Tools for converting old- to new-style metadata.
import email.parser
import os.path
import re
import textwrap
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import pkg_resources
from . import __version__ as wheel_version
from .pkginfo import read_pkg_info
from .util import OrderedDefaultDict
PLURAL_FIELDS = {"classifier": "classifiers",
"provides_dist": "provides",
"provides_extra": "extras"}
CONTACT_FIELDS = (({"email": "author_email", "name": "author"},
({"email": "maintainer_email", "name": "maintainer"},
# commonly filled out as "UNKNOWN" by distutils:
UNKNOWN_FIELDS = {"author", "author_email", "platform", "home_page", "license"}
# Wheel itself is probably the only program that uses non-extras markers
# in METADATA/PKG-INFO. Support its syntax with the extra at the end only.
EXTRA_RE = re.compile("""^(?P<package>.*?)(;\s*(?P<condition>.*?)(extra == '(?P<extra>.*?)')?)$""")
KEYWORDS_RE = re.compile("[\0-,]+")
MayRequiresKey = namedtuple('MayRequiresKey', ('condition', 'extra'))
def unique(iterable):
Yield unique values in iterable, preserving order.
seen = set()
for value in iterable:
if value not in seen:
yield value
def handle_requires(metadata, pkg_info, key):
Place the runtime requirements from pkg_info into metadata.
may_requires = OrderedDefaultDict(list)
for value in sorted(pkg_info.get_all(key)):
extra_match = EXTRA_RE.search(value)
if extra_match:
groupdict = extra_match.groupdict()
condition = groupdict['condition']
extra = groupdict['extra']
package = groupdict['package']
if condition.endswith(' and '):
condition = condition[:-5]
condition, extra = None, None
package = value
key = MayRequiresKey(condition, extra)
if may_requires:
metadata['run_requires'] = []
def sort_key(item):
# Both condition and extra could be None, which can't be compared
# against strings in Python 3.
key, value = item
if key.condition is None:
return ''
return key.condition
for key, value in sorted(may_requires.items(), key=sort_key):
may_requirement = OrderedDict((('requires', value),))
if key.extra:
may_requirement['extra'] = key.extra
if key.condition:
may_requirement['environment'] = key.condition
if 'extras' not in metadata:
metadata['extras'] = []
metadata['extras'].extend([key.extra for key in may_requires.keys() if key.extra])
def pkginfo_to_dict(path, distribution=None):
Convert PKG-INFO to a prototype Metadata 2.0 (PEP 426) dict.
The description is included under the key ['description'] rather than
being written to a separate file.
path: path to PKG-INFO file
distribution: optional distutils Distribution()
metadata = OrderedDefaultDict(
lambda: OrderedDefaultDict(lambda: OrderedDefaultDict(OrderedDict)))
metadata["generator"] = "bdist_wheel (" + wheel_version + ")"
pkg_info = read_pkg_info(path)
except NameError:
with open(path, 'rb') as pkg_info_file:
pkg_info = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(pkg_info_file.read().decode('utf-8'))
description = None
if pkg_info['Summary']:
metadata['summary'] = pkginfo_unicode(pkg_info, 'Summary')
del pkg_info['Summary']
if pkg_info['Description']:
description = dedent_description(pkg_info)
del pkg_info['Description']
payload = pkg_info.get_payload()
if isinstance(payload, bytes):
# Avoid a Python 2 Unicode error.
# We still suffer ? glyphs on Python 3.
payload = payload.decode('utf-8')
if payload:
description = payload
if description:
pkg_info['description'] = description
for key in sorted(unique(k.lower() for k in pkg_info.keys())):
low_key = key.replace('-', '_')
if low_key in SKIP_FIELDS:
if low_key in UNKNOWN_FIELDS and pkg_info.get(key) == 'UNKNOWN':
if low_key in sorted(PLURAL_FIELDS):
metadata[PLURAL_FIELDS[low_key]] = pkg_info.get_all(key)
elif low_key == "requires_dist":
handle_requires(metadata, pkg_info, key)
elif low_key == 'provides_extra':
if 'extras' not in metadata:
metadata['extras'] = []
elif low_key == 'home_page':
metadata['extensions']['python.details']['project_urls'] = {'Home': pkg_info[key]}
elif low_key == 'keywords':
metadata['keywords'] = KEYWORDS_RE.split(pkg_info[key])
metadata[low_key] = pkg_info[key]
metadata['metadata_version'] = METADATA_VERSION
if 'extras' in metadata:
metadata['extras'] = sorted(set(metadata['extras']))
# include more information if distribution is available
if distribution:
for requires, attr in (('test_requires', 'tests_require'),):
requirements = getattr(distribution, attr)
if isinstance(requirements, list):
new_requirements = sorted(convert_requirements(requirements))
metadata[requires] = [{'requires': new_requirements}]
except AttributeError:
# handle contacts
contacts = []
for contact_type, role in CONTACT_FIELDS:
contact = OrderedDict()
for key in sorted(contact_type):
if contact_type[key] in metadata:
contact[key] = metadata.pop(contact_type[key])
if contact:
contact['role'] = role
if contacts:
metadata['extensions']['python.details']['contacts'] = contacts
# convert entry points to exports
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "entry_points.txt"), "r") as ep_file:
ep_map = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse_map(ep_file.read())
exports = OrderedDict()
for group, items in sorted(ep_map.items()):
exports[group] = OrderedDict()
for item in sorted(map(str, items.values())):
name, export = item.split(' = ', 1)
exports[group][name] = export
if exports:
metadata['extensions']['python.exports'] = exports
except IOError:
# copy console_scripts entry points to commands
if 'python.exports' in metadata['extensions']:
for (ep_script, wrap_script) in (('console_scripts', 'wrap_console'),
('gui_scripts', 'wrap_gui')):
if ep_script in metadata['extensions']['python.exports']:
metadata['extensions']['python.commands'][wrap_script] = \
return metadata
def requires_to_requires_dist(requirement):
"""Compose the version predicates for requirement in PEP 345 fashion."""
requires_dist = []
for op, ver in requirement.specs:
requires_dist.append(op + ver)
if not requires_dist:
return ''
return " (%s)" % ','.join(sorted(requires_dist))
def convert_requirements(requirements):
"""Yield Requires-Dist: strings for parsed requirements strings."""
for req in requirements:
parsed_requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(req)
spec = requires_to_requires_dist(parsed_requirement)
extras = ",".join(parsed_requirement.extras)
if extras:
extras = "[%s]" % extras
yield (parsed_requirement.project_name + extras + spec)
def generate_requirements(extras_require):
Convert requirements from a setup()-style dictionary to ('Requires-Dist', 'requirement')
and ('Provides-Extra', 'extra') tuples.
extras_require is a dictionary of {extra: [requirements]} as passed to setup(),
using the empty extra {'': [requirements]} to hold install_requires.
for extra, depends in extras_require.items():
condition = ''
if extra and ':' in extra: # setuptools extra:condition syntax
extra, condition = extra.split(':', 1)
extra = pkg_resources.safe_extra(extra)
if extra:
yield ('Provides-Extra', extra)
if condition:
condition += " and "
condition += "extra == '%s'" % extra
if condition:
condition = '; ' + condition
for new_req in convert_requirements(depends):
yield ('Requires-Dist', new_req + condition)
def pkginfo_to_metadata(egg_info_path, pkginfo_path):
Convert .egg-info directory with PKG-INFO to the Metadata 1.3 aka
old-draft Metadata 2.0 format.
pkg_info = read_pkg_info(pkginfo_path)
pkg_info.replace_header('Metadata-Version', '2.0')
requires_path = os.path.join(egg_info_path, 'requires.txt')
if os.path.exists(requires_path):
with open(requires_path) as requires_file:
requires = requires_file.read()
for extra, reqs in sorted(pkg_resources.split_sections(requires),
key=lambda x: x[0] or ''):
for item in generate_requirements({extra: reqs}):
pkg_info[item[0]] = item[1]
description = pkg_info['Description']
if description:
del pkg_info['Description']
return pkg_info
def pkginfo_unicode(pkg_info, field):
"""Hack to coax Unicode out of an email Message() - Python 3.3+"""
text = pkg_info[field]
field = field.lower()
if not isinstance(text, str):
if not hasattr(pkg_info, 'raw_items'): # Python 3.2
return str(text)
for item in pkg_info.raw_items():
if item[0].lower() == field:
text = item[1].encode('ascii', 'surrogateescape') \
return text
def dedent_description(pkg_info):
Dedent and convert pkg_info['Description'] to Unicode.
description = pkg_info['Description']
# Python 3 Unicode handling, sorta.
surrogates = False
if not isinstance(description, str):
surrogates = True
description = pkginfo_unicode(pkg_info, 'Description')
description_lines = description.splitlines()
description_dedent = '\n'.join(
# if the first line of long_description is blank,
# the first line here will be indented.
if surrogates:
description_dedent = description_dedent \
.encode("utf8") \
.decode("ascii", "surrogateescape")
return description_dedent
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pprint