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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_template -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

from zope.interface import implementer

from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable
from twisted.web.error import MissingRenderMethod, UnexposedMethodError
from twisted.web.error import MissingTemplateLoader

class Expose(object):
    Helper for exposing methods for various uses using a simple decorator-style

    Instances of this class can be called with one or more functions as
    positional arguments.  The names of these functions will be added to a list
    on the class object of which they are methods.

    @ivar attributeName: The attribute with which exposed methods will be
    def __init__(self, doc=None):
        self.doc = doc

    def __call__(self, *funcObjs):
        Add one or more functions to the set of exposed functions.

        This is a way to declare something about a class definition, similar to
        L{zope.interface.declarations.implementer}.  Use it like this::

            magic = Expose('perform extra magic')
            class Foo(Bar):
                def twiddle(self, x, y):
                def frob(self, a, b):
                magic(twiddle, frob)

        Later you can query the object::

            aFoo = Foo()
            magic.get(aFoo, 'twiddle')(x=1, y=2)

        The call to C{get} will fail if the name it is given has not been
        exposed using C{magic}.

        @param funcObjs: One or more function objects which will be exposed to
        the client.

        @return: The first of C{funcObjs}.
        if not funcObjs:
            raise TypeError("expose() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)")
        for fObj in funcObjs:
            fObj.exposedThrough = getattr(fObj, 'exposedThrough', [])
        return funcObjs[0]

    _nodefault = object()
    def get(self, instance, methodName, default=_nodefault):
        Retrieve an exposed method with the given name from the given instance.

        @raise UnexposedMethodError: Raised if C{default} is not specified and
        there is no exposed method with the given name.

        @return: A callable object for the named method assigned to the given
        method = getattr(instance, methodName, None)
        exposedThrough = getattr(method, 'exposedThrough', [])
        if self not in exposedThrough:
            if default is self._nodefault:
                raise UnexposedMethodError(self, methodName)
            return default
        return method

    def _withDocumentation(cls, thunk):
        Slight hack to make users of this class appear to have a docstring to
        documentation generators, by defining them with a decorator.  (This hack
        should be removed when epydoc can be convinced to use some other method
        for documenting.)
        return cls(thunk.__doc__)

# Avoid exposing the ugly, private classmethod name in the docs.  Luckily this
# namespace is private already so this doesn't leak further.
exposer = Expose._withDocumentation

def renderer():
    Decorate with L{renderer} to use methods as template render directives.

    For example::

        class Foo(Element):
            def twiddle(self, request, tag):
                return tag('Hello, world.')

        <div xmlns:t="http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1">
            <span t:render="twiddle" />

    Will result in this final output::

            <span>Hello, world.</span>

class Element(object):
    Base for classes which can render part of a page.

    An Element is a renderer that can be embedded in a stan document and can
    hook its template (from the loader) up to render methods.

    An Element might be used to encapsulate the rendering of a complex piece of
    data which is to be displayed in multiple different contexts.  The Element
    allows the rendering logic to be easily re-used in different ways.

    Element returns render methods which are registered using
    L{twisted.web._element.renderer}.  For example::

        class Menu(Element):
            def items(self, request, tag):

    Render methods are invoked with two arguments: first, the
    L{twisted.web.http.Request} being served and second, the tag object which
    "invoked" the render method.

    @type loader: L{ITemplateLoader} provider
    @ivar loader: The factory which will be used to load documents to
        return from C{render}.
    loader = None

    def __init__(self, loader=None):
        if loader is not None:
            self.loader = loader

    def lookupRenderMethod(self, name):
        Look up and return the named render method.
        method = renderer.get(self, name, None)
        if method is None:
            raise MissingRenderMethod(self, name)
        return method

    def render(self, request):
        Implement L{IRenderable} to allow one L{Element} to be embedded in
        another's template or rendering output.

        (This will simply load the template from the C{loader}; when used in a
        template, the flattening engine will keep track of this object
        separately as the object to lookup renderers on and call
        L{Element.renderer} to look them up.  The resulting object from this
        method is not directly associated with this L{Element}.)
        loader = self.loader
        if loader is None:
            raise MissingTemplateLoader(self)
        return loader.load()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_auth Folder 0755
test Folder 0755
__init__.py File 699 B 0644
_element.py File 5.81 KB 0644
_flatten.py File 15.54 KB 0644
_http2.py File 48 KB 0644
_newclient.py File 61.84 KB 0644
_responses.py File 3.57 KB 0644
_stan.py File 10.54 KB 0644
client.py File 74.26 KB 0644
demo.py File 554 B 0644
distrib.py File 11.45 KB 0644
domhelpers.py File 8.44 KB 0644
error.py File 12.49 KB 0644
guard.py File 630 B 0644
html.py File 1.52 KB 0644
http.py File 96.91 KB 0644
http_headers.py File 8.04 KB 0644
iweb.py File 24.97 KB 0644
microdom.py File 35.35 KB 0644
proxy.py File 9.6 KB 0644
resource.py File 12.8 KB 0644
rewrite.py File 1.81 KB 0644
script.py File 5.61 KB 0644
server.py File 25.86 KB 0644
static.py File 35.12 KB 0644
sux.py File 20.4 KB 0644
tap.py File 8.73 KB 0644
template.py File 17.14 KB 0644
twcgi.py File 11.08 KB 0644
util.py File 12.12 KB 0644
vhost.py File 4.36 KB 0644
wsgi.py File 21.04 KB 0644
xmlrpc.py File 19.66 KB 0644