[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-
   !!!!!!!   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   !!!!!!!
   This file is built by regen/warnings.pl.
   Any changes made here will be lost!

#define Off(x)			((x) / 8)
#define Bit(x)			(1 << ((x) % 8))
#define IsSet(a, x)		((a)[Off(x)] & Bit(x))

#define G_WARN_OFF		0 	/* $^W == 0 */
#define G_WARN_ON		1	/* -w flag and $^W != 0 */
#define G_WARN_ALL_ON		2	/* -W flag */
#define G_WARN_ALL_OFF		4	/* -X flag */
#define G_WARN_ONCE		8	/* set if 'once' ever enabled */

#define pWARN_STD		NULL
#define pWARN_ALL		(((STRLEN*)0)+1)    /* use warnings 'all' */
#define pWARN_NONE		(((STRLEN*)0)+2)    /* no  warnings 'all' */

#define specialWARN(x)		((x) == pWARN_STD || (x) == pWARN_ALL ||	\
				 (x) == pWARN_NONE)

/* if PL_warnhook is set to this value, then warnings die */
#define PERL_WARNHOOK_FATAL	(&PL_sv_placeholder)

/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.008 */

#define WARN_ALL			 0
#define WARN_CLOSURE			 1
#define WARN_DEPRECATED			 2
#define WARN_EXITING			 3
#define WARN_GLOB			 4
#define WARN_IO				 5
#define WARN_CLOSED			 6
#define WARN_EXEC			 7
#define WARN_LAYER			 8
#define WARN_NEWLINE			 9
#define WARN_PIPE			 10
#define WARN_UNOPENED			 11
#define WARN_MISC			 12
#define WARN_NUMERIC			 13
#define WARN_ONCE			 14
#define WARN_OVERFLOW			 15
#define WARN_PACK			 16
#define WARN_PORTABLE			 17
#define WARN_RECURSION			 18
#define WARN_REDEFINE			 19
#define WARN_REGEXP			 20
#define WARN_SEVERE			 21
#define WARN_DEBUGGING			 22
#define WARN_INPLACE			 23
#define WARN_INTERNAL			 24
#define WARN_MALLOC			 25
#define WARN_SIGNAL			 26
#define WARN_SUBSTR			 27
#define WARN_SYNTAX			 28
#define WARN_AMBIGUOUS			 29
#define WARN_BAREWORD			 30
#define WARN_DIGIT			 31
#define WARN_PRECEDENCE			 33
#define WARN_PRINTF			 34
#define WARN_PROTOTYPE			 35
#define WARN_QW				 36
#define WARN_RESERVED			 37
#define WARN_SEMICOLON			 38
#define WARN_TAINT			 39
#define WARN_THREADS			 40
#define WARN_UNPACK			 42
#define WARN_UNTIE			 43
#define WARN_UTF8			 44
#define WARN_VOID			 45

/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.011 */


/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.013 */

#define WARN_NON_UNICODE		 48
#define WARN_NONCHAR			 49
#define WARN_SURROGATE			 50

/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.017 */


/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.019 */

#define WARN_SYSCALLS			 57

/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.021 */

#define WARN_LOCALE			 63
#define WARN_MISSING			 64
#define WARN_REDUNDANT			 65

/* Warnings Categories added in Perl 5.025 */


#define WARNsize			 17
#define WARN_ALLstring			 "\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125\125"
#define WARN_NONEstring			 "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"

#define isLEXWARN_on \
	cBOOL(PL_curcop && PL_curcop->cop_warnings != pWARN_STD)
#define isLEXWARN_off \
	cBOOL(!PL_curcop || PL_curcop->cop_warnings == pWARN_STD)
#define isWARN_ONCE	(PL_dowarn & (G_WARN_ON|G_WARN_ONCE))
#define isWARN_on(c,x)	(IsSet((U8 *)(c + 1), 2*(x)))
#define isWARNf_on(c,x)	(IsSet((U8 *)(c + 1), 2*(x)+1))

#define DUP_WARNINGS(p)		\
    (specialWARN(p) ? (STRLEN*)(p)	\
    : (STRLEN*)CopyD(p, PerlMemShared_malloc(sizeof(*p)+*p), sizeof(*p)+*p, \


=head1 Warning and Dieing

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN|U32 w

Returns a boolean as to whether or not warnings are enabled for the warning
category C<w>.  If the category is by default enabled even if not within the
scope of S<C<use warnings>>, instead use the L</ckWARN_d> macro.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN_d|U32 w

Like C<L</ckWARN>>, but for use if and only if the warning category is by
default enabled even if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN2|U32 w1|U32 w2

Like C<L</ckWARN>>, but takes two warnings categories as input, and returns
TRUE if either is enabled.  If either category is by default enabled even if
not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>, instead use the L</ckWARN2_d>
macro.  The categories must be completely independent, one may not be
subclassed from the other.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN2_d|U32 w1|U32 w2

Like C<L</ckWARN2>>, but for use if and only if either warning category is by
default enabled even if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN3|U32 w1|U32 w2|U32 w3

Like C<L</ckWARN2>>, but takes three warnings categories as input, and returns
TRUE if any is enabled.  If any of the categories is by default enabled even
if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>, instead use the L</ckWARN3_d>
macro.  The categories must be completely independent, one may not be
subclassed from any other.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN3_d|U32 w1|U32 w2|U32 w3

Like C<L</ckWARN3>>, but for use if and only if any of the warning categories
is by default enabled even if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN4|U32 w1|U32 w2|U32 w3|U32 w4

Like C<L</ckWARN3>>, but takes four warnings categories as input, and returns
TRUE if any is enabled.  If any of the categories is by default enabled even
if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>, instead use the L</ckWARN4_d>
macro.  The categories must be completely independent, one may not be
subclassed from any other.

=for apidoc Am|bool|ckWARN4_d|U32 w1|U32 w2|U32 w3|U32 w4

Like C<L</ckWARN4>>, but for use if and only if any of the warning categories
is by default enabled even if not within the scope of S<C<use warnings>>.



#define ckWARN(w)		Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN(w))

/* The w1, w2 ... should be independent warnings categories; one shouldn't be
 * a subcategory of any other */

#define ckWARN2(w1,w2)		Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN2(w1,w2))
#define ckWARN3(w1,w2,w3)	Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN3(w1,w2,w3))
#define ckWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4)	Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4))

#define ckWARN_d(w)		Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN(w))
#define ckWARN2_d(w1,w2)	Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN2(w1,w2))
#define ckWARN3_d(w1,w2,w3)	Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN3(w1,w2,w3))
#define ckWARN4_d(w1,w2,w3,w4)	Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4))

#define WARNshift		8

#define packWARN(a)		(a                                      )

/* The a, b, ... should be independent warnings categories; one shouldn't be
 * a subcategory of any other */

#define packWARN2(a,b)		((a) | ((b)<<8)                         )
#define packWARN3(a,b,c)	((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((c)<<16)             )
#define packWARN4(a,b,c,d)	((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((c)<<16) | ((d) <<24))

#define unpackWARN1(x)		((x)        & 0xFF)
#define unpackWARN2(x)		(((x) >>8)  & 0xFF)
#define unpackWARN3(x)		(((x) >>16) & 0xFF)
#define unpackWARN4(x)		(((x) >>24) & 0xFF)

#define ckDEAD(x)							\
	   (PL_curcop &&                                                \
            !specialWARN(PL_curcop->cop_warnings) &&			\
	    ( isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, WARN_ALL) || 		\
	      isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN1(x)) ||	\
	      isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN2(x)) ||	\
	      isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN3(x)) ||	\
	      isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN4(x))))

/* end of file warnings.h */

/* ex: set ro: */


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