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botdev@ ~ $
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_xpath -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

XPath query support.

This module provides L{XPathQuery} to match
L{domish.Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>} instances against
XPath-like expressions.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from io import StringIO

from twisted.python.compat import StringType, unicode

class LiteralValue(unicode):
    def value(self, elem):
        return self

class IndexValue:
    def __init__(self, index):
        self.index = int(index) - 1

    def value(self, elem):
        return elem.children[self.index]

class AttribValue:
    def __init__(self, attribname):
        self.attribname = attribname
        if self.attribname == "xmlns":
            self.value = self.value_ns

    def value_ns(self, elem):
        return elem.uri

    def value(self, elem):
        if self.attribname in elem.attributes:
            return elem.attributes[self.attribname]
            return None

class CompareValue:
    def __init__(self, lhs, op, rhs):
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs
        if op == "=":
            self.value = self._compareEqual
            self.value = self._compareNotEqual

    def _compareEqual(self, elem):
        return self.lhs.value(elem) == self.rhs.value(elem)

    def _compareNotEqual(self, elem):
        return self.lhs.value(elem) != self.rhs.value(elem)

class BooleanValue:
    Provide boolean XPath expression operators.

    @ivar lhs: Left hand side expression of the operator.
    @ivar op: The operator. One of C{'and'}, C{'or'}.
    @ivar rhs: Right hand side expression of the operator.
    @ivar value: Reference to the method that will calculate the value of
                 this expression given an element.
    def __init__(self, lhs, op, rhs):
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs
        if op == "and":
            self.value = self._booleanAnd
            self.value = self._booleanOr

    def _booleanAnd(self, elem):
        Calculate boolean and of the given expressions given an element.

        @param elem: The element to calculate the value of the expression from.
        return self.lhs.value(elem) and self.rhs.value(elem)

    def _booleanOr(self, elem):
        Calculate boolean or of the given expressions given an element.

        @param elem: The element to calculate the value of the expression from.
        return self.lhs.value(elem) or self.rhs.value(elem)

def Function(fname):
    Internal method which selects the function object
    klassname = "_%s_Function" % fname
    c = globals()[klassname]()
    return c

class _not_Function:
    def __init__(self):
        self.baseValue = None

    def setParams(self, baseValue):
        self.baseValue = baseValue

    def value(self, elem):
        return not self.baseValue.value(elem)

class _text_Function:
    def setParams(self):

    def value(self, elem):
        return unicode(elem)

class _Location:
    def __init__(self):
        self.predicates = []
        self.elementName  = None
        self.childLocation = None

    def matchesPredicates(self, elem):
        if self.elementName != None and self.elementName != elem.name:
            return 0

        for p in self.predicates:
            if not p.value(elem):
                return 0

        return 1

    def matches(self, elem):
        if not self.matchesPredicates(elem):
            return 0

        if self.childLocation != None:
            for c in elem.elements():
                if self.childLocation.matches(c):
                    return 1
            return 1

        return 0

    def queryForString(self, elem, resultbuf):
        if not self.matchesPredicates(elem):

        if self.childLocation != None:
            for c in elem.elements():
                self.childLocation.queryForString(c, resultbuf)

    def queryForNodes(self, elem, resultlist):
        if not self.matchesPredicates(elem):

        if self.childLocation != None:
            for c in elem.elements():
                self.childLocation.queryForNodes(c, resultlist)

    def queryForStringList(self, elem, resultlist):
        if not self.matchesPredicates(elem):

        if self.childLocation != None:
            for c in elem.elements():
                self.childLocation.queryForStringList(c, resultlist)
            for c in elem.children:
                if isinstance(c, StringType):

class _AnyLocation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.predicates = []
        self.elementName = None
        self.childLocation = None

    def matchesPredicates(self, elem):
        for p in self.predicates:
            if not p.value(elem):
                return 0
        return 1

    def listParents(self, elem, parentlist):
        if elem.parent != None:
            self.listParents(elem.parent, parentlist)

    def isRootMatch(self, elem):
        if (self.elementName == None or self.elementName == elem.name) and \
            if self.childLocation != None:
                for c in elem.elements():
                    if self.childLocation.matches(c):
                        return True
                return True
        return False

    def findFirstRootMatch(self, elem):
        if (self.elementName == None or self.elementName == elem.name) and \
            # Thus far, the name matches and the predicates match,
            # now check into the children and find the first one
            # that matches the rest of the structure
            # the rest of the structure
            if self.childLocation != None:
                for c in elem.elements():
                    if self.childLocation.matches(c):
                        return c
                return None
                # No children locations; this is a match!
                return elem
            # Ok, predicates or name didn't match, so we need to start
            # down each child and treat it as the root and try
            # again
            for c in elem.elements():
                if self.matches(c):
                    return c
            # No children matched...
            return None

    def matches(self, elem):
        if self.isRootMatch(elem):
            return True
            # Ok, initial element isn't an exact match, walk
            # down each child and treat it as the root and try
            # again
            for c in elem.elements():
                if self.matches(c):
                    return True
            # No children matched...
            return False

    def queryForString(self, elem, resultbuf):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "queryForString is not implemented for any location")

    def queryForNodes(self, elem, resultlist):
        # First check to see if _this_ element is a root
        if self.isRootMatch(elem):

        # Now check each child
        for c in elem.elements():
            self.queryForNodes(c, resultlist)

    def queryForStringList(self, elem, resultlist):
        if self.isRootMatch(elem):
            for c in elem.children:
                if isinstance(c, StringType):
        for c in elem.elements():
            self.queryForStringList(c, resultlist)

class XPathQuery:
    def __init__(self, queryStr):
        self.queryStr = queryStr
        # Prevent a circular import issue, as xpathparser imports this module.
        from twisted.words.xish.xpathparser import (XPathParser,
        parser = XPathParser(XPathParserScanner(queryStr))
        self.baseLocation = getattr(parser, 'XPATH')()

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.queryStr.__hash__()

    def matches(self, elem):
        return self.baseLocation.matches(elem)

    def queryForString(self, elem):
        result = StringIO()
        self.baseLocation.queryForString(elem, result)
        return result.getvalue()

    def queryForNodes(self, elem):
        result = []
        self.baseLocation.queryForNodes(elem, result)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return None
            return result

    def queryForStringList(self, elem):
        result = []
        self.baseLocation.queryForStringList(elem, result)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return None
            return result

__internedQueries = {}

def internQuery(queryString):
    if queryString not in __internedQueries:
        __internedQueries[queryString] = XPathQuery(queryString)
    return __internedQueries[queryString]

def matches(xpathstr, elem):
    return internQuery(xpathstr).matches(elem)

def queryForStringList(xpathstr, elem):
    return internQuery(xpathstr).queryForStringList(elem)

def queryForString(xpathstr, elem):
    return internQuery(xpathstr).queryForString(elem)

def queryForNodes(xpathstr, elem):
    return internQuery(xpathstr).queryForNodes(elem)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 177 B 0644
domish.py File 29.85 KB 0644
utility.py File 13.17 KB 0644
xmlstream.py File 8.97 KB 0644
xpath.py File 9.33 KB 0644
xpathparser.g File 17.7 KB 0644
xpathparser.py File 22.32 KB 0644