# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for L{twisted.web.resource}.
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod
from twisted.web.resource import (
NOT_FOUND, FORBIDDEN, Resource, ErrorPage, NoResource, ForbiddenResource,
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.web.test.requesthelper import DummyRequest
class ErrorPageTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{ErrorPage}, L{NoResource}, and L{ForbiddenResource}.
errorPage = ErrorPage
noResource = NoResource
forbiddenResource = ForbiddenResource
def test_getChild(self):
The C{getChild} method of L{ErrorPage} returns the L{ErrorPage} it is
called on.
page = self.errorPage(321, "foo", "bar")
self.assertIdentical(page.getChild(b"name", object()), page)
def _pageRenderingTest(self, page, code, brief, detail):
request = DummyRequest([b''])
template = (
u" <head><title>%s - %s</title></head>\n"
u" <body>\n"
u" <h1>%s</h1>\n"
u" <p>%s</p>\n"
u" </body>\n"
expected = template % (code, brief, brief, detail)
page.render(request), expected.encode('utf-8'))
self.assertEqual(request.responseCode, code)
Headers({b'content-type': [b'text/html; charset=utf-8']}))
def test_errorPageRendering(self):
L{ErrorPage.render} returns a C{bytes} describing the error defined by
the response code and message passed to L{ErrorPage.__init__}. It also
uses that response code to set the response code on the L{Request}
passed in.
code = 321
brief = "brief description text"
detail = "much longer text might go here"
page = self.errorPage(code, brief, detail)
self._pageRenderingTest(page, code, brief, detail)
def test_noResourceRendering(self):
L{NoResource} sets the HTTP I{NOT FOUND} code.
detail = "long message"
page = self.noResource(detail)
self._pageRenderingTest(page, NOT_FOUND, "No Such Resource", detail)
def test_forbiddenResourceRendering(self):
L{ForbiddenResource} sets the HTTP I{FORBIDDEN} code.
detail = "longer message"
page = self.forbiddenResource(detail)
self._pageRenderingTest(page, FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden Resource", detail)
class DynamicChild(Resource):
A L{Resource} to be created on the fly by L{DynamicChildren}.
def __init__(self, path, request):
self.path = path
self.request = request
class DynamicChildren(Resource):
A L{Resource} with dynamic children.
def getChild(self, path, request):
return DynamicChild(path, request)
class BytesReturnedRenderable(Resource):
A L{Resource} with minimal capabilities to render a response.
def __init__(self, response):
@param response: A C{bytes} object giving the value to return from
self._response = response
def render_GET(self, request):
Render a response to a I{GET} request by returning a short byte string
to be written by the server.
return self._response
class ImplicitAllowedMethods(Resource):
A L{Resource} which implicitly defines its allowed methods by defining
renderers to handle them.
def render_GET(self, request):
def render_PUT(self, request):
class ResourceTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{Resource}.
def test_staticChildren(self):
L{Resource.putChild} adds a I{static} child to the resource. That child
is returned from any call to L{Resource.getChildWithDefault} for the
child's path.
resource = Resource()
child = Resource()
sibling = Resource()
resource.putChild(b"foo", child)
resource.putChild(b"bar", sibling)
child, resource.getChildWithDefault(b"foo", DummyRequest([])))
def test_dynamicChildren(self):
L{Resource.getChildWithDefault} delegates to L{Resource.getChild} when
the requested path is not associated with any static child.
path = b"foo"
request = DummyRequest([])
resource = DynamicChildren()
child = resource.getChildWithDefault(path, request)
self.assertIsInstance(child, DynamicChild)
self.assertEqual(child.path, path)
self.assertIdentical(child.request, request)
def test_defaultHEAD(self):
When not otherwise overridden, L{Resource.render} treats a I{HEAD}
request as if it were a I{GET} request.
expected = b"insert response here"
request = DummyRequest([])
request.method = b'HEAD'
resource = BytesReturnedRenderable(expected)
self.assertEqual(expected, resource.render(request))
def test_explicitAllowedMethods(self):
The L{UnsupportedMethod} raised by L{Resource.render} for an unsupported
request method has a C{allowedMethods} attribute set to the value of the
C{allowedMethods} attribute of the L{Resource}, if it has one.
expected = [b'GET', b'HEAD', b'PUT']
resource = Resource()
resource.allowedMethods = expected
request = DummyRequest([])
request.method = b'FICTIONAL'
exc = self.assertRaises(UnsupportedMethod, resource.render, request)
self.assertEqual(set(expected), set(exc.allowedMethods))
def test_implicitAllowedMethods(self):
The L{UnsupportedMethod} raised by L{Resource.render} for an unsupported
request method has a C{allowedMethods} attribute set to a list of the
methods supported by the L{Resource}, as determined by the
I{render_}-prefixed methods which it defines, if C{allowedMethods} is
not explicitly defined by the L{Resource}.
expected = set([b'GET', b'HEAD', b'PUT'])
resource = ImplicitAllowedMethods()
request = DummyRequest([])
request.method = b'FICTIONAL'
exc = self.assertRaises(UnsupportedMethod, resource.render, request)
self.assertEqual(expected, set(exc.allowedMethods))
class GetChildForRequestTests(TestCase):
Tests for L{getChildForRequest}.
def test_exhaustedPostPath(self):
L{getChildForRequest} returns whatever resource has been reached by the
time the request's C{postpath} is empty.
request = DummyRequest([])
resource = Resource()
result = getChildForRequest(resource, request)
self.assertIdentical(resource, result)
def test_leafResource(self):
L{getChildForRequest} returns the first resource it encounters with a
C{isLeaf} attribute set to C{True}.
request = DummyRequest([b"foo", b"bar"])
resource = Resource()
resource.isLeaf = True
result = getChildForRequest(resource, request)
self.assertIdentical(resource, result)
def test_postPathToPrePath(self):
As path segments from the request are traversed, they are taken from
C{postpath} and put into C{prepath}.
request = DummyRequest([b"foo", b"bar"])
root = Resource()
child = Resource()
child.isLeaf = True
root.putChild(b"foo", child)
self.assertIdentical(child, getChildForRequest(root, request))
self.assertEqual(request.prepath, [b"foo"])
self.assertEqual(request.postpath, [b"bar"])