# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_jabberclient -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from twisted.python.compat import _coercedUnicode, unicode
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream, sasl, error
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath, utility
NS_XMPP_STREAMS = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'
NS_XMPP_BIND = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'
NS_XMPP_SESSION = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session'
NS_IQ_AUTH_FEATURE = 'http://jabber.org/features/iq-auth'
DigestAuthQry = xpath.internQuery("/iq/query/digest")
PlaintextAuthQry = xpath.internQuery("/iq/query/password")
def basicClientFactory(jid, secret):
a = BasicAuthenticator(jid, secret)
return xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory(a)
class IQ(domish.Element):
Wrapper for a Info/Query packet.
This provides the necessary functionality to send IQs and get notified when
a result comes back. It's a subclass from L{domish.Element}, so you can use
the standard DOM manipulation calls to add data to the outbound request.
@type callbacks: L{utility.CallbackList}
@cvar callbacks: Callback list to be notified when response comes back
def __init__(self, xmlstream, type = "set"):
@type xmlstream: L{xmlstream.XmlStream}
@param xmlstream: XmlStream to use for transmission of this IQ
@type type: C{str}
@param type: IQ type identifier ('get' or 'set')
domish.Element.__init__(self, ("jabber:client", "iq"))
self["type"] = type
self._xmlstream = xmlstream
self.callbacks = utility.CallbackList()
def addCallback(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
Register a callback for notification when the IQ result is available.
self.callbacks.addCallback(True, fn, *args, **kwargs)
def send(self, to = None):
Call this method to send this IQ request via the associated XmlStream.
@param to: Jabber ID of the entity to send the request to
@type to: C{str}
@returns: Callback list for this IQ. Any callbacks added to this list
will be fired when the result comes back.
if to != None:
self["to"] = to
self._xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver("/iq[@id='%s']" % self["id"], \
def _resultEvent(self, iq):
self.callbacks = None
class IQAuthInitializer(object):
Non-SASL Authentication initializer for the initiating entity.
This protocol is defined in
U{JEP-0078<http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0078.html>} and mainly serves for
compatibility with pre-XMPP-1.0 server implementations.
@cvar INVALID_USER_EVENT: Token to signal that authentication failed, due
to invalid username.
@cvar AUTH_FAILED_EVENT: Token to signal that authentication failed, due to
invalid password.
INVALID_USER_EVENT = "//event/client/basicauth/invaliduser"
AUTH_FAILED_EVENT = "//event/client/basicauth/authfailed"
def __init__(self, xs):
self.xmlstream = xs
def initialize(self):
# Send request for auth fields
iq = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, "get")
iq.addElement(("jabber:iq:auth", "query"))
jid = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid
iq.query.addElement("username", content = jid.user)
d = iq.send()
d.addCallbacks(self._cbAuthQuery, self._ebAuthQuery)
return d
def _cbAuthQuery(self, iq):
jid = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid
password = _coercedUnicode(self.xmlstream.authenticator.password)
# Construct auth request
reply = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, "set")
reply.addElement(("jabber:iq:auth", "query"))
reply.query.addElement("username", content = jid.user)
reply.query.addElement("resource", content = jid.resource)
# Prefer digest over plaintext
if DigestAuthQry.matches(iq):
digest = xmlstream.hashPassword(self.xmlstream.sid, password)
reply.query.addElement("digest", content=unicode(digest))
reply.query.addElement("password", content = password)
d = reply.send()
d.addCallbacks(self._cbAuth, self._ebAuth)
return d
def _ebAuthQuery(self, failure):
e = failure.value
if e.condition == 'not-authorized':
self.xmlstream.dispatch(e.stanza, self.INVALID_USER_EVENT)
self.xmlstream.dispatch(e.stanza, self.AUTH_FAILED_EVENT)
return failure
def _cbAuth(self, iq):
def _ebAuth(self, failure):
self.xmlstream.dispatch(failure.value.stanza, self.AUTH_FAILED_EVENT)
return failure
class BasicAuthenticator(xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator):
Authenticates an XmlStream against a Jabber server as a Client.
This only implements non-SASL authentication, per
U{JEP-0078<http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0078.html>}. Additionally, this
authenticator provides the ability to perform inline registration, per
Under normal circumstances, the BasicAuthenticator generates the
L{xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} once the stream has authenticated. However,
it can also generate other events, such as:
- L{INVALID_USER_EVENT} : Authentication failed, due to invalid username
- L{AUTH_FAILED_EVENT} : Authentication failed, due to invalid password
- L{REGISTER_FAILED_EVENT} : Registration failed
If authentication fails for any reason, you can attempt to register by
calling the L{registerAccount} method. If the registration succeeds, a
L{xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} will be fired. Otherwise, one of the above
errors will be generated (again).
@cvar REGISTER_FAILED_EVENT: Token to signal that registration failed.
namespace = "jabber:client"
REGISTER_FAILED_EVENT = "//event/client/basicauth/registerfailed"
def __init__(self, jid, password):
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.__init__(self, jid.host)
self.jid = jid
self.password = password
def associateWithStream(self, xs):
xs.version = (0, 0)
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.associateWithStream(self, xs)
xs.initializers = [
xmlstream.TLSInitiatingInitializer(xs, required=False),
# TODO: move registration into an Initializer?
def registerAccount(self, username = None, password = None):
if username:
self.jid.user = username
if password:
self.password = password
iq = IQ(self.xmlstream, "set")
iq.addElement(("jabber:iq:register", "query"))
iq.query.addElement("username", content = self.jid.user)
iq.query.addElement("password", content = self.password)
def _registerResultEvent(self, iq):
if iq["type"] == "result":
# Registration succeeded -- go ahead and auth
# Registration failed
self.xmlstream.dispatch(iq, self.REGISTER_FAILED_EVENT)
class CheckVersionInitializer(object):
Initializer that checks if the minimum common stream version number is 1.0.
def __init__(self, xs):
self.xmlstream = xs
def initialize(self):
if self.xmlstream.version < (1, 0):
raise error.StreamError('unsupported-version')
class BindInitializer(xmlstream.BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer):
Initializer that implements Resource Binding for the initiating entity.
This protocol is documented in U{RFC 3920, section
feature = (NS_XMPP_BIND, 'bind')
def start(self):
iq = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, 'set')
bind = iq.addElement((NS_XMPP_BIND, 'bind'))
resource = self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid.resource
if resource:
bind.addElement('resource', content=resource)
d = iq.send()
return d
def onBind(self, iq):
if iq.bind:
self.xmlstream.authenticator.jid = JID(unicode(iq.bind.jid))
class SessionInitializer(xmlstream.BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer):
Initializer that implements session establishment for the initiating
This protocol is defined in U{RFC 3921, section
feature = (NS_XMPP_SESSION, 'session')
def start(self):
iq = xmlstream.IQ(self.xmlstream, 'set')
iq.addElement((NS_XMPP_SESSION, 'session'))
return iq.send()
def XMPPClientFactory(jid, password, configurationForTLS=None):
Client factory for XMPP 1.0 (only).
This returns a L{xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory} with an L{XMPPAuthenticator}
object to perform the stream initialization steps (such as authentication).
@see: The notes at L{XMPPAuthenticator} describe how the L{jid} and
L{password} parameters are to be used.
@param jid: Jabber ID to connect with.
@type jid: L{jid.JID}
@param password: password to authenticate with.
@type password: L{unicode}
@param configurationForTLS: An object which creates appropriately
configured TLS connections. This is passed to C{startTLS} on the
transport and is preferably created using
L{twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS}. If C{None}, the default is
to verify the server certificate against the trust roots as provided by
the platform. See L{twisted.internet._sslverify.platformTrust}.
@type configurationForTLS: L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} or C{None}
@return: XML stream factory.
@rtype: L{xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory}
a = XMPPAuthenticator(jid, password,
return xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory(a)
class XMPPAuthenticator(xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator):
Initializes an XmlStream connecting to an XMPP server as a Client.
This authenticator performs the initialization steps needed to start
exchanging XML stanzas with an XMPP server as an XMPP client. It checks if
the server advertises XML stream version 1.0, negotiates TLS (when
available), performs SASL authentication, binds a resource and establishes
a session.
Upon successful stream initialization, the L{xmlstream.STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT}
event will be dispatched through the XML stream object. Otherwise, the
L{xmlstream.INIT_FAILED_EVENT} event will be dispatched with a failure
After inspection of the failure, initialization can then be restarted by
calling L{ConnectAuthenticator.initializeStream}. For example, in case of
authentication failure, a user may be given the opportunity to input the
correct password. By setting the L{password} instance variable and restarting
initialization, the stream authentication step is then retried, and subsequent
steps are performed if successful.
@ivar jid: Jabber ID to authenticate with. This may contain a resource
part, as a suggestion to the server for resource binding. A
server may override this, though. If the resource part is left
off, the server will generate a unique resource identifier.
The server will always return the full Jabber ID in the
resource binding step, and this is stored in this instance
@type jid: L{jid.JID}
@ivar password: password to be used during SASL authentication.
@type password: L{unicode}
namespace = 'jabber:client'
def __init__(self, jid, password, configurationForTLS=None):
@param configurationForTLS: An object which creates appropriately
configured TLS connections. This is passed to C{startTLS} on the
transport and is preferably created using
L{twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS}. If C{None}, the
default is to verify the server certificate against the trust roots
as provided by the platform. See
@type configurationForTLS: L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} or
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.__init__(self, jid.host)
self.jid = jid
self.password = password
self._configurationForTLS = configurationForTLS
def associateWithStream(self, xs):
Register with the XML stream.
Populates stream's list of initializers, along with their
requiredness. This list is used by
L{ConnectAuthenticator.initializeStream} to perform the initialization
xmlstream.ConnectAuthenticator.associateWithStream(self, xs)
xs.initializers = [
xs, required=True,
sasl.SASLInitiatingInitializer(xs, required=True),
BindInitializer(xs, required=True),
SessionInitializer(xs, required=False),