an
        L{InvalidAddressError} when a non-IP address is passed as the host

        A call to a transport's connect method fails with a L{RuntimeError}
        when the transport is already connected.
        client = GoodClient()
        port = reactor.listenUDP(0, client, interface="")
        self.assertRaises(error.InvalidAddressError, client.transport.connect,
                          "localhost", 80)
        client.transport.connect("", 80)
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, client.transport.connect,
                          "", 80)
        return port.stopListening()

    def test_datagramReceivedError(self):
        When datagramReceived raises an exception it is logged but the port
        is not disconnected.
        finalDeferred = defer.Deferred()

        def cbCompleted(ign):
            Flush the exceptions which the reactor should have logged and make
            sure they're actually there.
            errs = self.flushLoggedErrors(BadClientError)
            self.assertEqual(len(errs), 2, "Incorrectly found %d errors, expected 2" % (len(errs),))

        client = BadClient()
        port = reactor.listenUDP(0, client, interface='')

        def cbCleanup(result):
            Disconnect the port we started and pass on whatever was given to us
            in case it was a Failure.
            return defer.maybeDeferred(port.stopListening).addBoth(lambda ign: result)

        addr = port.getHost()

        # UDP is not reliable.  Try to send as many as 60 packets before giving
        # up.  Conceivably, all sixty could be lost, but they probably won't be
        # unless all UDP traffic is being dropped, and then the rest of these
        # UDP tests will likely fail as well.  Ideally, this test (and probably
        # others) wouldn't even use actual UDP traffic: instead, they would
        # stub out the socket with a fake one which could be made to behave in
        # whatever way the test desires.  Unfortunately, this is hard because
        # of differences in various reactor implementations.
        attempts = list(range(60))
        succeededAttempts = []

        def makeAttempt():
            Send one packet to the listening BadClient.  Set up a 0.1 second
            timeout to do re-transmits in case the packet is dropped.  When two
            packets have been received by the BadClient, stop sending and let
            the finalDeferred's callbacks do some assertions.
            if not attempts:
                    self.fail("Not enough packets received")

            self.failIfIdentical(client.transport, None, "UDP Protocol lost its transport")

            packet = intToBytes(attempts.pop(0))
            packetDeferred = defer.Deferred()
            client.transport.write(packet, (addr.host, addr.port))

            def cbPacketReceived(packet):
                A packet arrived.  Cancel the timeout for it, record it, and
                maybe finish the test.
                if len(succeededAttempts) == 2:
                    # The second error has not yet been logged, since the
                    # exception which causes it hasn't even been raised yet.
                    # Give the datagramReceived call a chance to finish, then
                    # let the test finish asserting things.
                    reactor.callLater(0, finalDeferred.callback, None)

            def ebPacketTimeout(err):
                The packet wasn't received quickly enough.  Try sending another
                one.  It doesn't matter if the packet for which this was the
                timeout eventually arrives: makeAttempt throws away the
                Deferred on which this function is the errback, so when
                datagramReceived callbacks, so it won't be on this Deferred, so
                it won't raise an AlreadyCalledError.

            packetDeferred.addCallbacks(cbPacketReceived, ebPacketTimeout)

            timeoutCall = reactor.callLater(
                0.1, packetDeferred.errback,
                    "Timed out in testDatagramReceivedError"))

        return finalDeferred

    def test_NoWarningOnBroadcast(self):
        C{'<broadcast>'} is an alternative way to say C{''}
        ({socket.gethostbyname("<broadcast>")} returns C{''}),
        so because it becomes a valid IP address, no deprecation warning about
        passing hostnames to L{twisted.internet.udp.Port.write} needs to be
        emitted by C{write()} in this case.
        class fakeSocket:
            def sendto(self, foo, bar):

        p = udp.Port(0, Server())
        p.socket = fakeSocket()
        p.write(b"test", ("<broadcast>", 1234))

        warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_NoWarningOnBroadcast])
        self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 0)

class ReactorShutdownInteractionTests(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test reactor shutdown interaction"""

    def setUp(self):
        """Start a UDP port"""
        self.server = Server()
        self.port = reactor.listenUDP(0, self.server, interface='')

    def tearDown(self):
        """Stop the UDP port"""
        return self.port.stopListening()

    def testShutdownFromDatagramReceived(self):
        """Test reactor shutdown while in a recvfrom() loop"""

        # udp.Port's doRead calls recvfrom() in a loop, as an optimization.
        # It is important this loop terminate under various conditions.
        # Previously, if datagramReceived synchronously invoked
        # reactor.stop(), under certain reactors, the Port's socket would
        # synchronously disappear, causing an AttributeError inside that
        # loop.  This was mishandled, causing the loop to spin forever.
        # This test is primarily to ensure that the loop never spins
        # forever.

        finished = defer.Deferred()
        pr = self.server.packetReceived = defer.Deferred()

        def pktRece(ignored):
            # Simulate reactor.stop() behavior :(
            # Then delay this Deferred chain until the protocol has been
            # disconnected, as the reactor should do in an error condition
            # such as we are inducing.  This is very much a whitebox test.
            reactor.callLater(0, finished.callback, None)

        def flushErrors(ignored):
            # We are breaking abstraction and calling private APIs, any
            # number of horrible errors might occur.  As long as the reactor
            # doesn't hang, this test is satisfied.  (There may be room for
            # another, stricter test.)
        self.server.transport.write(b'\0' * 64, ('',
        return finished

class MulticastTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.server = Server()
        self.client = Client()
        # multicast won't work if we listen over loopback, apparently
        self.port1 = reactor.listenMulticast(0, self.server)
        self.port2 = reactor.listenMulticast(0, self.client)
            "", self.server.transport.getHost().port)

    def tearDown(self):
        return gatherResults([

    def testTTL(self):
        for o in self.client, self.server:
            self.assertEqual(o.transport.getTTL(), 1)
            self.assertEqual(o.transport.getTTL(), 2)

    def test_loopback(self):
        Test that after loopback mode has been set, multicast packets are
        delivered to their sender.
        self.assertEqual(self.server.transport.getLoopbackMode(), 1)
        addr = self.server.transport.getHost()
        joined = self.server.transport.joinGroup("")

        def cbJoined(ignored):
            d = self.server.packetReceived = Deferred()
            self.server.transport.write(b"hello", ("", addr.port))
            return d

        def cbPacket(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.server.packets), 1)
            self.assertEqual(self.server.transport.getLoopbackMode(), 0)
            self.server.transport.write(b"hello", ("", addr.port))

            # This is fairly lame.
            d = Deferred()
            reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, None)
            return d

        def cbNoPacket(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.server.packets), 1)

        return joined

    def test_interface(self):
        Test C{getOutgoingInterface} and C{setOutgoingInterface}.
            self.client.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")
            self.server.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")

        d1 = self.client.transport.setOutgoingInterface("")
        d2 = self.server.transport.setOutgoingInterface("")
        result = gatherResults([d1, d2])

        def cbInterfaces(ignored):
                self.client.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")
                self.server.transport.getOutgoingInterface(), "")
        return result

    def test_joinLeave(self):
        Test that multicast a group can be joined and left.
        d = self.client.transport.joinGroup("")

        def clientJoined(ignored):
            return self.client.transport.leaveGroup("")

        def clientLeft(ignored):
            return self.server.transport.joinGroup("")

        def serverJoined(ignored):
            return self.server.transport.leaveGroup("")

        return d

    def test_joinFailure(self):
        Test that an attempt to join an address which is not a multicast
        address fails with L{error.MulticastJoinError}.
        # is not a multicast address, so joining it should fail.
        return self.assertFailure(
    if runtime.platform.isWindows() and not runtime.platform.isVista():
        # FIXME: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7780
        test_joinFailure.skip = (
            "Windows' UDP multicast is not yet fully supported.")

    def test_multicast(self):
        Test that a multicast group can be joined and messages sent to and
        received from it.
        c = Server()
        p = reactor.listenMulticast(0, c)
        addr = self.server.transport.getHost()

        joined = self.server.transport.joinGroup("")

        def cbJoined(ignored):
            d = self.server.packetReceived = Deferred()
            c.transport.write(b"hello world", ("", addr.port))
            return d

        def cbPacket(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(self.server.packets[0][0], b"hello world")

        def cleanup(passthrough):
            result = maybeDeferred(p.stopListening)
            result.addCallback(lambda ign: passthrough)
            return result

        return joined

    def test_multiListen(self):
        Test that multiple sockets can listen on the same multicast port and
        that they both receive multicast messages directed to that address.
        firstClient = Server()
        firstPort = reactor.listenMulticast(
            0, firstClient, listenMultiple=True)

        portno = firstPort.getHost().port

        secondClient = Server()
        secondPort = reactor.listenMulticast(
            portno, secondClient, listenMultiple=True)

        theGroup = ""
        joined = gatherResults([self.server.transport.joinGroup(theGroup),

        def serverJoined(ignored):
            d1 = firstClient.packetReceived = Deferred()
            d2 = secondClient.packetReceived = Deferred()
            firstClient.transport.write(b"hello world", (theGroup, portno))
            return gatherResults([d1, d2])

        def gotPackets(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(firstClient.packets[0][0], b"hello world")
            self.assertEqual(secondClient.packets[0][0], b"hello world")

        def cleanup(passthrough):
            result = gatherResults([
            result.addCallback(lambda ign: passthrough)
            return result
        return joined
    if runtime.platform.isWindows():
        test_multiListen.skip = ("on non-linux platforms it appears multiple "
                                 "processes can listen, but not multiple sockets "
                                 "in same process?")

if not interfaces.IReactorUDP(reactor, None):
    UDPTests.skip = "This reactor does not support UDP"
    ReactorShutdownInteractionTests.skip = "This reactor does not support UDP"
if not interfaces.IReactorMulticast(reactor, None):
    MulticastTests.skip = "This reactor does not support multicast"


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