# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_jabberxmlstream -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
XMPP XML Streams
Building blocks for setting up XML Streams, including helping classes for
doing authentication on either client or server side, and working with XML
@var STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT: Token dispatched by L{Authenticator} when the
stream has been completely initialized
@var INIT_FAILED_EVENT: Token dispatched by L{Authenticator} when the
stream has failed to be initialized
@type INIT_FAILED_EVENT: L{str}.
@var Reset: Token to signal that the XML stream has been reset.
@type Reset: Basic object.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from binascii import hexlify
from hashlib import sha1
from zope.interface import directlyProvides, implementer
from twisted.internet import defer, protocol
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionLost
from twisted.python import failure, log, randbytes
from twisted.python.compat import intern, iteritems, itervalues, unicode
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error, ijabber, jid
from twisted.words.xish import domish, xmlstream
from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT
from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_START_EVENT
from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_END_EVENT
from twisted.words.xish.xmlstream import STREAM_ERROR_EVENT
from twisted.internet import ssl
except ImportError:
ssl = None
if ssl and not ssl.supported:
ssl = None
STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT = intern("//event/stream/authd")
INIT_FAILED_EVENT = intern("//event/xmpp/initfailed")
NS_STREAMS = 'http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'
NS_XMPP_TLS = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'
Reset = object()
def hashPassword(sid, password):
Create a SHA1-digest string of a session identifier and password.
@param sid: The stream session identifier.
@type sid: C{unicode}.
@param password: The password to be hashed.
@type password: C{unicode}.
if not isinstance(sid, unicode):
raise TypeError("The session identifier must be a unicode object")
if not isinstance(password, unicode):
raise TypeError("The password must be a unicode object")
input = u"%s%s" % (sid, password)
return sha1(input.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
class Authenticator:
Base class for business logic of initializing an XmlStream
Subclass this object to enable an XmlStream to initialize and authenticate
to different types of stream hosts (such as clients, components, etc.).
1. The Authenticator MUST dispatch a L{STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} when the
stream has been completely initialized.
2. The Authenticator SHOULD reset all state information when
L{associateWithStream} is called.
3. The Authenticator SHOULD override L{streamStarted}, and start
initialization there.
@type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
@ivar xmlstream: The XmlStream that needs authentication
@note: the term authenticator is historical. Authenticators perform
all steps required to prepare the stream for the exchange
of XML stanzas.
def __init__(self):
self.xmlstream = None
def connectionMade(self):
Called by the XmlStream when the underlying socket connection is
in place.
This allows the Authenticator to send an initial root element, if it's
connecting, or wait for an inbound root from the peer if it's accepting
the connection.
Subclasses can use self.xmlstream.send() to send any initial data to
the peer.
def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
A stream is considered to have started when the start tag of the root
element has been received.
This examines C{rootElement} to see if there is a version attribute.
If absent, C{0.0} is assumed per RFC 3920. Subsequently, the
minimum of the version from the received stream header and the
value stored in L{xmlstream} is taken and put back in L{xmlstream}.
Extensions of this method can extract more information from the
stream header and perform checks on them, optionally sending
stream errors and closing the stream.
if rootElement.hasAttribute("version"):
version = rootElement["version"].split(".")
version = (int(version[0]), int(version[1]))
except (IndexError, ValueError):
version = (0, 0)
version = (0, 0)
self.xmlstream.version = min(self.xmlstream.version, version)
def associateWithStream(self, xmlstream):
Called by the XmlStreamFactory when a connection has been made
to the requested peer, and an XmlStream object has been
The default implementation just saves a handle to the new
@type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
@param xmlstream: The XmlStream that will be passing events to this
self.xmlstream = xmlstream
class ConnectAuthenticator(Authenticator):
Authenticator for initiating entities.
namespace = None
def __init__(self, otherHost):
self.otherHost = otherHost
def connectionMade(self):
self.xmlstream.namespace = self.namespace
self.xmlstream.otherEntity = jid.internJID(self.otherHost)
def initializeStream(self):
Perform stream initialization procedures.
An L{XmlStream} holds a list of initializer objects in its
C{initializers} attribute. This method calls these initializers in
order and dispatches the L{STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT} event when the list has
been successfully processed. Otherwise it dispatches the
C{INIT_FAILED_EVENT} event with the failure.
Initializers may return the special L{Reset} object to halt the
initialization processing. It signals that the current initializer was
successfully processed, but that the XML Stream has been reset. An
example is the TLSInitiatingInitializer.
def remove_first(result):
return result
def do_next(result):
Take the first initializer and process it.
On success, the initializer is removed from the list and
then next initializer will be tried.
if result is Reset:
return None
init = self.xmlstream.initializers[0]
except IndexError:
self.xmlstream.dispatch(self.xmlstream, STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT)
return None
d = defer.maybeDeferred(init.initialize)
return d
d = defer.succeed(None)
d.addErrback(self.xmlstream.dispatch, INIT_FAILED_EVENT)
def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
This extends L{Authenticator.streamStarted} to extract further stream
headers from C{rootElement}, optionally wait for stream features being
received and then call C{initializeStream}.
Authenticator.streamStarted(self, rootElement)
self.xmlstream.sid = rootElement.getAttribute("id")
if rootElement.hasAttribute("from"):
self.xmlstream.otherEntity = jid.internJID(rootElement["from"])
# Setup observer for stream features, if applicable
if self.xmlstream.version >= (1, 0):
def onFeatures(element):
features = {}
for feature in element.elements():
features[(feature.uri, feature.name)] = feature
self.xmlstream.features = features
self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver('/features[@xmlns="%s"]' %
class ListenAuthenticator(Authenticator):
Authenticator for receiving entities.
namespace = None
def associateWithStream(self, xmlstream):
Called by the XmlStreamFactory when a connection has been made.
Extend L{Authenticator.associateWithStream} to set the L{XmlStream}
to be non-initiating.
Authenticator.associateWithStream(self, xmlstream)
self.xmlstream.initiating = False
def streamStarted(self, rootElement):
Called by the XmlStream when the stream has started.
This extends L{Authenticator.streamStarted} to extract further
information from the stream headers from C{rootElement}.
Authenticator.streamStarted(self, rootElement)
self.xmlstream.namespace = rootElement.defaultUri
if rootElement.hasAttribute("to"):
self.xmlstream.thisEntity = jid.internJID(rootElement["to"])
self.xmlstream.prefixes = {}
for prefix, uri in iteritems(rootElement.localPrefixes):
self.xmlstream.prefixes[uri] = prefix
self.xmlstream.sid = hexlify(randbytes.secureRandom(8)).decode('ascii')
class FeatureNotAdvertized(Exception):
Exception indicating a stream feature was not advertized, while required by
the initiating entity.
class BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer(object):
Base class for initializers with a stream feature.
This assumes the associated XmlStream represents the initiating entity
of the connection.
@cvar feature: tuple of (uri, name) of the stream feature root element.
@type feature: tuple of (C{str}, C{str})
@ivar required: whether the stream feature is required to be advertized
by the receiving entity.
@type required: C{bool}
feature = None
def __init__(self, xs, required=False):
self.xmlstream = xs
self.required = required
def initialize(self):
Initiate the initialization.
Checks if the receiving entity advertizes the stream feature. If it
does, the initialization is started. If it is not advertized, and the
C{required} instance variable is C{True}, it raises
L{FeatureNotAdvertized}. Otherwise, the initialization silently
if self.feature in self.xmlstream.features:
return self.start()
elif self.required:
raise FeatureNotAdvertized
return None
def start(self):
Start the actual initialization.
May return a deferred for asynchronous initialization.
class TLSError(Exception):
TLS base exception.
class TLSFailed(TLSError):
Exception indicating failed TLS negotiation
class TLSRequired(TLSError):
Exception indicating required TLS negotiation.
This exception is raised when the receiving entity requires TLS
negotiation and the initiating does not desire to negotiate TLS.
class TLSNotSupported(TLSError):
Exception indicating missing TLS support.
This exception is raised when the initiating entity wants and requires to
negotiate TLS when the OpenSSL library is not available.
class TLSInitiatingInitializer(BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer):
TLS stream initializer for the initiating entity.
It is strongly required to include this initializer in the list of
initializers for an XMPP stream. By default it will try to negotiate TLS.
An XMPP server may indicate that TLS is required. If TLS is not desired,
set the C{wanted} attribute to False instead of removing it from the list
of initializers, so a proper exception L{TLSRequired} can be raised.
@ivar wanted: indicates if TLS negotiation is wanted.
@type wanted: C{bool}
feature = (NS_XMPP_TLS, 'starttls')
wanted = True
_deferred = None
_configurationForTLS = None
def __init__(self, xs, required=True, configurationForTLS=None):
@param configurationForTLS: An object which creates appropriately
configured TLS connections. This is passed to C{startTLS} on the
transport and is preferably created using
L{twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS}. If C{None}, the
default is to verify the server certificate against the trust roots
as provided by the platform. See
@type configurationForTLS: L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} or
super(TLSInitiatingInitializer, self).__init__(
xs, required=required)
self._configurationForTLS = configurationForTLS
def onProceed(self, obj):
Proceed with TLS negotiation and reset the XML stream.
self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/failure', self.onFailure)
if self._configurationForTLS:
ctx = self._configurationForTLS
ctx = ssl.optionsForClientTLS(self.xmlstream.otherEntity.host)
def onFailure(self, obj):
self.xmlstream.removeObserver('/proceed', self.onProceed)
def start(self):
Start TLS negotiation.
This checks if the receiving entity requires TLS, the SSL library is
available and uses the C{required} and C{wanted} instance variables to
determine what to do in the various different cases.
For example, if the SSL library is not available, and wanted and
required by the user, it raises an exception. However if it is not
required by both parties, initialization silently succeeds, moving
on to the next step.
if self.wanted:
if ssl is None:
if self.required:
return defer.fail(TLSNotSupported())
return defer.succeed(None)
elif self.xmlstream.features[self.feature].required:
return defer.fail(TLSRequired())
return defer.succeed(None)
self._deferred = defer.Deferred()
self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver("/proceed", self.onProceed)
self.xmlstream.addOnetimeObserver("/failure", self.onFailure)
self.xmlstream.send(domish.Element((NS_XMPP_TLS, "starttls")))
return self._deferred
class XmlStream(xmlstream.XmlStream):
XMPP XML Stream protocol handler.
@ivar version: XML stream version as a tuple (major, minor). Initially,
this is set to the minimally supported version. Upon
receiving the stream header of the peer, it is set to the
minimum of that value and the version on the received
@type version: (C{int}, C{int})
@ivar namespace: default namespace URI for stream
@type namespace: C{unicode}
@ivar thisEntity: JID of this entity
@type thisEntity: L{JID}
@ivar otherEntity: JID of the peer entity
@type otherEntity: L{JID}
@ivar sid: session identifier
@type sid: C{unicode}
@ivar initiating: True if this is the initiating stream
@type initiating: C{bool}
@ivar features: map of (uri, name) to stream features element received from
the receiving entity.
@type features: C{dict} of (C{unicode}, C{unicode}) to L{domish.Element}.
@ivar prefixes: map of URI to prefixes that are to appear on stream
@type prefixes: C{dict} of C{unicode} to C{unicode}
@ivar initializers: list of stream initializer objects
@type initializers: C{list} of objects that provide L{IInitializer}
@ivar authenticator: associated authenticator that uses C{initializers} to
initialize the XML stream.
version = (1, 0)
namespace = 'invalid'
thisEntity = None
otherEntity = None
sid = None
initiating = True
_headerSent = False # True if the stream header has been sent
def __init__(self, authenticator):
self.prefixes = {NS_STREAMS: 'stream'}
self.authenticator = authenticator
self.initializers = []
self.features = {}
# Reset the authenticator
def _callLater(self, *args, **kwargs):
from twisted.internet import reactor
return reactor.callLater(*args, **kwargs)
def reset(self):
Reset XML Stream.
Resets the XML Parser for incoming data. This is to be used after
successfully negotiating a new layer, e.g. TLS and SASL. Note that
registered event observers will continue to be in place.
self._headerSent = False
def onStreamError(self, errelem):
Called when a stream:error element has been received.
Dispatches a L{STREAM_ERROR_EVENT} event with the error element to
allow for cleanup actions and drops the connection.
@param errelem: The received error element.
@type errelem: L{domish.Element}
def sendHeader(self):
Send stream header.
# set up optional extra namespaces
localPrefixes = {}
for uri, prefix in iteritems(self.prefixes):
if uri != NS_STREAMS:
localPrefixes[prefix] = uri
rootElement = domish.Element((NS_STREAMS, 'stream'), self.namespace,
if self.otherEntity:
rootElement['to'] = self.otherEntity.userhost()
if self.thisEntity:
rootElement['from'] = self.thisEntity.userhost()
if not self.initiating and self.sid:
rootElement['id'] = self.sid
if self.version >= (1, 0):
rootElement['version'] = "%d.%d" % self.version
self.send(rootElement.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes, closeElement=0))
self._headerSent = True
def sendFooter(self):
Send stream footer.
def sendStreamError(self, streamError):
Send stream level error.
If we are the receiving entity, and haven't sent the header yet,
we sent one first.
After sending the stream error, the stream is closed and the transport
connection dropped.
@param streamError: stream error instance
@type streamError: L{error.StreamError}
if not self._headerSent and not self.initiating:
if self._headerSent:
def send(self, obj):
Send data over the stream.
This overrides L{xmlstream.XmlStream.send} to use the default namespace
of the stream header when serializing L{domish.IElement}s. It is
assumed that if you pass an object that provides L{domish.IElement},
it represents a direct child of the stream's root element.
if domish.IElement.providedBy(obj):
obj = obj.toXml(prefixes=self.prefixes,
xmlstream.XmlStream.send(self, obj)
def connectionMade(self):
Called when a connection is made.
Notifies the authenticator when a connection has been made.
def onDocumentStart(self, rootElement):
Called when the stream header has been received.
Extracts the header's C{id} and C{version} attributes from the root
element. The C{id} attribute is stored in our C{sid} attribute and the
C{version} attribute is parsed and the minimum of the version we sent
and the parsed C{version} attribute is stored as a tuple (major, minor)
in this class' C{version} attribute. If no C{version} attribute was
present, we assume version 0.0.
If appropriate (we are the initiating stream and the minimum of our and
the other party's version is at least 1.0), a one-time observer is
registered for getting the stream features. The registered function is
Ultimately, the authenticator's C{streamStarted} method will be called.
@param rootElement: The root element.
@type rootElement: L{domish.Element}
xmlstream.XmlStream.onDocumentStart(self, rootElement)
# Setup observer for stream errors
self.addOnetimeObserver("/error[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_STREAMS,
class XmlStreamFactory(xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory):
Factory for Jabber XmlStream objects as a reconnecting client.
Note that this differs from L{xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory} in that
it generates Jabber specific L{XmlStream} instances that have
protocol = XmlStream
def __init__(self, authenticator):
xmlstream.XmlStreamFactory.__init__(self, authenticator)
self.authenticator = authenticator
class XmlStreamServerFactory(xmlstream.BootstrapMixin,
Factory for Jabber XmlStream objects as a server.
@since: 8.2.
@ivar authenticatorFactory: Factory callable that takes no arguments, to
create a fresh authenticator to be associated
with the XmlStream.
protocol = XmlStream
def __init__(self, authenticatorFactory):
self.authenticatorFactory = authenticatorFactory
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
Create an instance of XmlStream.
A new authenticator instance will be created and passed to the new
XmlStream. Registered bootstrap event observers are installed as well.
authenticator = self.authenticatorFactory()
xs = self.protocol(authenticator)
xs.factory = self
return xs
class TimeoutError(Exception):
Exception raised when no IQ response has been received before the
configured timeout.
def upgradeWithIQResponseTracker(xs):
Enhances an XmlStream for iq response tracking.
This makes an L{XmlStream} object provide L{IIQResponseTracker}. When a
response is an error iq stanza, the deferred has its errback invoked with a
failure that holds a L{StanzaError<error.StanzaError>} that is
easier to examine.
def callback(iq):
Handle iq response by firing associated deferred.
if getattr(iq, 'handled', False):
d = xs.iqDeferreds[iq["id"]]
except KeyError:
del xs.iqDeferreds[iq["id"]]
iq.handled = True
if iq['type'] == 'error':
def disconnected(_):
Make sure deferreds do not linger on after disconnect.
This errbacks all deferreds of iq's for which no response has been
received with a L{ConnectionLost} failure. Otherwise, the deferreds
will never be fired.
iqDeferreds = xs.iqDeferreds
xs.iqDeferreds = {}
for d in itervalues(iqDeferreds):
xs.iqDeferreds = {}
xs.iqDefaultTimeout = getattr(xs, 'iqDefaultTimeout', None)
xs.addObserver(xmlstream.STREAM_END_EVENT, disconnected)
xs.addObserver('/iq[@type="result"]', callback)
xs.addObserver('/iq[@type="error"]', callback)
directlyProvides(xs, ijabber.IIQResponseTracker)
class IQ(domish.Element):
Wrapper for an iq stanza.
Iq stanzas are used for communications with a request-response behaviour.
Each iq request is associated with an XML stream and has its own unique id
to be able to track the response.
@ivar timeout: if set, a timeout period after which the deferred returned
by C{send} will have its errback called with a
L{TimeoutError} failure.
@type timeout: C{float}
timeout = None
def __init__(self, xmlstream, stanzaType="set"):
@type xmlstream: L{xmlstream.XmlStream}
@param xmlstream: XmlStream to use for transmission of this IQ
@type stanzaType: C{str}
@param stanzaType: IQ type identifier ('get' or 'set')
domish.Element.__init__(self, (None, "iq"))
self["type"] = stanzaType
self._xmlstream = xmlstream
def send(self, to=None):
Send out this iq.
Returns a deferred that is fired when an iq response with the same id
is received. Result responses will be passed to the deferred callback.
Error responses will be transformed into a
L{StanzaError<error.StanzaError>} and result in the errback of the
deferred being invoked.
@rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
if to is not None:
self["to"] = to
if not ijabber.IIQResponseTracker.providedBy(self._xmlstream):
d = defer.Deferred()
self._xmlstream.iqDeferreds[self['id']] = d
timeout = self.timeout or self._xmlstream.iqDefaultTimeout
if timeout is not None:
def onTimeout():
del self._xmlstream.iqDeferreds[self['id']]
d.errback(TimeoutError("IQ timed out"))
call = self._xmlstream._callLater(timeout, onTimeout)
def cancelTimeout(result):
if call.active():
return result
return d
def toResponse(stanza, stanzaType=None):
Create a response stanza from another stanza.
This takes the addressing and id attributes from a stanza to create a (new,
empty) response stanza. The addressing attributes are swapped and the id
copied. Optionally, the stanza type of the response can be specified.
@param stanza: the original stanza
@type stanza: L{domish.Element}
@param stanzaType: optional response stanza type
@type stanzaType: C{str}
@return: the response stanza.
@rtype: L{domish.Element}
toAddr = stanza.getAttribute('from')
fromAddr = stanza.getAttribute('to')
stanzaID = stanza.getAttribute('id')
response = domish.Element((None, stanza.name))
if toAddr:
response['to'] = toAddr
if fromAddr:
response['from'] = fromAddr
if stanzaID:
response['id'] = stanzaID
if stanzaType:
response['type'] = stanzaType
return response
class XMPPHandler(object):
XMPP protocol handler.
Classes derived from this class implement (part of) one or more XMPP
extension protocols, and are referred to as a subprotocol implementation.
def __init__(self):
self.parent = None
self.xmlstream = None
def setHandlerParent(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def disownHandlerParent(self, parent):
self.parent = None
def makeConnection(self, xs):
self.xmlstream = xs
def connectionMade(self):
Called after a connection has been established.
Can be overridden to perform work before stream initialization.
def connectionInitialized(self):
The XML stream has been initialized.
Can be overridden to perform work after stream initialization, e.g. to
set up observers and start exchanging XML stanzas.
def connectionLost(self, reason):
The XML stream has been closed.
This method can be extended to inspect the C{reason} argument and
act on it.
self.xmlstream = None
def send(self, obj):
Send data over the managed XML stream.
@note: The stream manager maintains a queue for data sent using this
method when there is no current initialized XML stream. This
data is then sent as soon as a new stream has been established
and initialized. Subsequently, L{connectionInitialized} will be
called again. If this queueing is not desired, use C{send} on
@param obj: data to be sent over the XML stream. This is usually an
object providing L{domish.IElement}, or serialized XML. See
L{xmlstream.XmlStream} for details.
class XMPPHandlerCollection(object):
Collection of XMPP subprotocol handlers.
This allows for grouping of subprotocol handlers, but is not an
L{XMPPHandler} itself, so this is not recursive.
@ivar handlers: List of protocol handlers.
@type handlers: C{list} of objects providing
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = []
def __iter__(self):
Act as a container for handlers.
return iter(self.handlers)
def addHandler(self, handler):
Add protocol handler.
Protocol handlers are expected to provide L{ijabber.IXMPPHandler}.
def removeHandler(self, handler):
Remove protocol handler.
class StreamManager(XMPPHandlerCollection):
Business logic representing a managed XMPP connection.
This maintains a single XMPP connection and provides facilities for packet
routing and transmission. Business logic modules are objects providing
L{ijabber.IXMPPHandler} (like subclasses of L{XMPPHandler}), and added
using L{addHandler}.
@ivar xmlstream: currently managed XML stream
@type xmlstream: L{XmlStream}
@ivar logTraffic: if true, log all traffic.
@type logTraffic: C{bool}
@ivar _initialized: Whether the stream represented by L{xmlstream} has
been initialized. This is used when caching outgoing
@type _initialized: C{bool}
@ivar _packetQueue: internal buffer of unsent data. See L{send} for details.
@type _packetQueue: C{list}
logTraffic = False
def __init__(self, factory):
self.xmlstream = None
self._packetQueue = []
self._initialized = False
factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_CONNECTED_EVENT, self._connected)
factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT, self._authd)
factory.addBootstrap(INIT_FAILED_EVENT, self.initializationFailed)
factory.addBootstrap(STREAM_END_EVENT, self._disconnected)
self.factory = factory
def addHandler(self, handler):
Add protocol handler.
When an XML stream has already been established, the handler's
C{connectionInitialized} will be called to get it up to speed.
XMPPHandlerCollection.addHandler(self, handler)
# get protocol handler up to speed when a connection has already
# been established
if self.xmlstream and self._initialized:
def _connected(self, xs):
Called when the transport connection has been established.
Here we optionally set up traffic logging (depending on L{logTraffic})
and call each handler's C{makeConnection} method with the L{XmlStream}
def logDataIn(buf):
log.msg("RECV: %r" % buf)
def logDataOut(buf):
log.msg("SEND: %r" % buf)
if self.logTraffic:
xs.rawDataInFn = logDataIn
xs.rawDataOutFn = logDataOut
self.xmlstream = xs
for e in self:
def _authd(self, xs):
Called when the stream has been initialized.
Send out cached stanzas and call each handler's
C{connectionInitialized} method.
# Flush all pending packets
for p in self._packetQueue:
self._packetQueue = []
self._initialized = True
# Notify all child services which implement
# the IService interface
for e in self:
def initializationFailed(self, reason):
Called when stream initialization has failed.
Stream initialization has halted, with the reason indicated by
C{reason}. It may be retried by calling the authenticator's
C{initializeStream}. See the respective authenticators for details.
@param reason: A failure instance indicating why stream initialization
@type reason: L{failure.Failure}
def _disconnected(self, reason):
Called when the stream has been closed.
From this point on, the manager doesn't interact with the
L{XmlStream} anymore and notifies each handler that the connection
was lost by calling its C{connectionLost} method.
self.xmlstream = None
self._initialized = False
# Notify all child services which implement
# the IService interface
for e in self:
def send(self, obj):
Send data over the XML stream.
When there is no established XML stream, the data is queued and sent
out when a new XML stream has been established and initialized.
@param obj: data to be sent over the XML stream. See
L{xmlstream.XmlStream.send} for details.
if self._initialized:
__all__ = ['Authenticator', 'BaseFeatureInitiatingInitializer',
'ConnectAuthenticator', 'FeatureNotAdvertized',
'INIT_FAILED_EVENT', 'IQ', 'ListenAuthenticator', 'NS_STREAMS',
'STREAM_START_EVENT', 'StreamManager', 'TLSError', 'TLSFailed',
'TLSInitiatingInitializer', 'TLSNotSupported', 'TLSRequired',
'TimeoutError', 'XMPPHandler', 'XMPPHandlerCollection', 'XmlStream',
'XmlStreamFactory', 'XmlStreamServerFactory', 'hashPassword',
'toResponse', 'upgradeWithIQResponseTracker']