# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_template -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
from zope.interface import implementer
from twisted.web.iweb import IRenderable
from twisted.web.error import MissingRenderMethod, UnexposedMethodError
from twisted.web.error import MissingTemplateLoader
class Expose(object):
Helper for exposing methods for various uses using a simple decorator-style
Instances of this class can be called with one or more functions as
positional arguments. The names of these functions will be added to a list
on the class object of which they are methods.
@ivar attributeName: The attribute with which exposed methods will be
def __init__(self, doc=None):
self.doc = doc
def __call__(self, *funcObjs):
Add one or more functions to the set of exposed functions.
This is a way to declare something about a class definition, similar to
L{zope.interface.declarations.implementer}. Use it like this::
magic = Expose('perform extra magic')
class Foo(Bar):
def twiddle(self, x, y):
def frob(self, a, b):
magic(twiddle, frob)
Later you can query the object::
aFoo = Foo()
magic.get(aFoo, 'twiddle')(x=1, y=2)
The call to C{get} will fail if the name it is given has not been
exposed using C{magic}.
@param funcObjs: One or more function objects which will be exposed to
the client.
@return: The first of C{funcObjs}.
if not funcObjs:
raise TypeError("expose() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)")
for fObj in funcObjs:
fObj.exposedThrough = getattr(fObj, 'exposedThrough', [])
return funcObjs[0]
_nodefault = object()
def get(self, instance, methodName, default=_nodefault):
Retrieve an exposed method with the given name from the given instance.
@raise UnexposedMethodError: Raised if C{default} is not specified and
there is no exposed method with the given name.
@return: A callable object for the named method assigned to the given
method = getattr(instance, methodName, None)
exposedThrough = getattr(method, 'exposedThrough', [])
if self not in exposedThrough:
if default is self._nodefault:
raise UnexposedMethodError(self, methodName)
return default
return method
def _withDocumentation(cls, thunk):
Slight hack to make users of this class appear to have a docstring to
documentation generators, by defining them with a decorator. (This hack
should be removed when epydoc can be convinced to use some other method
for documenting.)
return cls(thunk.__doc__)
# Avoid exposing the ugly, private classmethod name in the docs. Luckily this
# namespace is private already so this doesn't leak further.
exposer = Expose._withDocumentation
def renderer():
Decorate with L{renderer} to use methods as template render directives.
For example::
class Foo(Element):
def twiddle(self, request, tag):
return tag('Hello, world.')
<div xmlns:t="http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1">
<span t:render="twiddle" />
Will result in this final output::
<span>Hello, world.</span>
class Element(object):
Base for classes which can render part of a page.
An Element is a renderer that can be embedded in a stan document and can
hook its template (from the loader) up to render methods.
An Element might be used to encapsulate the rendering of a complex piece of
data which is to be displayed in multiple different contexts. The Element
allows the rendering logic to be easily re-used in different ways.
Element returns render methods which are registered using
L{twisted.web._element.renderer}. For example::
class Menu(Element):
def items(self, request, tag):
Render methods are invoked with two arguments: first, the
L{twisted.web.http.Request} being served and second, the tag object which
"invoked" the render method.
@type loader: L{ITemplateLoader} provider
@ivar loader: The factory which will be used to load documents to
return from C{render}.
loader = None
def __init__(self, loader=None):
if loader is not None:
self.loader = loader
def lookupRenderMethod(self, name):
Look up and return the named render method.
method = renderer.get(self, name, None)
if method is None:
raise MissingRenderMethod(self, name)
return method
def render(self, request):
Implement L{IRenderable} to allow one L{Element} to be embedded in
another's template or rendering output.
(This will simply load the template from the C{loader}; when used in a
template, the flattening engine will keep track of this object
separately as the object to lookup renderers on and call
L{Element.renderer} to look them up. The resulting object from this
method is not directly associated with this L{Element}.)
loader = self.loader
if loader is None:
raise MissingTemplateLoader(self)
return loader.load()