# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for IRC portions of L{twisted.words.service}.
from twisted.cred import checkers, portal
from twisted.test import proto_helpers
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.words.service import InMemoryWordsRealm, IRCFactory, IRCUser
from twisted.words.test.test_irc import IRCTestCase
class IRCUserTests(IRCTestCase):
Isolated tests for L{IRCUser}
def setUp(self):
Sets up a Realm, Portal, Factory, IRCUser, Transport, and Connection
for our tests.
self.realm = InMemoryWordsRealm("example.com")
self.checker = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
self.portal = portal.Portal(self.realm, [self.checker])
self.checker.addUser(u"john", u"pass")
self.factory = IRCFactory(self.realm, self.portal)
self.ircUser = self.factory.buildProtocol(None)
self.stringTransport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
def test_sendMessage(self):
Sending a message to a user after they have sent NICK, but before they
have authenticated, results in a message from "example.com".
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", ["mynick"])
self.assertEqualBufferValue(self.stringTransport.value(), ":example.com foo mynick\r\n")
def test_utf8Messages(self):
When a UTF8 message is sent with sendMessage and the current IRCUser
has a UTF8 nick and is set to UTF8 encoding, the message will be
written to the transport.
expectedResult = (u":example.com \u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442 "
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", [u"\u043d\u0438\u043a".encode('utf-8')])
self.assertEqualBufferValue(self.stringTransport.value(), expectedResult)
def test_invalidEncodingNick(self):
A NICK command sent with a nickname that cannot be decoded with the
current IRCUser's encoding results in a PRIVMSG from NickServ
indicating that the nickname could not be decoded.
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", [b"\xd4\xc5\xd3\xd4"])
def response(self):
Grabs our responses and then clears the transport
response = self.ircUser.transport.value()
if bytes != str and isinstance(response, bytes):
response = response.decode("utf-8")
response = response.splitlines()
return [irc.parsemsg(r) for r in response]
def scanResponse(self, response, messageType):
Gets messages out of a response
@param response: The parsed IRC messages of the response, as returned
by L{IRCUserTests.response}
@param messageType: The string type of the desired messages.
@return: An iterator which yields 2-tuples of C{(index, ircMessage)}
for n, message in enumerate(response):
if (message[1] == messageType):
yield n, message
def test_sendNickSendsGreeting(self):
Receiving NICK without authenticating sends the MOTD Start and MOTD End
messages, which is required by certain popular IRC clients (such as
Pidgin) before a connection is considered to be fully established.
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", ["mynick"])
response = self.response()
start = list(self.scanResponse(response, irc.RPL_MOTDSTART))
end = list(self.scanResponse(response, irc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD))
[(0, ('example.com', '375', ['mynick', '- example.com Message of the Day - ']))])
[(1, ('example.com', '376', ['mynick', 'End of /MOTD command.']))])
def test_fullLogin(self):
Receiving USER, PASS, NICK will log in the user, and transmit the
appropriate response messages.
self.ircUser.irc_USER("", ["john doe"])
self.ircUser.irc_PASS("", ["pass"])
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", ["john"])
version = ('Your host is example.com, running version %s' %
creation = ('This server was created on %s' %
[('example.com', '375',
['john', '- example.com Message of the Day - ']),
('example.com', '376', ['john', 'End of /MOTD command.']),
('example.com', '001', ['john', 'connected to Twisted IRC']),
('example.com', '002', ['john', version]),
('example.com', '003', ['john', creation]),
('example.com', '004',
['john', 'example.com', self.factory._serverInfo["serviceVersion"],
'w', 'n'])])
def test_PART(self):
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("testuser", ["mynick"])
response = self.response()
self.assertEqual(response[0][1], irc.RPL_MOTDSTART)
self.ircUser.irc_JOIN("testuser", ["somechannel"])
response = self.response()
self.assertEqual(response[0][1], irc.ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL)
self.ircUser.irc_PART("testuser", [b"somechannel", b"booga"])
response = self.response()
self.assertEqual(response[0][1], irc.ERR_NOTONCHANNEL)
self.ircUser.irc_PART("testuser", [u"somechannel", u"booga"])
response = self.response()
self.assertEqual(response[0][1], irc.ERR_NOTONCHANNEL)
def test_NAMES(self):
self.ircUser.irc_NICK("", ["testuser"])
self.ircUser.irc_JOIN("", ["somechannel"])
self.ircUser.irc_NAMES("", ["somechannel"])
response = self.response()
self.assertEqual(response[0][1], irc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES)
class MocksyIRCUser(IRCUser):
def __init__(self):
self.realm = InMemoryWordsRealm("example.com")
self.mockedCodes = []
def sendMessage(self, code, *_, **__):
BADTEXT = b'\xff'
class IRCUserBadEncodingTests(IRCTestCase):
Verifies that L{IRCUser} sends the correct error messages back to clients
when given indecipherable bytes
# TODO: irc_NICK -- but NICKSERV is used for that, so it isn't as easy.
def setUp(self):
self.ircUser = MocksyIRCUser()
def assertChokesOnBadBytes(self, irc_x, error):
Asserts that IRCUser sends the relevant error code when a given irc_x
dispatch method is given undecodable bytes.
@param irc_x: the name of the irc_FOO method to test.
For example, irc_x = 'PRIVMSG' will check irc_PRIVMSG
@param error: the error code irc_x should send. For example,
getattr(self.ircUser, 'irc_%s' % irc_x)(None, [BADTEXT])
self.assertEqual(self.ircUser.mockedCodes, [error])
# No such channel
def test_JOIN(self):
Tests that irc_JOIN sends ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL if the channel name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('JOIN', irc.ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL)
def test_NAMES(self):
Tests that irc_NAMES sends ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL if the channel name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('NAMES', irc.ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL)
def test_TOPIC(self):
Tests that irc_TOPIC sends ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL if the channel name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('TOPIC', irc.ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL)
def test_LIST(self):
Tests that irc_LIST sends ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL if the channel name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('LIST', irc.ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL)
# No such nick
def test_MODE(self):
Tests that irc_MODE sends ERR_NOSUCHNICK if the target name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('MODE', irc.ERR_NOSUCHNICK)
def test_PRIVMSG(self):
Tests that irc_PRIVMSG sends ERR_NOSUCHNICK if the target name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('PRIVMSG', irc.ERR_NOSUCHNICK)
def test_WHOIS(self):
Tests that irc_WHOIS sends ERR_NOSUCHNICK if the target name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('WHOIS', irc.ERR_NOSUCHNICK)
# Not on channel
def test_PART(self):
Tests that irc_PART sends ERR_NOTONCHANNEL if the target name can't
be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('PART', irc.ERR_NOTONCHANNEL)
# Probably nothing
def test_WHO(self):
Tests that irc_WHO immediately ends the WHO list if the target name
can't be decoded.
self.assertChokesOnBadBytes('WHO', irc.RPL_ENDOFWHO)