'''common.py: common classes for ufw'''
# Copyright 2008-2018 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import re
import socket
import ufw.util
from ufw.util import debug
programName = "ufw"
state_dir = "/lib/ufw"
share_dir = "/usr/share/ufw"
trans_dir = share_dir
config_dir = "/etc"
prefix_dir = "/usr"
iptables_dir = "/sbin"
do_checks = True
class UFWError(Exception):
'''This class represents ufw exceptions'''
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class UFWRule:
'''This class represents firewall rules'''
def __init__(self, action, protocol, dport="any", dst="",
sport="any", src="", direction="in", forward=False,
# Be sure to update dup_rule accordingly...
self.remove = False
self.updated = False
self.v6 = False
self.dst = ""
self.src = ""
self.dport = ""
self.sport = ""
self.protocol = ""
self.multi = False
self.dapp = ""
self.sapp = ""
self.action = ""
self.position = 0
self.logtype = ""
self.interface_in = ""
self.interface_out = ""
self.direction = ""
self.forward = forward
self.comment = ""
self.set_port(sport, "src")
except UFWError:
def __str__(self):
return self.format_rule()
def _get_attrib(self):
'''Print rule to stdout'''
res = "'%s'" % (self)
keys = list(self.__dict__)
for k in keys:
res += ", %s=%s" % (k, self.__dict__[k])
return res
def dup_rule(self):
'''Return a duplicate of a rule'''
rule = UFWRule(self.action, self.protocol)
rule.remove = self.remove
rule.updated = self.updated
rule.v6 = self.v6
rule.dst = self.dst
rule.src = self.src
rule.dport = self.dport
rule.sport = self.sport
rule.multi = self.multi
rule.dapp = self.dapp
rule.sapp = self.sapp
rule.position = self.position
rule.logtype = self.logtype
rule.interface_in = self.interface_in
rule.interface_out = self.interface_out
rule.direction = self.direction
rule.forward = self.forward
rule.comment = self.comment
return rule
def format_rule(self):
'''Format rule for later parsing'''
rule_str = ""
if self.interface_in != "":
rule_str += " -i %s" % (self.interface_in)
if self.interface_out != "":
rule_str += " -o %s" % (self.interface_out)
# Protocol is handled below
if self.protocol == "any":
rule_str += " -p all"
rule_str += " -p " + self.protocol
if self.multi:
rule_str += " -m multiport"
if self.dport != "any" and self.sport != "any":
rule_str += " --dports " + self.dport
rule_str += " -m multiport"
rule_str += " --sports " + self.sport
elif self.dport != "any":
rule_str += " --dports " + self.dport
elif self.sport != "any":
rule_str += " --sports " + self.sport
if self.dst != "" and self.dst != "::/0":
rule_str += " -d " + self.dst
if not self.multi and self.dport != "any":
rule_str += " --dport " + self.dport
if self.src != "" and self.src != "::/0":
rule_str += " -s " + self.src
if not self.multi and self.sport != "any":
rule_str += " --sport " + self.sport
lstr = ""
if self.logtype != "":
lstr = "_" + self.logtype
if self.action == "allow":
rule_str += " -j ACCEPT%s" % (lstr)
elif self.action == "reject":
rule_str += " -j REJECT%s" % (lstr)
if self.protocol == "tcp":
# follow TCP's default and send RST
rule_str += " --reject-with tcp-reset"
elif self.action == "limit":
# Caller needs to change this
rule_str += " -j LIMIT%s" % (lstr)
rule_str += " -j DROP%s" % (lstr)
if self.dapp != "" or self.sapp != "":
# Format the comment string, and quote it just in case
comment = "-m comment --comment '"
pat_space = re.compile(' ')
if self.dapp != "":
comment += "dapp_" + pat_space.sub('%20', self.dapp)
if self.dapp != "" and self.sapp != "":
comment += ","
if self.sapp != "":
comment += "sapp_" + pat_space.sub('%20', self.sapp)
comment += "'"
rule_str += " " + comment
return rule_str.strip()
def set_action(self, action):
'''Sets action of the rule'''
tmp = action.lower().split('_')
if tmp[0] == "allow" or tmp[0] == "reject" or tmp[0] == "limit":
self.action = tmp[0]
self.action = "deny"
logtype = ""
if len(tmp) > 1:
logtype = tmp[1]
def set_port(self, port, loc="dst"):
'''Sets port and location (destination or source) of the rule'''
err_msg = _("Bad port '%s'") % (port)
if port == "any":
elif loc == "dst" and self.dapp:
elif loc == "src" and self.sapp:
elif re.match(r'^[,:]', port) or re.match(r'[,:]$', port):
raise UFWError(err_msg)
elif (port.count(',') + port.count(':')) > 14:
# Limitation of iptables
raise UFWError(err_msg)
ports = port.split(',')
if len(ports) > 1:
self.multi = True
tmp = ""
for p in ports:
if re.match(r'^\d+:\d+$', p):
# Port range
self.multi = True
ran = p.split(':')
for q in ran:
if int(q) < 1 or int(q) > 65535:
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if int(ran[0]) >= int(ran[1]):
raise UFWError(err_msg)
elif re.match('^\d+$', p):
if int(p) < 1 or int(p) > 65535:
raise UFWError(err_msg)
elif re.match(r'^\w[\w\-]+', p):
p = socket.getservbyname(p)
except Exception:
raise UFWError(err_msg)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if tmp:
tmp += "," + str(p)
tmp = str(p)
port = tmp
if loc == "src":
self.sport = str(port)
self.dport = str(port)
def set_protocol(self, protocol):
'''Sets protocol of the rule'''
if protocol in ufw.util.supported_protocols + ['any']:
self.protocol = protocol
err_msg = _("Unsupported protocol '%s'") % (protocol)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
def _fix_anywhere(self):
'''Adjusts src and dst based on v6'''
if self.v6:
if self.dst and (self.dst == "any" or self.dst == ""):
self.dst = "::/0"
if self.src and (self.src == "any" or self.src == ""):
self.src = "::/0"
if self.dst and (self.dst == "any" or self.dst == "::/0"):
self.dst = ""
if self.src and (self.src == "any" or self.src == "::/0"):
self.src = ""
def set_v6(self, v6):
'''Sets whether this is ipv6 rule, and adjusts src and dst
self.v6 = v6
def set_src(self, addr):
'''Sets source address of rule'''
tmp = addr.lower()
if tmp != "any" and not ufw.util.valid_address(tmp, "any"):
err_msg = _("Bad source address")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
self.src = tmp
def set_dst(self, addr):
'''Sets destination address of rule'''
tmp = addr.lower()
if tmp != "any" and not ufw.util.valid_address(tmp, "any"):
err_msg = _("Bad destination address")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
self.dst = tmp
def set_interface(self, if_type, name):
'''Sets an interface for rule'''
# libxtables/xtables.c xtables_parse_interface() specifies
# - < 16
# - not empty
# - doesn't contain ' '
# - doesn't contain '/'
# net/core/dev.c from the kernel specifies:
# - < 16
# - not empty
# - != '.' or '..'
# - doesn't contain '/', ':' or whitespace
if if_type != "in" and if_type != "out":
err_msg = _("Bad interface type")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
# Separate a few of the invalid checks out so we can give a nice error
if '!' in str(name):
err_msg = _("Bad interface name: reserved character: '!'")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if ':' in str(name):
err_msg = _("Bad interface name: can't use interface aliases")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if str(name) == "." or str(name) == "..":
err_msg = _("Bad interface name: can't use '.' or '..'")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if (len(str(name)) == 0):
err_msg = _("Bad interface name: interface name is empty")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if (len(str(name)) > 15):
err_msg = _("Bad interface name: interface name too long")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
# We are going to limit this even further to avoid shell meta
if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\+,=%@]+$', str(name)):
err_msg = _("Bad interface name")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if if_type == "in":
self.interface_in = name
self.interface_out = name
def set_position(self, num):
'''Sets the position of the rule'''
# -1 prepend
# 0 append
# >0 insert
if str(num) != "-1" and not re.match(r'^[0-9]+', str(num)):
err_msg = _("Insert position '%s' is not a valid position") % (num)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
self.position = int(num)
def set_logtype(self, logtype):
'''Sets logtype of the rule'''
if logtype.lower() == "log" or logtype.lower() == "log-all" or \
logtype == "":
self.logtype = logtype.lower()
err_msg = _("Invalid log type '%s'") % (logtype)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
def set_direction(self, direction):
'''Sets direction of the rule'''
if direction == "in" or direction == "out":
self.direction = direction
err_msg = _("Unsupported direction '%s'") % (direction)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
def get_comment(self):
'''Get decoded comment of the rule'''
return ufw.util.hex_decode(self.comment)
def set_comment(self, comment):
'''Sets comment of the rule'''
self.comment = comment
def normalize(self):
'''Normalize src and dst to standard form'''
changed = False
if self.src:
(self.src, changed) = ufw.util.normalize_address(self.src, \
except Exception:
err_msg = _("Could not normalize source address")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if changed:
self.updated = changed
if self.dst:
(self.dst, changed) = ufw.util.normalize_address(self.dst, \
except Exception:
err_msg = _("Could not normalize destination address")
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if changed:
self.updated = changed
if self.dport:
ports = self.dport.split(',')
self.dport = ','.join(ports)
if self.sport:
ports = self.sport.split(',')
self.sport = ','.join(ports)
def match(x, y):
'''Check if rules match
Return codes:
0 match
1 no match
-1 match all but action, log-type and/or comment
-2 match all but comment
if not x or not y:
raise ValueError()
dbg_msg = "No match '%s' '%s'" % (x, y)
if x.dport != y.dport:
return 1
if x.sport != y.sport:
return 1
if x.protocol != y.protocol:
return 1
if x.src != y.src:
return 1
if x.dst != y.dst:
return 1
if x.v6 != y.v6:
return 1
if x.dapp != y.dapp:
return 1
if x.sapp != y.sapp:
return 1
if x.interface_in != y.interface_in:
return 1
if x.interface_out != y.interface_out:
return 1
if x.direction != y.direction:
return 1
if x.forward != y.forward:
return 1
if x.action == y.action and x.logtype == y.logtype and \
x.comment == y.comment:
dbg_msg = _("Found exact match")
return 0
if x.action == y.action and x.logtype == y.logtype and \
x.comment != y.comment:
dbg_msg = _("Found exact match, excepting comment")
return -2
dbg_msg = _("Found non-action/non-logtype/comment match " \
"(%(xa)s/%(ya)s/'%(xc)s' %(xl)s/%(yl)s/'%(yc)s')") % \
({'xa': x.action, 'ya': y.action,
'xl': x.logtype, 'yl': y.logtype,
'xc': x.comment, 'yc': y.comment})
return -1
def fuzzy_dst_match(x, y):
'''This will match if x is more specific than y. Eg, for protocol if x
is tcp and y is all or for address if y is a network and x is a
subset of y (where x is either an address or network). Returns:
0 match
1 no match
-1 fuzzy match
This is a fuzzy destination match, so source ports or addresses
are not considered, and (currently) only incoming.
def _match_ports(test_p, to_match):
'''Returns True if p is an exact match or within a multi rule'''
if ',' in test_p or ':' in test_p:
if test_p == to_match:
return True
return False
for port in to_match.split(','):
if test_p == port:
return True
if ':' in port:
(low, high) = port.split(':')
if int(test_p) >= int(low) and int(test_p) <= int(high):
return True
return False
if not x or not y:
raise ValueError()
# Ok if exact match
if x.match(y) == 0:
return 0
dbg_msg = "No fuzzy match '%s (v6=%s)' '%s (v6=%s)'" % \
(x, x.v6, y, y.v6)
# Direction must match
if y.direction != "in":
debug("(direction) " + dbg_msg + " (not incoming)")
return 1
# forward must match
if y.forward != x.forward:
debug(dbg_msg + " (forward does not match)")
return 1
# Protocols must match or y 'any'
if x.protocol != y.protocol and y.protocol != "any":
debug("(protocol) " + dbg_msg)
return 1
# Destination ports must match or y 'any'
if y.dport != "any" and not _match_ports(x.dport, y.dport):
debug("(dport) " + dbg_msg)
return 1
if y.interface_in == "":
# If destination interface is not specified, destination addresses
# must match or x must be contained in y
if x.interface_in == "" and x._is_anywhere(x.dst):
# if x and y interfaces are not specified, and x.dst is
# anywhere then ok
elif x.dst != y.dst and '/' not in y.dst:
debug("(dst) " + dbg_msg)
return 1
elif x.dst != y.dst and '/' in y.dst and x.v6 == y.v6 and \
not ufw.util.in_network(x.dst, y.dst, x.v6):
debug("(dst) " + dbg_msg + " ('%s' not in network '%s')" % \
(x.dst, y.dst))
return 1
# If destination interface is specified, then:
# if specified, both interfaces must match or
# the IP of the interface must match the IP of y or
# the IP of the interface must be contained in y
if x.interface_in != "" and x.interface_in != y.interface_in:
debug("(interface) " + dbg_msg + " (%s != %s)" % \
(x.interface_in, y.interface_in))
return 1
if_ip = ufw.util.get_ip_from_if(y.interface_in, x.v6)
except IOError:
debug("(interface) " + dbg_msg + " %s does not exist" % \
return 1
if y.dst != if_ip and '/' not in y.dst:
debug("(interface) " + dbg_msg + " (%s != %s)" % \
(y.dst, if_ip))
return 1
elif y.dst != if_ip and '/' in y.dst and x.v6 == y.v6 and \
not ufw.util.in_network(if_ip, y.dst, x.v6):
debug("(interface) " + dbg_msg + \
" ('%s' not in network '%s')" % (if_ip, y.dst))
return 1
if x.v6 != y.v6:
debug("(v6) " + dbg_msg + " (%s != %s)" % (x.dst, y.dst))
return 1
# if we made it here, it is a fuzzy match
debug("(fuzzy match) '%s (v6=%s)' '%s (v6=%s)'" % (x, x.v6, y, y.v6))
return -1
def _is_anywhere(self, addr):
'''Check if address is anywhere'''
if addr == "::/0" or addr == "":
return True
return False
def get_app_tuple(self):
'''Returns a tuple to identify an app rule. Tuple is:
dapp dst sapp src
dport dst sapp src
dapp dst sport src
All of these might have in_eth0 out_eth0 (or similar) if an
interface is also defined.
tupl = ""
if self.dapp != "" or self.sapp != "":
tupl = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.dapp, self.dst, self.sapp, self.src)
if self.dapp == "":
tupl = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.dport, self.dst, self.sapp, \
if self.sapp == "":
tupl = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.dapp, self.dst, self.sport, \
# add interfaces to the end, if they exist
if self.interface_in != "":
tupl += " in_%s" % (self.interface_in)
if self.interface_out != "":
tupl += " out_%s" % (self.interface_out)
return tupl
def verify(self, rule_iptype):
'''Verify rule'''
# Verify protocol not specified with application rule
if self.protocol != "any" and \
(self.sapp != "" or self.dapp != ""):
err_msg = _("Improper rule syntax ('%s' specified with app rule)") \
% (self.protocol)
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if self.protocol in ufw.util.ipv4_only_protocols and \
rule_iptype == "v6":
# Can't use protocol these protocols with v6 addresses
err_msg = _("Invalid IPv6 address with protocol '%s'") % \
raise UFWError(err_msg)
if self.protocol in ufw.util.portless_protocols:
if self.dport != "any" or self.sport != "any":
err_msg = _("Invalid port with protocol '%s'") % \
raise UFWError(err_msg)