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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_plugin -*-
# Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod, Inc.
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Plugin system for Twisted.

@author: Jp Calderone
@author: Glyph Lefkowitz

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import os
import sys

from zope.interface import Interface, providedBy

def _determinePickleModule():
    Determine which 'pickle' API module to use.
        import cPickle
        return cPickle
    except ImportError:
        import pickle
        return pickle

pickle = _determinePickleModule()

from twisted.python.components import getAdapterFactory
from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.python.modules import getModule
from twisted.python.compat import iteritems

class IPlugin(Interface):
    Interface that must be implemented by all plugins.

    Only objects which implement this interface will be considered for return
    by C{getPlugins}.  To be useful, plugins should also implement some other
    application-specific interface.

class CachedPlugin(object):
    def __init__(self, dropin, name, description, provided):
        self.dropin = dropin
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.provided = provided

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<CachedPlugin %r/%r (provides %r)>' % (
            self.name, self.dropin.moduleName,
            ', '.join([i.__name__ for i in self.provided]))

    def load(self):
        return namedAny(self.dropin.moduleName + '.' + self.name)

    def __conform__(self, interface, registry=None, default=None):
        for providedInterface in self.provided:
            if providedInterface.isOrExtends(interface):
                return self.load()
            if getAdapterFactory(providedInterface, interface, None) is not None:
                return interface(self.load(), default)
        return default

    # backwards compat HOORJ
    getComponent = __conform__

class CachedDropin(object):
    A collection of L{CachedPlugin} instances from a particular module in a
    plugin package.

    @type moduleName: C{str}
    @ivar moduleName: The fully qualified name of the plugin module this

    @type description: C{str} or L{None}
    @ivar description: A brief explanation of this collection of plugins
        (probably the plugin module's docstring).

    @type plugins: C{list}
    @ivar plugins: The L{CachedPlugin} instances which were loaded from this
    def __init__(self, moduleName, description):
        self.moduleName = moduleName
        self.description = description
        self.plugins = []

def _generateCacheEntry(provider):
    dropin = CachedDropin(provider.__name__,
    for k, v in iteritems(provider.__dict__):
        plugin = IPlugin(v, None)
        if plugin is not None:
            # Instantiated for its side-effects.
            CachedPlugin(dropin, k, v.__doc__, list(providedBy(plugin)))
    return dropin

    fromkeys = dict.fromkeys
except AttributeError:
    def fromkeys(keys, value=None):
        d = {}
        for k in keys:
            d[k] = value
        return d

def getCache(module):
    Compute all the possible loadable plugins, while loading as few as
    possible and hitting the filesystem as little as possible.

    @param module: a Python module object.  This represents a package to search
    for plugins.

    @return: a dictionary mapping module names to L{CachedDropin} instances.
    allCachesCombined = {}
    mod = getModule(module.__name__)
    # don't want to walk deep, only immediate children.
    buckets = {}
    # Fill buckets with modules by related entry on the given package's
    # __path__.  There's an abstraction inversion going on here, because this
    # information is already represented internally in twisted.python.modules,
    # but it's simple enough that I'm willing to live with it.  If anyone else
    # wants to fix up this iteration so that it's one path segment at a time,
    # be my guest.  --glyph
    for plugmod in mod.iterModules():
        fpp = plugmod.filePath.parent()
        if fpp not in buckets:
            buckets[fpp] = []
        bucket = buckets[fpp]
    for pseudoPackagePath, bucket in iteritems(buckets):
        dropinPath = pseudoPackagePath.child('dropin.cache')
            lastCached = dropinPath.getModificationTime()
            with dropinPath.open('r') as f:
                dropinDotCache = pickle.load(f)
            dropinDotCache = {}
            lastCached = 0

        needsWrite = False
        existingKeys = {}
        for pluginModule in bucket:
            pluginKey = pluginModule.name.split('.')[-1]
            existingKeys[pluginKey] = True
            if ((pluginKey not in dropinDotCache) or
                (pluginModule.filePath.getModificationTime() >= lastCached)):
                needsWrite = True
                    provider = pluginModule.load()
                    # dropinDotCache.pop(pluginKey, None)
                    entry = _generateCacheEntry(provider)
                    dropinDotCache[pluginKey] = entry
        # Make sure that the cache doesn't contain any stale plugins.
        for pluginKey in list(dropinDotCache.keys()):
            if pluginKey not in existingKeys:
                del dropinDotCache[pluginKey]
                needsWrite = True
        if needsWrite:
            except OSError as e:
                        "Unable to write to plugin cache %(path)s: error "
                        "number %(errno)d"),
                    path=dropinPath.path, errno=e.errno)
                log.err(None, "Unexpected error while writing cache file")
    return allCachesCombined

def getPlugins(interface, package=None):
    Retrieve all plugins implementing the given interface beneath the given module.

    @param interface: An interface class.  Only plugins which implement this
    interface will be returned.

    @param package: A package beneath which plugins are installed.  For
    most uses, the default value is correct.

    @return: An iterator of plugins.
    if package is None:
        import twisted.plugins as package
    allDropins = getCache(package)
    for key, dropin in iteritems(allDropins):
        for plugin in dropin.plugins:
                adapted = interface(plugin, None)
                if adapted is not None:
                    yield adapted

# Old, backwards compatible name.  Don't use this.
getPlugIns = getPlugins

def pluginPackagePaths(name):
    Return a list of additional directories which should be searched for
    modules to be included as part of the named plugin package.

    @type name: C{str}
    @param name: The fully-qualified Python name of a plugin package, eg

    @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
    @return: The absolute paths to other directories which may contain plugin
        modules for the named plugin package.
    package = name.split('.')
    # Note that this may include directories which do not exist.  It may be
    # preferable to remove such directories at this point, rather than allow
    # them to be searched later on.
    # Note as well that only '__init__.py' will be considered to make a
    # directory a package (and thus exclude it from this list).  This means
    # that if you create a master plugin package which has some other kind of
    # __init__ (eg, __init__.pyc) it will be incorrectly treated as a
    # supplementary plugin directory.
    return [
        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(x, *package))
        for x
        in sys.path
        not os.path.exists(os.path.join(x, *package + ['__init__.py']))]

__all__ = ['getPlugins', 'pluginPackagePaths']


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
_threads Folder 0755
application Folder 0755
conch Folder 0755
cred Folder 0755
enterprise Folder 0755
internet Folder 0755
logger Folder 0755
mail Folder 0755
names Folder 0755
pair Folder 0755
persisted Folder 0755
plugins Folder 0755
positioning Folder 0755
protocols Folder 0755
python Folder 0755
runner Folder 0755
scripts Folder 0755
spread Folder 0755
tap Folder 0755
test Folder 0755
trial Folder 0755
web Folder 0755
words Folder 0755
__init__.py File 662 B 0644
__main__.py File 448 B 0644
_version.py File 260 B 0644
copyright.py File 1.5 KB 0644
plugin.py File 8.21 KB 0644