[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
Complete implementation of the XDG Icon Spec Version 0.8

import os, time
import re

from xdg.IniFile import IniFile, is_ascii
from xdg.BaseDirectory import xdg_data_dirs
from xdg.Exceptions import NoThemeError, debug

import xdg.Config

class IconTheme(IniFile):
    "Class to parse and validate IconThemes"
    def __init__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def parse(self, file):
        IniFile.parse(self, file, ["Icon Theme", "KDE Icon Theme"])
        self.dir = os.path.dirname(file)
        (nil, self.name) = os.path.split(self.dir)

    def getDir(self):
        return self.dir

    # Standard Keys
    def getName(self):
        return self.get('Name', locale=True)
    def getComment(self):
        return self.get('Comment', locale=True)
    def getInherits(self):
        return self.get('Inherits', list=True)
    def getDirectories(self):
        return self.get('Directories', list=True)
    def getScaledDirectories(self):
        return self.get('ScaledDirectories', list=True)
    def getHidden(self):
        return self.get('Hidden', type="boolean")
    def getExample(self):
        return self.get('Example')

    # Per Directory Keys
    def getSize(self, directory):
        return self.get('Size', type="integer", group=directory)
    def getContext(self, directory):
        return self.get('Context', group=directory)
    def getType(self, directory):
        value = self.get('Type', group=directory)
        if value:
            return value
            return "Threshold"
    def getMaxSize(self, directory):
        value = self.get('MaxSize', type="integer", group=directory)
        if value or value == 0:
            return value
            return self.getSize(directory)
    def getMinSize(self, directory):
        value = self.get('MinSize', type="integer", group=directory)
        if value or value == 0:
            return value
            return self.getSize(directory)
    def getThreshold(self, directory):
        value = self.get('Threshold', type="integer", group=directory)
        if value or value == 0:
            return value
            return 2

    def getScale(self, directory):
        value = self.get('Scale', type="integer", group=directory)
        return value or 1

    # validation stuff
    def checkExtras(self):
        # header
        if self.defaultGroup == "KDE Icon Theme":
            self.warnings.append('[KDE Icon Theme]-Header is deprecated')

        # file extension
        if self.fileExtension == ".theme":
        elif self.fileExtension == ".desktop":
            self.warnings.append('.desktop fileExtension is deprecated')
            self.warnings.append('Unknown File extension')

        # Check required keys
        # Name
            self.name = self.content[self.defaultGroup]["Name"]
        except KeyError:
            self.errors.append("Key 'Name' is missing")

        # Comment
            self.comment = self.content[self.defaultGroup]["Comment"]
        except KeyError:
            self.errors.append("Key 'Comment' is missing")

        # Directories
            self.directories = self.content[self.defaultGroup]["Directories"]
        except KeyError:
            self.errors.append("Key 'Directories' is missing")

    def checkGroup(self, group):
        # check if group header is valid
        if group == self.defaultGroup:
                self.name = self.content[group]["Name"]
            except KeyError:
                self.errors.append("Key 'Name' in Group '%s' is missing" % group)
                self.name = self.content[group]["Comment"]
            except KeyError:
                self.errors.append("Key 'Comment' in Group '%s' is missing" % group)
        elif group in self.getDirectories():
                self.type = self.content[group]["Type"]
            except KeyError:
                self.type = "Threshold"
                self.name = self.content[group]["Size"]
            except KeyError:
                self.errors.append("Key 'Size' in Group '%s' is missing" % group)
        elif not (re.match("^\[X-", group) and is_ascii(group)):
            self.errors.append("Invalid Group name: %s" % group)

    def checkKey(self, key, value, group):
        # standard keys     
        if group == self.defaultGroup:
            if re.match("^Name"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
            elif re.match("^Comment"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
            elif key == "Inherits":
                self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
            elif key == "Directories":
                self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
            elif key == "ScaledDirectories":
                self.checkValue(key, value, list=True)
            elif key == "Hidden":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="boolean")
            elif key == "Example":
                self.checkValue(key, value)
            elif re.match("^X-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+", key):
                self.errors.append("Invalid key: %s" % key)
        elif group in self.getDirectories():
            if key == "Size":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer")
            elif key == "Context":
                self.checkValue(key, value)
            elif key == "Type":
                self.checkValue(key, value)
                if value not in ["Fixed", "Scalable", "Threshold"]:
                    self.errors.append("Key 'Type' must be one out of 'Fixed','Scalable','Threshold', but is %s" % value)
            elif key == "MaxSize":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer")
                if self.type != "Scalable":
                    self.errors.append("Key 'MaxSize' give, but Type is %s" % self.type)
            elif key == "MinSize":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer")
                if self.type != "Scalable":
                    self.errors.append("Key 'MinSize' give, but Type is %s" % self.type)
            elif key == "Threshold":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer")
                if self.type != "Threshold":
                    self.errors.append("Key 'Threshold' give, but Type is %s" % self.type)
            elif key == "Scale":
                self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer")
            elif re.match("^X-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+", key):
                self.errors.append("Invalid key: %s" % key)

class IconData(IniFile):
    "Class to parse and validate IconData Files"
    def __init__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        displayname = self.getDisplayName()
        if displayname:
            return "<IconData: %s>" % displayname
            return "<IconData>"

    def parse(self, file):
        IniFile.parse(self, file, ["Icon Data"])

    # Standard Keys
    def getDisplayName(self):
        """Retrieve the display name from the icon data, if one is specified."""
        return self.get('DisplayName', locale=True)
    def getEmbeddedTextRectangle(self):
        """Retrieve the embedded text rectangle from the icon data as a list of
        numbers (x0, y0, x1, y1), if it is specified."""
        return self.get('EmbeddedTextRectangle', type="integer", list=True)
    def getAttachPoints(self):
        """Retrieve the anchor points for overlays & emblems from the icon data,
        as a list of co-ordinate pairs, if they are specified."""
        return self.get('AttachPoints', type="point", list=True)

    # validation stuff
    def checkExtras(self):
        # file extension
        if self.fileExtension != ".icon":
            self.warnings.append('Unknown File extension')

    def checkGroup(self, group):
        # check if group header is valid
        if not (group == self.defaultGroup \
        or (re.match("^\[X-", group) and is_ascii(group))):
            self.errors.append("Invalid Group name: %s" % group.encode("ascii", "replace"))

    def checkKey(self, key, value, group):
        # standard keys     
        if re.match("^DisplayName"+xdg.Locale.regex+"$", key):
        elif key == "EmbeddedTextRectangle":
            self.checkValue(key, value, type="integer", list=True)
        elif key == "AttachPoints":
            self.checkValue(key, value, type="point", list=True)
        elif re.match("^X-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+", key):
            self.errors.append("Invalid key: %s" % key)

icondirs = []
for basedir in xdg_data_dirs:
    icondirs.append(os.path.join(basedir, "icons"))
    icondirs.append(os.path.join(basedir, "pixmaps"))

# just cache variables, they give a 10x speed improvement
themes = []
theme_cache = {}
dir_cache = {}
icon_cache = {}

def getIconPath(iconname, size = None, theme = None, extensions = ["png", "svg", "xpm"]):
    """Get the path to a specified icon.
    size :
      Icon size in pixels. Defaults to ``xdg.Config.icon_size``.
    theme :
      Icon theme name. Defaults to ``xdg.Config.icon_theme``. If the icon isn't
      found in the specified theme, it will be looked up in the basic 'hicolor'
    extensions :
      List of preferred file extensions.
        >>> getIconPath("inkscape", 32)
    global themes

    if size == None:
        size = xdg.Config.icon_size
    if theme == None:
        theme = xdg.Config.icon_theme

    # if we have an absolute path, just return it
    if os.path.isabs(iconname):
        return iconname

    # check if it has an extension and strip it
    if os.path.splitext(iconname)[1][1:] in extensions:
        iconname = os.path.splitext(iconname)[0]

    # parse theme files
    if (themes == []) or (themes[0].name != theme):
        themes = list(__get_themes(theme))

    # more caching (icon looked up in the last 5 seconds?)
    tmp = (iconname, size, theme, tuple(extensions))
        timestamp, icon = icon_cache[tmp]
    except KeyError:
        if (time.time() - timestamp) >= xdg.Config.cache_time:
            del icon_cache[tmp]
            return icon

    for thme in themes:
        icon = LookupIcon(iconname, size, thme, extensions)
        if icon:
            icon_cache[tmp] = (time.time(), icon)
            return icon

    # cache stuff again (directories looked up in the last 5 seconds?)
    for directory in icondirs:
        if (directory not in dir_cache \
            or (int(time.time() - dir_cache[directory][1]) >= xdg.Config.cache_time \
            and dir_cache[directory][2] < os.path.getmtime(directory))) \
            and os.path.isdir(directory):
            dir_cache[directory] = (os.listdir(directory), time.time(), os.path.getmtime(directory))

    for dir, values in dir_cache.items():
        for extension in extensions:
                if iconname + "." + extension in values[0]:
                    icon = os.path.join(dir, iconname + "." + extension)
                    icon_cache[tmp] = [time.time(), icon]
                    return icon
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                if debug:
                    raise e

    # we haven't found anything? "hicolor" is our fallback
    if theme != "hicolor":
        icon = getIconPath(iconname, size, "hicolor")
        icon_cache[tmp] = [time.time(), icon]
        return icon

def getIconData(path):
    """Retrieve the data from the .icon file corresponding to the given file. If
    there is no .icon file, it returns None.
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        icon_file = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + ".icon"
        if os.path.isfile(icon_file):
            data = IconData()
            return data

def __get_themes(themename):
    """Generator yielding IconTheme objects for a specified theme and any themes
    from which it inherits.
    for dir in icondirs:
        theme_file = os.path.join(dir, themename, "index.theme")
        if os.path.isfile(theme_file):
        theme_file = os.path.join(dir, themename, "index.desktop")
        if os.path.isfile(theme_file):
        if debug:
            raise NoThemeError(themename)
    theme = IconTheme()
    yield theme
    for subtheme in theme.getInherits():
        for t in __get_themes(subtheme):
            yield t

def LookupIcon(iconname, size, theme, extensions):
    # look for the cache
    if theme.name not in theme_cache:
        theme_cache[theme.name] = []
        theme_cache[theme.name].append(time.time() - (xdg.Config.cache_time + 1)) # [0] last time of lookup
        theme_cache[theme.name].append(0)               # [1] mtime
        theme_cache[theme.name].append(dict())          # [2] dir: [subdir, [items]]

    # cache stuff (directory lookuped up the in the last 5 seconds?)
    if int(time.time() - theme_cache[theme.name][0]) >= xdg.Config.cache_time:
        theme_cache[theme.name][0] = time.time()
        for subdir in theme.getDirectories():
            for directory in icondirs:
                dir = os.path.join(directory,theme.name,subdir)
                if (dir not in theme_cache[theme.name][2] \
                or theme_cache[theme.name][1] < os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(directory,theme.name))) \
                and subdir != "" \
                and os.path.isdir(dir):
                    theme_cache[theme.name][2][dir] = [subdir, os.listdir(dir)]
                    theme_cache[theme.name][1] = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(directory,theme.name))

    for dir, values in theme_cache[theme.name][2].items():
        if DirectoryMatchesSize(values[0], size, theme):
            for extension in extensions:
                if iconname + "." + extension in values[1]:
                    return os.path.join(dir, iconname + "." + extension)

    minimal_size = 2**31
    closest_filename = ""
    for dir, values in theme_cache[theme.name][2].items():
        distance = DirectorySizeDistance(values[0], size, theme)
        if distance < minimal_size:
            for extension in extensions:
                if iconname + "." + extension in values[1]:
                    closest_filename = os.path.join(dir, iconname + "." + extension)
                    minimal_size = distance

    return closest_filename

def DirectoryMatchesSize(subdir, iconsize, theme):
    Type = theme.getType(subdir)
    Size = theme.getSize(subdir)
    Threshold = theme.getThreshold(subdir)
    MinSize = theme.getMinSize(subdir)
    MaxSize = theme.getMaxSize(subdir)
    if Type == "Fixed":
        return Size == iconsize
    elif Type == "Scaleable":
        return MinSize <= iconsize <= MaxSize
    elif Type == "Threshold":
        return Size - Threshold <= iconsize <= Size + Threshold

def DirectorySizeDistance(subdir, iconsize, theme):
    Type = theme.getType(subdir)
    Size = theme.getSize(subdir)
    Threshold = theme.getThreshold(subdir)
    MinSize = theme.getMinSize(subdir)
    MaxSize = theme.getMaxSize(subdir)
    if Type == "Fixed":
        return abs(Size - iconsize)
    elif Type == "Scalable":
        if iconsize < MinSize:
            return MinSize - iconsize
        elif iconsize > MaxSize:
            return MaxSize - iconsize
        return 0
    elif Type == "Threshold":
        if iconsize < Size - Threshold:
            return MinSize - iconsize
        elif iconsize > Size + Threshold:
            return iconsize - MaxSize
        return 0


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
BaseDirectory.py File 5.62 KB 0644
Config.py File 728 B 0644
DesktopEntry.py File 16.41 KB 0644
Exceptions.py File 1.49 KB 0644
IconTheme.py File 15.72 KB 0644
IniFile.py File 13.18 KB 0644
Locale.py File 2.11 KB 0644
Menu.py File 38.14 KB 0644
MenuEditor.py File 17.97 KB 0644
Mime.py File 15.64 KB 0644
RecentFiles.py File 5.99 KB 0644
__init__.py File 171 B 0644
util.py File 164 B 0644