[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

*S*mall, *U*ncomplicated *X*ML.

This is a very simple implementation of XML/HTML as a network
protocol.  It is not at all clever.  Its main features are that it
does not:

  - support namespaces
  - mung mnemonic entity references
  - validate
  - perform *any* external actions (such as fetching URLs or writing files)
    under *any* circumstances
  - has lots and lots of horrible hacks for supporting broken HTML (as an
    option, they're not on by default).

from __future__ import print_function

from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
from twisted.python.compat import unicode
from twisted.python.reflect import prefixedMethodNames

# Elements of the three-tuples in the state table.

identChars = '.-_:'
lenientIdentChars = identChars + ';+#/%~'

def nop(*args, **kw):
    "Do nothing."

def unionlist(*args):
    l = []
    for x in args:
    d = dict([(x, 1) for x in l])
    return d.keys()

def zipfndict(*args, **kw):
    default = kw.get('default', nop)
    d = {}
    for key in unionlist(*[fndict.keys() for fndict in args]):
        d[key] = tuple([x.get(key, default) for x in args])
    return d

def prefixedMethodClassDict(clazz, prefix):
    return dict([(name, getattr(clazz, prefix + name)) for name in prefixedMethodNames(clazz, prefix)])

def prefixedMethodObjDict(obj, prefix):
    return dict([(name, getattr(obj, prefix + name)) for name in prefixedMethodNames(obj.__class__, prefix)])

class ParseError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, filename, line, col, message):
        self.filename = filename
        self.line = line
        self.col = col
        self.message = message

    def __str__(self):
       return "%s:%s:%s: %s" % (self.filename, self.line, self.col,

class XMLParser(Protocol):

    state = None
    encodings = None
    filename = "<xml />"
    beExtremelyLenient = 0
    _prepend = None

    # _leadingBodyData will sometimes be set before switching to the
    # 'bodydata' state, when we "accidentally" read a byte of bodydata
    # in a different state.
    _leadingBodyData = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.lineno = 1
        self.colno = 0
        self.encodings = []

    def saveMark(self):
        '''Get the line number and column of the last character parsed'''
        # This gets replaced during dataReceived, restored afterwards
        return (self.lineno, self.colno)

    def _parseError(self, message):
        raise ParseError(*((self.filename,)+self.saveMark()+(message,)))

    def _buildStateTable(self):
        '''Return a dictionary of begin, do, end state function tuples'''
        # _buildStateTable leaves something to be desired but it does what it
        # does.. probably slowly, so I'm doing some evil caching so it doesn't
        # get called more than once per class.
        stateTable = getattr(self.__class__, '__stateTable', None)
        if stateTable is None:
            stateTable = self.__class__.__stateTable = zipfndict(
                *[prefixedMethodObjDict(self, prefix)
                  for prefix in ('begin_', 'do_', 'end_')])
        return stateTable

    def _decode(self, data):
        if 'UTF-16' in self.encodings or 'UCS-2' in self.encodings:
            assert not len(data) & 1, 'UTF-16 must come in pairs for now'
        if self._prepend:
            data = self._prepend + data
        for encoding in self.encodings:
            data = unicode(data, encoding)
        return data

    def maybeBodyData(self):
        if self.endtag:
            return 'bodydata'

        # Get ready for fun! We're going to allow
        # <script>if (foo < bar)</script> to work!
        # We do this by making everything between <script> and
        # </script> a Text
        # BUT <script src="foo"> will be special-cased to do regular,
        # lenient behavior, because those may not have </script>
        # -radix

        if (self.tagName == 'script' and 'src' not in self.tagAttributes):
            # we do this ourselves rather than having begin_waitforendscript
            # because that can get called multiple times and we don't want
            # bodydata to get reset other than the first time.
            return 'waitforendscript'
        return 'bodydata'

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        stateTable = self._buildStateTable()
        if not self.state:
            # all UTF-16 starts with this string
            if data.startswith((b'\xff\xfe', b'\xfe\xff')):
                self._prepend = data[0:2]
                data = data[2:]
            self.state = 'begin'
        if self.encodings:
            data = self._decode(data)
            data = data.decode("utf-8")
        # bring state, lineno, colno into local scope
        lineno, colno = self.lineno, self.colno
        curState = self.state
        # replace saveMark with a nested scope function
        _saveMark = self.saveMark
        def saveMark():
            return (lineno, colno)
        self.saveMark = saveMark
        # fetch functions from the stateTable
        beginFn, doFn, endFn = stateTable[curState]
            for byte in data:
                # do newline stuff
                if byte == u'\n':
                    lineno += 1
                    colno = 0
                    colno += 1
                newState = doFn(byte)
                if newState is not None and newState != curState:
                    # this is the endFn from the previous state
                    curState = newState
                    beginFn, doFn, endFn = stateTable[curState]
            self.saveMark = _saveMark
            self.lineno, self.colno = lineno, colno
        # state doesn't make sense if there's an exception..
        self.state = curState

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        End the last state we were in.
        stateTable = self._buildStateTable()

    # state methods

    def do_begin(self, byte):
        if byte.isspace():
        if byte != '<':
            if self.beExtremelyLenient:
                self._leadingBodyData = byte
                return 'bodydata'
            self._parseError("First char of document [%r] wasn't <" % (byte,))
        return 'tagstart'

    def begin_comment(self, byte):
        self.commentbuf = ''

    def do_comment(self, byte):
        self.commentbuf += byte
        if self.commentbuf.endswith('-->'):
            return 'bodydata'

    def begin_tagstart(self, byte):
        self.tagName = ''               # name of the tag
        self.tagAttributes = {}         # attributes of the tag
        self.termtag = 0                # is the tag self-terminating
        self.endtag = 0

    def do_tagstart(self, byte):
        if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
            self.tagName += byte
            if self.tagName == '!--':
                return 'comment'
        elif byte.isspace():
            if self.tagName:
                if self.endtag:
                    # properly strict thing to do here is probably to only
                    # accept whitespace
                    return 'waitforgt'
                return 'attrs'
                self._parseError("Whitespace before tag-name")
        elif byte == '>':
            if self.endtag:
                return 'bodydata'
                self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, {})
                return (not self.beExtremelyLenient) and 'bodydata' or self.maybeBodyData()
        elif byte == '/':
            if self.tagName:
                return 'afterslash'
                self.endtag = 1
        elif byte in '!?':
            if self.tagName:
                if not self.beExtremelyLenient:
                    self._parseError("Invalid character in tag-name")
                self.tagName += byte
                self.termtag = 1
        elif byte == '[':
            if self.tagName == '!':
                return 'expectcdata'
                self._parseError("Invalid '[' in tag-name")
            if self.beExtremelyLenient:
                self.bodydata = '<'
                return 'unentity'
            self._parseError('Invalid tag character: %r'% byte)

    def begin_unentity(self, byte):
        self.bodydata += byte

    def do_unentity(self, byte):
        self.bodydata += byte
        return 'bodydata'

    def end_unentity(self):

    def begin_expectcdata(self, byte):
        self.cdatabuf = byte

    def do_expectcdata(self, byte):
        self.cdatabuf += byte
        cdb = self.cdatabuf
        cd = '[CDATA['
        if len(cd) > len(cdb):
            if cd.startswith(cdb):
            elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
                ## WHAT THE CRAP!?  MSWord9 generates HTML that includes these
                ## bizarre <![if !foo]> <![endif]> chunks, so I've gotta ignore
                ## 'em as best I can.  this should really be a separate parse
                ## state but I don't even have any idea what these _are_.
                return 'waitforgt'
                self._parseError("Mal-formed CDATA header")
        if cd == cdb:
            self.cdatabuf = ''
            return 'cdata'
        self._parseError("Mal-formed CDATA header")

    def do_cdata(self, byte):
        self.cdatabuf += byte
        if self.cdatabuf.endswith("]]>"):
            self.cdatabuf = self.cdatabuf[:-3]
            return 'bodydata'

    def end_cdata(self):
        self.cdatabuf = ''

    def do_attrs(self, byte):
        if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
            # XXX FIXME really handle !DOCTYPE at some point
            if self.tagName == '!DOCTYPE':
                return 'doctype'
            if self.tagName[0] in '!?':
                return 'waitforgt'
            return 'attrname'
        elif byte.isspace():
        elif byte == '>':
            self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
            return (not self.beExtremelyLenient) and 'bodydata' or self.maybeBodyData()
        elif byte == '/':
            return 'afterslash'
        elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
            # discard and move on?  Only case I've seen of this so far was:
            # <foo bar="baz"">
        self._parseError("Unexpected character: %r" % byte)

    def begin_doctype(self, byte):
        self.doctype = byte

    def do_doctype(self, byte):
        if byte == '>':
            return 'bodydata'
        self.doctype += byte

    def end_doctype(self):
        self.doctype = None

    def do_waitforgt(self, byte):
        if byte == '>':
            if self.endtag or not self.beExtremelyLenient:
                return 'bodydata'
            return self.maybeBodyData()

    def begin_attrname(self, byte):
        self.attrname = byte
        self._attrname_termtag = 0

    def do_attrname(self, byte):
        if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
            self.attrname += byte
        elif byte == '=':
            return 'beforeattrval'
        elif byte.isspace():
            return 'beforeeq'
        elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
            if byte in '"\'':
                return 'attrval'
            if byte in lenientIdentChars or byte.isalnum():
                self.attrname += byte
            if byte == '/':
                self._attrname_termtag = 1
            if byte == '>':
                self.attrval = 'True'
                self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
                self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
                if self._attrname_termtag:
                    return 'bodydata'
                return self.maybeBodyData()
            # something is really broken. let's leave this attribute where it
            # is and move on to the next thing
        self._parseError("Invalid attribute name: %r %r" % (self.attrname, byte))

    def do_beforeattrval(self, byte):
        if byte in '"\'':
            return 'attrval'
        elif byte.isspace():
        elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
            if byte in lenientIdentChars or byte.isalnum():
                return 'messyattr'
            if byte == '>':
                self.attrval = 'True'
                self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
                self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
                return self.maybeBodyData()
            if byte == '\\':
                # I saw this in actual HTML once:
                # <font size=\"3\"><sup>SM</sup></font>
        self._parseError("Invalid initial attribute value: %r; Attribute values must be quoted." % byte)

    attrname = ''
    attrval = ''

    def begin_beforeeq(self,byte):
        self._beforeeq_termtag = 0

    def do_beforeeq(self, byte):
        if byte == '=':
            return 'beforeattrval'
        elif byte.isspace():
        elif self.beExtremelyLenient:
            if byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
                self.attrval = 'True'
                self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
                return 'attrname'
            elif byte == '>':
                self.attrval = 'True'
                self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
                self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
                if self._beforeeq_termtag:
                    return 'bodydata'
                return self.maybeBodyData()
            elif byte == '/':
                self._beforeeq_termtag = 1
        self._parseError("Invalid attribute")

    def begin_attrval(self, byte):
        self.quotetype = byte
        self.attrval = ''

    def do_attrval(self, byte):
        if byte == self.quotetype:
            return 'attrs'
        self.attrval += byte

    def end_attrval(self):
        self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
        self.attrname = self.attrval = ''

    def begin_messyattr(self, byte):
        self.attrval = byte

    def do_messyattr(self, byte):
        if byte.isspace():
            return 'attrs'
        elif byte == '>':
            endTag = 0
            if self.attrval.endswith('/'):
                endTag = 1
                self.attrval = self.attrval[:-1]
            self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval
            self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
            if endTag:
                return 'bodydata'
            return self.maybeBodyData()
            self.attrval += byte

    def end_messyattr(self):
        if self.attrval:
            self.tagAttributes[self.attrname] = self.attrval

    def begin_afterslash(self, byte):
        self._after_slash_closed = 0

    def do_afterslash(self, byte):
        # this state is only after a self-terminating slash, e.g. <foo/>
        if self._after_slash_closed:
            self._parseError("Mal-formed")#XXX When does this happen??
        if byte != '>':
            if self.beExtremelyLenient:
                self._parseError("No data allowed after '/'")
        self._after_slash_closed = 1
        self.gotTagStart(self.tagName, self.tagAttributes)
        # don't need maybeBodyData here because there better not be
        # any javascript code after a <script/>... we'll see :(
        return 'bodydata'

    def begin_bodydata(self, byte):
        if self._leadingBodyData:
            self.bodydata = self._leadingBodyData
            del self._leadingBodyData
            self.bodydata = ''

    def do_bodydata(self, byte):
        if byte == '<':
            return 'tagstart'
        if byte == '&':
            return 'entityref'
        self.bodydata += byte

    def end_bodydata(self):
        self.bodydata = ''

    def do_waitforendscript(self, byte):
        if byte == '<':
            return 'waitscriptendtag'
        self.bodydata += byte

    def begin_waitscriptendtag(self, byte):
        self.temptagdata = ''
        self.tagName = ''
        self.endtag = 0

    def do_waitscriptendtag(self, byte):
        # 1 enforce / as first byte read
        # 2 enforce following bytes to be subset of "script" until
        #   tagName == "script"
        #   2a when that happens, gotText(self.bodydata) and gotTagEnd(self.tagName)
        # 3 spaces can happen anywhere, they're ignored
        #   e.g. < / script >
        # 4 anything else causes all data I've read to be moved to the
        #   bodydata, and switch back to waitforendscript state

        # If it turns out this _isn't_ a </script>, we need to
        # remember all the data we've been through so we can append it
        # to bodydata
        self.temptagdata += byte

        # 1
        if byte == '/':
            self.endtag = True
        elif not self.endtag:
            self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
            return 'waitforendscript'
        # 2
        elif byte.isalnum() or byte in identChars:
            self.tagName += byte
            if not 'script'.startswith(self.tagName):
                self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
                return 'waitforendscript'
            elif self.tagName == 'script':
                return 'waitforgt'
        # 3
        elif byte.isspace():
            return 'waitscriptendtag'
        # 4
            self.bodydata += "<" + self.temptagdata
            return 'waitforendscript'

    def begin_entityref(self, byte):
        self.erefbuf = ''
        self.erefextra = '' # extra bit for lenient mode

    def do_entityref(self, byte):
        if byte.isspace() or byte == "<":
            if self.beExtremelyLenient:
                # '&foo' probably was '&amp;foo'
                if self.erefbuf and self.erefbuf != "amp":
                    self.erefextra = self.erefbuf
                self.erefbuf = "amp"
                if byte == "<":
                    return "tagstart"
                    self.erefextra += byte
                    return 'spacebodydata'
            self._parseError("Bad entity reference")
        elif byte != ';':
            self.erefbuf += byte
            return 'bodydata'

    def end_entityref(self):

    # hacky support for space after & in entityref in beExtremelyLenient
    # state should only happen in that case
    def begin_spacebodydata(self, byte):
        self.bodydata = self.erefextra
        self.erefextra = None
    do_spacebodydata = do_bodydata
    end_spacebodydata = end_bodydata

    # Sorta SAX-ish API

    def gotTagStart(self, name, attributes):
        '''Encountered an opening tag.

        Default behaviour is to print.'''
        print('begin', name, attributes)

    def gotText(self, data):
        '''Encountered text

        Default behaviour is to print.'''
        print('text:', repr(data))

    def gotEntityReference(self, entityRef):
        '''Encountered mnemonic entity reference

        Default behaviour is to print.'''
        print('entityRef: &%s;' % entityRef)

    def gotComment(self, comment):
        '''Encountered comment.

        Default behaviour is to ignore.'''

    def gotCData(self, cdata):
        '''Encountered CDATA

        Default behaviour is to call the gotText method'''

    def gotDoctype(self, doctype):
        """Encountered DOCTYPE

        This is really grotty: it basically just gives you everything between
        '<!DOCTYPE' and '>' as an argument.
        print('!DOCTYPE', repr(doctype))

    def gotTagEnd(self, name):
        '''Encountered closing tag

        Default behaviour is to print.'''
        print('end', name)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
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test Folder 0755
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_flatten.py File 15.54 KB 0644
_http2.py File 48 KB 0644
_newclient.py File 61.84 KB 0644
_responses.py File 3.57 KB 0644
_stan.py File 10.54 KB 0644
client.py File 74.26 KB 0644
demo.py File 554 B 0644
distrib.py File 11.45 KB 0644
domhelpers.py File 8.44 KB 0644
error.py File 12.49 KB 0644
guard.py File 630 B 0644
html.py File 1.52 KB 0644
http.py File 96.91 KB 0644
http_headers.py File 8.04 KB 0644
iweb.py File 24.97 KB 0644
microdom.py File 35.35 KB 0644
proxy.py File 9.6 KB 0644
resource.py File 12.8 KB 0644
rewrite.py File 1.81 KB 0644
script.py File 5.61 KB 0644
server.py File 25.86 KB 0644
static.py File 35.12 KB 0644
sux.py File 20.4 KB 0644
tap.py File 8.73 KB 0644
template.py File 17.14 KB 0644
twcgi.py File 11.08 KB 0644
util.py File 12.12 KB 0644
vhost.py File 4.36 KB 0644
wsgi.py File 21.04 KB 0644
xmlrpc.py File 19.66 KB 0644