[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# vim: set encoding=UTF-8 fileencoding=UTF-8 :

'''Store, load, and handle problem reports.'''

# Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
# the full text of the license.

import zlib, base64, time, sys, gzip, struct, os
from email.encoders import encode_base64
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from io import BytesIO

if sys.version[0] < '3':
    from UserDict import IterableUserDict as UserDict
    UserDict  # pyflakes
    _python2 = True
    from collections import UserDict
    _python2 = False

class CompressedValue:
    '''Represent a ProblemReport value which is gzip compressed.'''

    def __init__(self, value=None, name=None):
        '''Initialize an empty CompressedValue object with an optional name.'''

        self.gzipvalue = None
        self.name = name
        # By default, compressed values are in gzip format. Earlier versions of
        # problem_report used zlib format (without gzip header). If you have
        # such a case, set legacy_zlib to True.
        self.legacy_zlib = False

        if value:

    def set_value(self, value):
        '''Set uncompressed value.'''

        out = BytesIO()
        gzip.GzipFile(self.name, mode='wb', fileobj=out, mtime=0).write(value)
        self.gzipvalue = out.getvalue()
        self.legacy_zlib = False

    def get_value(self):
        '''Return uncompressed value.'''

        if not self.gzipvalue:
            return None

        if self.legacy_zlib:
            return zlib.decompress(self.gzipvalue)
        return gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(self.gzipvalue)).read()

    def write(self, file):
        '''Write uncompressed value into given file-like object.'''

        assert self.gzipvalue

        if self.legacy_zlib:

        gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(self.gzipvalue))
        while True:
            block = gz.read(1048576)
            if not block:

    def __len__(self):
        '''Return length of uncompressed value.'''

        assert self.gzipvalue
        if self.legacy_zlib:
            return len(self.get_value())
        return int(struct.unpack('<L', self.gzipvalue[-4:])[0])

    def splitlines(self):
        '''Behaves like splitlines() for a normal string.'''

        return self.get_value().splitlines()

class ProblemReport(UserDict):
    def __init__(self, type='Crash', date=None):
        '''Initialize a fresh problem report.

        type can be 'Crash', 'Packaging', 'KernelCrash' or 'KernelOops'.
        date is the desired date/time string; if None (default), the
        current local time is used.
        if date is None:
            date = time.asctime()
        self.data = {'ProblemType': type, 'Date': date}

        # keeps track of keys which were added since the last ctor or load()
        self.old_keys = set()

    def load(self, file, binary=True, key_filter=None):
        '''Initialize problem report from a file-like object.

        If binary is False, binary data is not loaded; the dictionary key is
        created, but its value will be an empty string. If it is True, it is
        transparently uncompressed and available as dictionary byte array values.
        If binary is 'compressed', the compressed value is retained, and the
        dictionary value will be a CompressedValue object. This is useful if
        the compressed value is still useful (to avoid recompression if the
        file needs to be written back).

        file needs to be opened in binary mode.

        If key_filter is given, only those keys will be loaded.

        Files are in RFC822 format, but with case sensitive keys.
        key = None
        value = None
        b64_block = False
        bd = None
        if key_filter:
            remaining_keys = set(key_filter)
            remaining_keys = None
        for line in file:
            # continuation line
            if line.startswith(b' '):
                if b64_block and not binary:
                assert (key is not None and value is not None)
                if b64_block:
                    block = base64.b64decode(line)
                    if bd:
                        value += bd.decompress(block)
                        if binary == 'compressed':
                            # check gzip header; if absent, we have legacy zlib
                            # data
                            if value.gzipvalue == b'' and not block.startswith(b'\037\213\010'):
                                value.legacy_zlib = True
                            value.gzipvalue += block
                            # lazy initialization of bd
                            # skip gzip header, if present
                            if block.startswith(b'\037\213\010'):
                                bd = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
                                value = bd.decompress(self._strip_gzip_header(block))
                                # legacy zlib-only format used default block
                                # size
                                bd = zlib.decompressobj()
                                value += bd.decompress(block)
                    if len(value) > 0:
                        value += b'\n'
                    if line.endswith(b'\n'):
                        value += line[1:-1]
                        value += line[1:]
                if b64_block:
                    if bd:
                        value += bd.flush()
                    b64_block = False
                    bd = None
                if key:
                    assert value is not None
                    if remaining_keys is not None:
                            self.data[key] = self._try_unicode(value)
                            if not remaining_keys:
                                key = None
                        except KeyError:
                        self.data[key] = self._try_unicode(value)

                (key, value) = line.split(b':', 1)
                if not _python2:
                    key = key.decode('ASCII')
                value = value.strip()
                if value == b'base64':
                    if binary == 'compressed':
                        value = CompressedValue(key.encode())
                        value.gzipvalue = b''
                        value = b''
                    b64_block = True

        if key is not None:
            self.data[key] = self._try_unicode(value)

        self.old_keys = set(self.data.keys())

    def extract_keys(self, file, bin_keys, dir):
        '''Extract only one binary element from the problem_report

        Binary elements like kernel crash dumps can be very big. This method
        extracts directly files without loading the report into memory.
        # support singe key and collection of keys
        if isinstance(bin_keys, str):
            bin_keys = [bin_keys]
        key = None
        value = None
        missing_keys = list(bin_keys)
        b64_block = {}
        bd = None
        out = None
        for line in file:
            # Identify the bin_keys we're looking for
            while not line.startswith(b' '):
                (key, value) = line.split(b':', 1)
                if not _python2:
                    key = key.decode('ASCII')
                if key not in missing_keys:
                b64_block[key] = False
                value = value.strip()
                if value == b'base64':
                    value = b''
                    b64_block[key] = True
                        bd = None
                        with open(os.path.join(dir, key), 'wb') as out:
                            for line in file:
                                # continuation line
                                if line.startswith(b' '):
                                    assert (key is not None and value is not None)
                                    if b64_block[key]:
                                        block = base64.b64decode(line)
                                        if bd:
                                            # lazy initialization of bd
                                            # skip gzip header, if present
                                            if block.startswith(b'\037\213\010'):
                                                bd = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
                                                # legacy zlib-only format used default block
                                                # size
                                                bd = zlib.decompressobj()
                    except IOError:
                        raise IOError('unable to open %s' % (os.path.join(dir, key)))
        if missing_keys:
            raise KeyError('Cannot find %s in report' % ', '.join(missing_keys))
        if False in b64_block.values():
            raise ValueError('%s has no binary content' %
                             [item for item, element in b64_block.items() if element is False])

    def has_removed_fields(self):
        '''Check if the report has any keys which were not loaded.

        This could happen when using binary=False in load().
        return ('' in self.values())

    def _is_binary(klass, string):
        '''Check if the given strings contains binary data.'''

        if _python2:
            return klass._is_binary_py2(string)

        if type(string) == bytes:
            for c in string:
                if c < 32 and not chr(c).isspace():
                    return True
        return False

    def _is_binary_py2(klass, string):
        '''Check if the given strings contains binary data. (Python 2)'''

        if type(string) == unicode:
            return False

        for c in string:
            if c < ' ' and not c.isspace():
                return True
        return False

    def _try_unicode(klass, value):
        '''Try to convert bytearray value to unicode'''

        if type(value) == bytes and not klass._is_binary(value):
                return value.decode('UTF-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                return value
        return value

    def write(self, file, only_new=False):
        '''Write information into the given file-like object.

        If only_new is True, only keys which have been added since the last
        load() are written (i. e. those returned by new_keys()).

        If a value is a string, it is written directly. Otherwise it must be a
        tuple of the form (file, encode=True, limit=None, fail_on_empty=False).
        The first argument can be a file name or a file-like object,
        which will be read and its content will become the value of this key.
        'encode' specifies whether the contents will be
        gzip compressed and base64-encoded (this defaults to True). If limit is
        set to a positive integer, the file is not attached if it's larger
        than the given limit, and the entire key will be removed. If
        fail_on_empty is True, reading zero bytes will cause an IOError.

        file needs to be opened in binary mode.

        Files are written in RFC822 format.

        # sort keys into ASCII non-ASCII/binary attachment ones, so that
        # the base64 ones appear last in the report
        asckeys = []
        binkeys = []
        for k in self.data.keys():
            if only_new and k in self.old_keys:
            v = self.data[k]
            if hasattr(v, 'find'):
                if self._is_binary(v):
                if not isinstance(v, CompressedValue) and len(v) >= 2 and not v[1]:
                    # force uncompressed

        if 'ProblemType' in asckeys:
            asckeys.insert(0, 'ProblemType')

        # write the ASCII keys first
        for k in asckeys:
            v = self.data[k]

            # if it's a tuple, we have a file reference; read the contents
            if not hasattr(v, 'find'):
                if len(v) >= 3 and v[2] is not None:
                    limit = v[2]
                    limit = None

                fail_on_empty = len(v) >= 4 and v[3]

                if hasattr(v[0], 'read'):
                    v = v[0].read()  # file-like object
                    with open(v[0], 'rb') as f:  # file name
                        v = f.read()

                if fail_on_empty and len(v) == 0:
                    raise IOError('did not get any data for field ' + k)

                if limit is not None and len(v) > limit:
                    del self.data[k]

            if _python2:
                if isinstance(v, unicode):
                    # unicode → str
                    v = v.encode('UTF-8')
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    # unicode → str
                    v = v.encode('UTF-8')

            if b'\n' in v:
                # multiline value
                file.write(b':\n ')
                file.write(v.replace(b'\n', b'\n '))
                file.write(b': ')

        # now write the binary keys with gzip compression and base64 encoding
        for k in binkeys:
            v = self.data[k]
            limit = None
            size = 0

            curr_pos = file.tell()
            file.write(b': base64\n ')

            # CompressedValue
            if isinstance(v, CompressedValue):

            # write gzip header
            gzip_header = b'\037\213\010\010\000\000\000\000\002\377' + k.encode('UTF-8') + b'\000'
            file.write(b'\n ')
            crc = zlib.crc32(b'')

            bc = zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS,
                                  zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0)
            # direct value
            if hasattr(v, 'find'):
                size += len(v)
                crc = zlib.crc32(v, crc)
                outblock = bc.compress(v)
                if outblock:
                    file.write(b'\n ')
            # file reference
                if len(v) >= 3 and v[2] is not None:
                    limit = v[2]

                if hasattr(v[0], 'read'):
                    f = v[0]  # file-like object
                    f = open(v[0], 'rb')  # file name
                while True:
                    block = f.read(1048576)
                    size += len(block)
                    crc = zlib.crc32(block, crc)
                    if limit is not None:
                        if size > limit:
                            # roll back
                            del self.data[k]
                            crc = None
                    if block:
                        outblock = bc.compress(block)
                        if outblock:
                            file.write(b'\n ')
                if not hasattr(v[0], 'read'):

                if len(v) >= 4 and v[3]:
                    if size == 0:
                        raise IOError('did not get any data for field %s from %s' % (k, str(v[0])))

            # flush compressor and write the rest
            if not limit or size <= limit:
                block = bc.flush()
                # append gzip trailer: crc (32 bit) and size (32 bit)
                if crc:
                    block += struct.pack('<L', crc & 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    block += struct.pack('<L', size & 0xFFFFFFFF)


    def add_to_existing(self, reportfile, keep_times=False):
        '''Add this report's data to an already existing report file.

        The file will be temporarily chmod'ed to 000 to prevent frontends
        from picking up a hal-updated report file. If keep_times
        is True, then the file's atime and mtime restored after updating.
        st = os.stat(reportfile)
            f = open(reportfile, 'ab')
            os.chmod(reportfile, 0)
            if keep_times:
                os.utime(reportfile, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
            os.chmod(reportfile, st.st_mode)

    def write_mime(self, file, attach_treshold=5, extra_headers={},
                   skip_keys=None, priority_fields=None):
        '''Write MIME/Multipart RFC 2822 formatted data into file.

        file must be a file-like object, not a path.  It needs to be opened in
        binary mode.

        If a value is a string or a CompressedValue, it is written directly.
        Otherwise it must be a tuple containing the source file and an optional
        boolean value (in that order); the first argument can be a file name or
        a file-like object, which will be read and its content will become the
        value of this key.  The file will be gzip compressed, unless the key
        already ends in .gz.

        attach_treshold specifies the maximum number of lines for a value to be
        included into the first inline text part. All bigger values (as well as
        all non-ASCII ones) will become an attachment, as well as text
        values bigger than 1 kB.

        Extra MIME preamble headers can be specified, too, as a dictionary.

        skip_keys is a set/list specifying keys which are filtered out and not
        written to the destination file.

        priority_fields is a set/list specifying the order in which keys should
        appear in the destination file.

        keys = sorted(self.data.keys())

        text = ''
        attachments = []

        if 'ProblemType' in keys:
            keys.insert(0, 'ProblemType')

        if priority_fields:
            counter = 0
            for priority_field in priority_fields:
                if priority_field in keys:
                    keys.insert(counter, priority_field)
                    counter += 1

        for k in keys:
            if skip_keys and k in skip_keys:
            v = self.data[k]
            attach_value = None

            # compressed values are ready for attaching in gzip form
            if isinstance(v, CompressedValue):
                attach_value = v.gzipvalue

            # if it's a tuple, we have a file reference; read the contents
            # and gzip it
            elif not hasattr(v, 'find'):
                attach_value = ''
                if hasattr(v[0], 'read'):
                    f = v[0]  # file-like object
                    f = open(v[0], 'rb')  # file name
                if k.endswith('.gz'):
                    attach_value = f.read()
                    io = BytesIO()
                    gf = gzip.GzipFile(k, mode='wb', fileobj=io, mtime=0)
                    while True:
                        block = f.read(1048576)
                        if block:
                    attach_value = io.getvalue()

            # binary value
            elif self._is_binary(v):
                if k.endswith('.gz'):
                    attach_value = v
                    attach_value = CompressedValue(v, k).gzipvalue

            # if we have an attachment value, create an attachment
            if attach_value:
                att = MIMEBase('application', 'x-gzip')
                if k.endswith('.gz'):
                    att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=k)
                    att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=k + '.gz')
                # plain text value
                size = len(v)

                # ensure that byte arrays are valid UTF-8
                if type(v) == bytes:
                    v = v.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')
                # convert unicode to UTF-8 str
                if _python2:
                    assert isinstance(v, unicode)
                    assert isinstance(v, str)

                lines = len(v.splitlines())
                if size <= 1000 and lines == 1:
                    v = v.rstrip()
                    text += k + ': ' + v + '\n'
                elif size <= 1000 and lines <= attach_treshold:
                    text += k + ':\n '
                    if not v.endswith('\n'):
                        v += '\n'
                    text += v.strip().replace('\n', '\n ') + '\n'
                    # too large, separate attachment
                    att = MIMEText(v, _charset='UTF-8')
                    att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=k + '.txt')

        # create initial text attachment
        att = MIMEText(text, _charset='UTF-8')
        att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline')
        attachments.insert(0, att)

        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        for k, v in extra_headers.items():
            msg.add_header(k, v)
        for a in attachments:


    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
        assert hasattr(k, 'isalnum')
        if not k.replace('.', '').replace('-', '').replace('_', '').isalnum():
            raise ValueError("key '%s' contains invalid characters (only numbers, letters, '.', '_', and '-' are allowed)" % k)
        # value must be a string or a CompressedValue or a file reference
        # (tuple (string|file [, bool, [, max_size [, fail_on_empty]]]))
        if not (isinstance(v, CompressedValue) or hasattr(v, 'isalnum') or
                (isinstance(v, tuple) and (
                    len(v) == 1 or (len(v) >= 2 and len(v) <= 4 and v[1] in (True, False))) and
                    (hasattr(v[0], 'isalnum') or hasattr(v[0], 'read')))):
            raise TypeError("value for key %s must be a string, CompressedValue, or a file reference" % k)

        return self.data.__setitem__(k, v)

    def new_keys(self):
        '''Return newly added keys.

        Return the set of keys which have been added to the report since it
        was constructed or loaded.
        return set(self.data.keys()) - self.old_keys

    def _strip_gzip_header(klass, line):
        '''Strip gzip header from line and return the rest.'''

        if _python2:
            return klass._strip_gzip_header_py2(line)

        flags = line[3]
        offset = 10
        if flags & 4:  # FLG.FEXTRA
            offset += line[offset] + 1
        if flags & 8:  # FLG.FNAME
            while line[offset] != 0:
                offset += 1
            offset += 1
        if flags & 16:  # FLG.FCOMMENT
            while line[offset] != 0:
                offset += 1
            offset += 1
        if flags & 2:  # FLG.FHCRC
            offset += 2

        return line[offset:]

    def _strip_gzip_header_py2(klass, line):
        '''Strip gzip header from line and return the rest. (Python 2)'''

        flags = ord(line[3])
        offset = 10
        if flags & 4:  # FLG.FEXTRA
            offset += line[offset] + 1
        if flags & 8:  # FLG.FNAME
            while ord(line[offset]) != 0:
                offset += 1
            offset += 1
        if flags & 16:  # FLG.FCOMMENT
            while ord(line[offset]) != 0:
                offset += 1
            offset += 1
        if flags & 2:  # FLG.FHCRC
            offset += 2

        return line[offset:]

    def _assert_bin_mode(klass, file):
        '''Assert that given file object is in binary mode'''

        if _python2:
            assert (type(file) == BytesIO or 'b' in file.mode), 'file stream must be in binary mode'
            assert not hasattr(file, 'encoding'), 'file stream must be in binary mode'


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Automat-0.6.0.egg-info Folder 0755
CommandNotFound Folder 0755
ConfigArgParse-0.11.0.egg-info Folder 0755
Crypto Folder 0755
DistUpgrade Folder 0755
HweSupportStatus Folder 0755
Jinja2-2.10.egg-info Folder 0755
LanguageSelector Folder 0755
MarkupSafe-1.0.egg-info Folder 0755
OpenSSL Folder 0755
PyJWT-1.5.3.egg-info Folder 0755
SecretStorage-2.3.1.egg-info Folder 0755
Twisted-17.9.0.egg-info Folder 0755
UpdateManager Folder 0755
__pycache__ Folder 0755
acme Folder 0755
acme-0.31.0.egg-info Folder 0755
apport Folder 0755
apt Folder 0755
aptsources Folder 0755
asn1crypto Folder 0755
asn1crypto-0.24.0.egg-info Folder 0755
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attrs-17.4.0.egg-info Folder 0755
automat Folder 0755
bcrypt Folder 0755
bcrypt-3.1.4.egg-info Folder 0755
blinker Folder 0755
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certbot_apache Folder 0755
certbot_apache-0.31.0.egg-info Folder 0755
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certifi-2018.1.18.egg-info Folder 0755
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chardet-3.0.4.egg-info Folder 0755
click Folder 0755
click-6.7.egg-info Folder 0755
cloud_init-23.1.2.egg-info Folder 0755
cloudinit Folder 0755
colorama Folder 0755
colorama-0.3.7.egg-info Folder 0755
configobj-5.0.6.egg-info Folder 0755
constantly Folder 0755
constantly-15.1.0.egg-info Folder 0755
cryptography Folder 0755
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debian Folder 0755
debian_bundle Folder 0755
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future Folder 0755
future-0.15.2.egg-info Folder 0755
gi Folder 0755
httplib2 Folder 0755
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hyperlink-17.3.1.egg-info Folder 0755
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incremental Folder 0755
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janitor Folder 0755
jinja2 Folder 0755
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josepy-1.1.0.egg-info Folder 0755
jsonpatch-1.16.egg-info Folder 0755
jsonpointer-1.10.egg-info Folder 0755
jsonschema Folder 0755
jsonschema-2.6.0.egg-info Folder 0755
jwt Folder 0755
keyring Folder 0755
keyring-10.6.0.egg-info Folder 0755
keyrings Folder 0755
keyrings.alt-3.0.egg-info Folder 0755
landscape Folder 0755
language_selector-0.1.egg-info Folder 0755
libfuturize Folder 0755
libpasteurize Folder 0755
markupsafe Folder 0755
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mock-2.0.0.egg-info Folder 0755
ndg Folder 0755
ndg_httpsclient-0.4.4.egg-info Folder 0755
netifaces-0.10.4.egg-info Folder 0755
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oauthlib-2.0.6.egg-info Folder 0755
parsedatetime Folder 0755
parsedatetime-2.4.egg-info Folder 0755
past Folder 0755
pbr Folder 0755
pbr-3.1.1.egg-info Folder 0755
pexpect Folder 0755
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pip-9.0.1.egg-info Folder 0755
pkg_resources Folder 0755
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protonvpn_nm_lib Folder 0755
protonvpn_nm_lib-3.16.0.egg-info Folder 0755
ptyprocess Folder 0755
pyOpenSSL-17.5.0.egg-info Folder 0755
pyRFC3339-1.0.egg-info Folder 0755
pyasn1 Folder 0755
pyasn1-0.4.2.egg-info Folder 0755
pyasn1_modules Folder 0755
pygtkcompat Folder 0755
pyrfc3339 Folder 0755
python_debian-0.1.32.egg-info Folder 0755
pytz Folder 0755
pytz-2018.3.egg-info Folder 0755
requests_toolbelt Folder 0755
requests_toolbelt-0.8.0.egg-info Folder 0755
requests_unixsocket Folder 0755
requests_unixsocket-0.1.5.egg-info Folder 0755
secretstorage Folder 0755
serial Folder 0755
service_identity Folder 0755
service_identity-16.0.0.egg-info Folder 0755
setuptools Folder 0755
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