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# -*- Python -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Pan-protocol chat client.

from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute

# (Random musings, may not reflect on current state of code:)
# Accounts have Protocol components (clients)
# Persons have Conversation components
# Groups have GroupConversation components
# Persons and Groups are associated with specific Accounts
# At run-time, Clients/Accounts are slaved to a User Interface
#   (Note: User may be a bot, so don't assume all UIs are built on gui toolkits)

class IAccount(Interface):
    I represent a user's account with a chat service.

    client = Attribute('The L{IClient} currently connecting to this account, if any.')
    gatewayType = Attribute('A C{str} that identifies the protocol used by this account.')

    def __init__(accountName, autoLogin, username, password, host, port):
        @type accountName: string
        @param accountName: A name to refer to the account by locally.
        @type autoLogin: boolean
        @type username: string
        @type password: string
        @type host: string
        @type port: integer

    def isOnline():
        Am I online?

        @rtype: boolean

    def logOn(chatui):
        Go on-line.

        @type chatui: Implementor of C{IChatUI}

        @rtype: L{Deferred} with an eventual L{IClient} result.

    def logOff():
        Sign off.

    def getGroup(groupName):
        @rtype: L{Group<IGroup>}

    def getPerson(personName):
        @rtype: L{Person<IPerson>}

class IClient(Interface):

    account = Attribute('The L{IAccount} I am a Client for')

    def __init__(account, chatui, logonDeferred):
        @type account: L{IAccount}
        @type chatui: L{IChatUI}
        @param logonDeferred: Will be called back once I am logged on.
        @type logonDeferred: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}

    def joinGroup(groupName):
        @param groupName: The name of the group to join.
        @type groupName: string

    def leaveGroup(groupName):
        @param groupName: The name of the group to leave.
        @type groupName: string

    def getGroupConversation(name, hide=0):

    def getPerson(name):

class IPerson(Interface):

    def __init__(name, account):
        Initialize me.

        @param name: My name, as the server knows me.
        @type name: string
        @param account: The account I am accessed through.
        @type account: I{Account}

    def isOnline():
        Am I online right now?

        @rtype: boolean

    def getStatus():
        What is my on-line status?

        @return: L{locals.StatusEnum}

    def getIdleTime():
        @rtype: string (XXX: How about a scalar?)

    def sendMessage(text, metadata=None):
        Send a message to this person.

        @type text: string
        @type metadata: dict

class IGroup(Interface):
    A group which you may have a conversation with.

    Groups generally have a loosely-defined set of members, who may
    leave and join at any time.

    name = Attribute('My C{str} name, as the server knows me.')
    account = Attribute('The L{Account<IAccount>} I am accessed through.')

    def __init__(name, account):
        Initialize me.

        @param name: My name, as the server knows me.
        @type name: str
        @param account: The account I am accessed through.
        @type account: L{Account<IAccount>}

    def setTopic(text):
        Set this Groups topic on the server.

        @type text: string

    def sendGroupMessage(text, metadata=None):
        Send a message to this group.

        @type text: str

        @type metadata: dict
        @param metadata: Valid keys for this dictionary include:

            - C{'style'}: associated with one of:
                - C{'emote'}: indicates this is an action

    def join():
        Join this group.

    def leave():
        Depart this group.

class IConversation(Interface):
    A conversation with a specific person.

    def __init__(person, chatui):
        @type person: L{IPerson}

    def show():
        doesn't seem like it belongs in this interface.

    def hide():
        nor this neither.

    def sendText(text, metadata):

    def showMessage(text, metadata):

    def changedNick(person, newnick):
        @param person: XXX Shouldn't this always be Conversation.person?

class IGroupConversation(Interface):

    def show():
        doesn't seem like it belongs in this interface.

    def hide():
        nor this neither.

    def sendText(text, metadata):

    def showGroupMessage(sender, text, metadata):

    def setGroupMembers(members):
        Sets the list of members in the group and displays it to the user.

    def setTopic(topic, author):
        Displays the topic (from the server) for the group conversation window.

        @type topic: string
        @type author: string (XXX: Not Person?)

    def memberJoined(member):
        Adds the given member to the list of members in the group conversation
        and displays this to the user,

        @type member: string (XXX: Not Person?)

    def memberChangedNick(oldnick, newnick):
        Changes the oldnick in the list of members to C{newnick} and displays this
        change to the user,

        @type oldnick: string (XXX: Not Person?)
        @type newnick: string

    def memberLeft(member):
        Deletes the given member from the list of members in the group
        conversation and displays the change to the user.

        @type member: string (XXX: Not Person?)

class IChatUI(Interface):

    def registerAccountClient(client):
        Notifies user that an account has been signed on to.

        @type client: L{Client<IClient>}

    def unregisterAccountClient(client):
        Notifies user that an account has been signed off or disconnected.

        @type client: L{Client<IClient>}

    def getContactsList():
        @rtype: L{ContactsList}

    # WARNING: You'll want to be polymorphed into something with
    # intrinsic stoning resistance before continuing.

    def getConversation(person, Class, stayHidden=0):
        For the given person object, returns the conversation window
        or creates and returns a new conversation window if one does not exist.

        @type person: L{Person<IPerson>}
        @type Class: L{Conversation<IConversation>} class
        @type stayHidden: boolean

        @rtype: L{Conversation<IConversation>}

    def getGroupConversation(group, Class, stayHidden=0):
        For the given group object, returns the group conversation window or
        creates and returns a new group conversation window if it doesn't exist.

        @type group: L{Group<interfaces.IGroup>}
        @type Class: L{Conversation<interfaces.IConversation>} class
        @type stayHidden: boolean

        @rtype: L{GroupConversation<interfaces.IGroupConversation>}

    def getPerson(name, client):
        Get a Person for a client.

        Duplicates L{IAccount.getPerson}.

        @type name: string
        @type client: L{Client<IClient>}

        @rtype: L{Person<IPerson>}

    def getGroup(name, client):
        Get a Group for a client.

        Duplicates L{IAccount.getGroup}.

        @type name: string
        @type client: L{Client<IClient>}

        @rtype: L{Group<IGroup>}

    def contactChangedNick(oldnick, newnick):
        For the given person, changes the person's name to newnick, and
        tells the contact list and any conversation windows with that person
        to change as well.

        @type oldnick: string
        @type newnick: string


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 129 B 0644
baseaccount.py File 1.77 KB 0644
basechat.py File 16.07 KB 0644
basesupport.py File 7.66 KB 0644
instancemessenger.glade File 75.32 KB 0644
interfaces.py File 8.47 KB 0644
ircsupport.py File 8.94 KB 0644
locals.py File 499 B 0644
pbsupport.py File 9.45 KB 0644