Metadata-Version: 1.1 Name: PyICU Version: 1.9.8 Summary: Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API Home-page: Author: Andi Vajda Author-email: License: UNKNOWN Description: # README file for PyICU ## Welcome Welcome to PyICU, a Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ libraries. ICU stands for "International Components for Unicode". These are the i18n libraries of the Unicode Consortium. They implement much of the Unicode Standard, many of its companion Unicode Technical Standards, and much of Unicode CLDR. The PyICU source code is hosted on GitHub at The ICU homepage is See also the CLDR homepage at ## Building PyICU Before building PyICU the ICU libraries must be built and installed. Refer to each system's instructions for more information. PyICU is built with distutils or setuptools: - verify that the ``INCLUDES``, ``LFLAGS``, ``CFLAGS`` and ``LIBRARIES`` dictionaries in ```` contain correct values for your platform - ``python build`` - ``sudo python install`` ## Running PyICU - Mac OS X Make sure that ``DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` contains paths to the directory(ies) containing the ICU libs. - Linux & Solaris Make sure that ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` contains paths to the directory(ies) containing the ICU libs or that you added the corresponding ``-rpath`` argument to ``LFLAGS``. - Windows Make sure that ``PATH`` contains paths to the directory(ies) containing the ICU DLLs. ## What's available See the ``CHANGES`` file for an up to date log of changes and additions. ## API Documentation There is no API documentation for PyICU. The API for ICU is documented at and the following patterns can be used to translate from the C++ APIs to the corresponding Python APIs. ### strings The ICU string type, ``UnicodeString``, is a type pointing at a mutable array of ``UChar`` Unicode 16-bit wide characters. The Python unicode type is an immutable string of 16-bit or 32-bit wide Unicode characters. Because of these differences, ``UnicodeString`` and Python's ``unicode`` type are not merged into the same type when crossing the C++ boundary. ICU APIs taking ``UnicodeString`` arguments have been overloaded to also accept Python str or unicode type arguments. In the case of ``str`` objects, the ``utf-8`` encoding is assumed when converting them to ``UnicodeString`` objects. To convert a Python ``str`` encoded in a encoding other than ``utf-8`` to an ICU ``UnicodeString`` use the ``UnicodeString(str, encodingName)`` constructor. ICU's C++ APIs accept and return ``UnicodeString`` arguments in several ways: by value, by pointer or by reference. When an ICU C++ API is documented to accept a ``UnicodeString`` reference parameter, it is safe to assume that there are several corresponding PyICU python APIs making it accessible in simpler ways: For example, the ``'UnicodeString &Locale::getDisplayName(UnicodeString &)'`` API, documented at can be invoked from Python in several ways: 1. The ICU way >>> from icu import UnicodeString, Locale >>> locale = Locale('pt_BR') >>> string = UnicodeString() >>> name = locale.getDisplayName(string) >>> name <UnicodeString: Portuguese (Brazil)> >>> name is string True <-- string arg was returned, modified in place 2. The Python way >>> from icu import Locale >>> locale = Locale('pt_BR') >>> name = locale.getDisplayName() >>> name u'Portuguese (Brazil)' A ``UnicodeString`` object was allocated and converted to a Python ``unicode`` object. A UnicodeString can be coerced to a Python unicode string with Python's ``unicode()`` constructor. The usual ``len()``, ``str()``, comparison, ``[]`` and ``[:]`` operators are all available, with the additional twists that slicing is not read-only and that ``+=`` is also available since a UnicodeString is mutable. For example: >>> name = locale.getDisplayName() u'Portuguese (Brazil)' >>> name = UnicodeString(name) >>> name <UnicodeString: Portuguese (Brazil)> >>> unicode(name) u'Portuguese (Brazil)' >>> len(name) 19 >>> str(name) <-- works when chars fit with default encoding 'Portuguese (Brazil)' >>> name[3] u't' >>> name[12:18] <UnicodeString: Brazil> >>> name[12:18] = 'the country of Brasil' >>> name <UnicodeString: Portuguese (the country of Brasil)> >>> name += ' oh joy' >>> name <UnicodeString: Portuguese (the country of Brasil) oh joy> ### error reporting The C++ ICU library does not use C++ exceptions to report errors. ICU C++ APIs return errors via a ``UErrorCode`` reference argument. All such APIs are wrapped by Python APIs that omit this argument and throw an ``ICUError`` Python exception instead. The same is true for ICU APIs taking both a ``ParseError`` and a ``UErrorCode``, they are both to be omitted. For example, the ``'UnicodeString &DateFormat::format(const Formattable &, UnicodeString &, UErrorCode &)'`` API, documented at is invoked from Python with: >>> from icu import DateFormat, Formattable >>> df = DateFormat.createInstance() >>> df <SimpleDateFormat: M/d/yy h:mm a> >>> f = Formattable(940284258.0, Formattable.kIsDate) >>> df.format(f) u'10/18/99 3:04 PM' Of course, the simpler ``'UnicodeString &DateFormat::format(UDate, UnicodeString &)'`` documented here: can be used too: >>> from icu import DateFormat >>> df = DateFormat.createInstance() >>> df <SimpleDateFormat: M/d/yy h:mm a> >>> df.format(940284258.0) u'10/18/99 3:04 PM' ### dates ICU uses a double floating point type called ``UDate`` that represents the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970-jan-01 UTC for dates. In Python, the value returned by the ``time`` module's ``time()`` function is the number of seconds since 1970-jan-01 UTC. Because of this difference, floating point values are multiplied by 1000 when passed to APIs taking ``UDate`` and divided by 1000 when returned as ``UDate``. Python's ``datetime`` objects, with or without timezone information, can also be used with APIs taking ``UDate`` arguments. The ``datetime`` objects get converted to ``UDate`` when crossing into the C++ layer. ### arrays Many ICU API take array arguments. A list of elements of the array element types is to be passed from Python. ### StringEnumeration An ICU ``StringEnumeration`` has three ``next`` methods: ``next()`` which returns a ``str`` objects, ``unext()`` which returns ``unicode`` objects and ``snext()`` which returns ``UnicodeString`` objects. Any of these methods can be used as an iterator, using the Python built-in ``iter`` function. For example, let ``e`` be a ``StringEnumeration`` instance:: ```python [s for s in e] is a list of 'str' objects [s for s in iter(e.unext, None)] is a list of 'unicode' objects [s for s in iter(e.snext, None)] is a list of 'UnicodeString' objects ``` ### timezones The ICU ``TimeZone`` type may be wrapped with an ``ICUtzinfo`` type for usage with Python's ``datetime`` type. For example:: ```python tz = ICUtzinfo(TimeZone.createTimeZone('US/Mountain')) ``` or, even simpler:: ```python tz = ICUtzinfo.getInstance('Pacific/Fiji') ``` To get the default time zone use:: ```python defaultTZ = ICUtzinfo.getDefault() ``` To get the time zone's id, use the ``tzid`` attribute or coerce the time zone to a string:: ```python ICUtzinfo.getInstance('Pacific/Fiji').tzid -> 'Pacific/Fiji' str(ICUtzinfo.getInstance('Pacific/Fiji')) -> 'Pacific/Fiji' ``` Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Environment :: Console Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: C++ Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Localization Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Internationalization