[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package Encode::Alias;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';
our $VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.21 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r };
use constant DEBUG => !!$ENV{PERL_ENCODE_DEBUG};

use Exporter 'import';

# Public, encouraged API is exported by default

our @EXPORT =
  qw (

our @Alias;    # ordered matching list
our %Alias;    # cached known aliases

sub find_alias {
    require Encode;
    my $class = shift;
    my $find  = shift;
    unless ( exists $Alias{$find} ) {
        $Alias{$find} = undef;    # Recursion guard
        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @Alias ; $i += 2 ) {
            my $alias = $Alias[$i];
            my $val   = $Alias[ $i + 1 ];
            my $new;
            if ( ref($alias) eq 'Regexp' && $find =~ $alias ) {
                DEBUG and warn "eval $val";
                $new = eval $val;
                DEBUG and $@ and warn "$val, $@";
            elsif ( ref($alias) eq 'CODE' ) {
                DEBUG and warn "$alias", "->", "($find)";
                $new = $alias->($find);
            elsif ( lc($find) eq lc($alias) ) {
                $new = $val;
            if ( defined($new) ) {
                next if $new eq $find;    # avoid (direct) recursion on bugs
                DEBUG and warn "$alias, $new";
                my $enc =
                  ( ref($new) ) ? $new : Encode::find_encoding($new);
                if ($enc) {
                    $Alias{$find} = $enc;

        # case insensitive search when canonical is not in all lowercase
        # RT ticket #7835
        unless ( $Alias{$find} ) {
            my $lcfind = lc($find);
            for my $name ( keys %Encode::Encoding, keys %Encode::ExtModule )
                $lcfind eq lc($name) or next;
                $Alias{$find} = Encode::find_encoding($name);
                DEBUG and warn "$find => $name";
    if (DEBUG) {
        my $name;
        if ( my $e = $Alias{$find} ) {
            $name = $e->name;
        else {
            $name = "";
        warn "find_alias($class, $find)->name = $name";
    return $Alias{$find};

sub define_alias {
    while (@_) {
        my $alias = shift;
        my $name = shift;
        unshift( @Alias, $alias => $name )    # newer one has precedence
            if defined $alias;
        if ( ref($alias) ) {

            # clear %Alias cache to allow overrides
            my @a = keys %Alias;
            for my $k (@a) {
                if ( ref($alias) eq 'Regexp' && $k =~ $alias ) {
                    DEBUG and warn "delete \$Alias\{$k\}";
                    delete $Alias{$k};
                elsif ( ref($alias) eq 'CODE' && $alias->($k) ) {
                    DEBUG and warn "delete \$Alias\{$k\}";
                    delete $Alias{$k};
        elsif (defined $alias) {
            DEBUG and warn "delete \$Alias\{$alias\}";
            delete $Alias{$alias};
        elsif (DEBUG) {
            require Carp;
            Carp::croak("undef \$alias");

# Allow latin-1 style names as well
# 0  1  2  3  4  5   6   7   8   9  10
our @Latin2iso = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 );

# Allow winlatin1 style names as well
our %Winlatin2cp = (
    'latin1'     => 1252,
    'latin2'     => 1250,
    'cyrillic'   => 1251,
    'greek'      => 1253,
    'turkish'    => 1254,
    'hebrew'     => 1255,
    'arabic'     => 1256,
    'baltic'     => 1257,
    'vietnamese' => 1258,


sub undef_aliases {
    @Alias = ();
    %Alias = ();

sub init_aliases {
    require Encode;

    # Try all-lower-case version should all else fails
    define_alias( qr/^(.*)$/ => '"\L$1"' );

    # UTF/UCS stuff
    define_alias( qr/^(unicode-1-1-)?UTF-?7$/i     => '"UTF-7"' );
    define_alias( qr/^UCS-?2-?LE$/i => '"UCS-2LE"' );
        qr/^UCS-?2-?(BE)?$/i    => '"UCS-2BE"',
        qr/^UCS-?4-?(BE|LE|)?$/i => 'uc("UTF-32$1")',
        qr/^iso-10646-1$/i      => '"UCS-2BE"'
        qr/^UTF-?(16|32)-?BE$/i => '"UTF-$1BE"',
        qr/^UTF-?(16|32)-?LE$/i => '"UTF-$1LE"',
        qr/^UTF-?(16|32)$/i     => '"UTF-$1"',

    # ASCII
    define_alias( qr/^(?:US-?)ascii$/i       => '"ascii"' );
    define_alias( 'C'                        => 'ascii' );
    define_alias( qr/\b(?:ISO[-_]?)?646(?:[-_]?US)?$/i => '"ascii"' );

    # Allow variants of iso-8859-1 etc.
    define_alias( qr/\biso[-_]?(\d+)[-_](\d+)$/i => '"iso-$1-$2"' );

    # At least HP-UX has these.
    define_alias( qr/\biso8859(\d+)$/i => '"iso-8859-$1"' );

    # More HP stuff.
        qr/\b(?:hp-)?(arabic|greek|hebrew|kana|roman|thai|turkish)8$/i =>
          '"${1}8"' );

    # The Official name of ASCII.
    define_alias( qr/\bANSI[-_]?X3\.4[-_]?1968$/i => '"ascii"' );

    # This is a font issue, not an encoding issue.
    # (The currency symbol of the Latin 1 upper half
    #  has been redefined as the euro symbol.)
    define_alias( qr/^(.+)\@euro$/i => '"$1"' );

    define_alias( qr/\b(?:iso[-_]?)?latin[-_]?(\d+)$/i =>
'defined $Encode::Alias::Latin2iso[$1] ? "iso-8859-$Encode::Alias::Latin2iso[$1]" : undef'

             hebrew|arabic|baltic|vietnamese)$/ix =>
          '"cp" . $Encode::Alias::Winlatin2cp{lc($1)}'

    # Common names for non-latin preferred MIME names
        'ascii'    => 'US-ascii',
        'cyrillic' => 'iso-8859-5',
        'arabic'   => 'iso-8859-6',
        'greek'    => 'iso-8859-7',
        'hebrew'   => 'iso-8859-8',
        'thai'     => 'iso-8859-11',
    # RT #20781
    define_alias(qr/\btis-?620\b/i  => '"iso-8859-11"');

    # At least AIX has IBM-NNN (surprisingly...) instead of cpNNN.
    # And Microsoft has their own naming (again, surprisingly).
    # And windows-* is registered in IANA!
        qr/\b(?:cp|ibm|ms|windows)[-_ ]?(\d{2,4})$/i => '"cp$1"' );

    # Sometimes seen with a leading zero.
    # define_alias( qr/\bcp037\b/i => '"cp37"');

    # Mac Mappings
    # predefined in *.ucm; unneeded
    # define_alias( qr/\bmacIcelandic$/i => '"macIceland"');
    define_alias( qr/^(?:x[_-])?mac[_-](.*)$/i => '"mac$1"' );
    # http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=36326
    define_alias( qr/^macintosh$/i => '"MacRoman"' );
    # https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=78125
    define_alias( qr/^macce$/i => '"MacCentralEurRoman"' );
    # Ououououou. gone.  They are different!
    # define_alias( qr/\bmacRomanian$/i => '"macRumanian"');

    # Standardize on the dashed versions.
    define_alias( qr/\bkoi8[\s\-_]*([ru])$/i => '"koi8-$1"' );

    unless ($Encode::ON_EBCDIC) {

        # for Encode::CN
        define_alias( qr/\beuc.*cn$/i => '"euc-cn"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bcn.*euc$/i => '"euc-cn"' );

        # define_alias( qr/\bGB[- ]?(\d+)$/i => '"euc-cn"' )
        # CP936 doesn't have vendor-addon for GBK, so they're identical.
        define_alias( qr/^gbk$/i => '"cp936"' );

        # This fixes gb2312 vs. euc-cn confusion, practically
        define_alias( qr/\bGB[-_ ]?2312(?!-?raw)/i => '"euc-cn"' );

        # for Encode::JP
        define_alias( qr/\bjis$/i         => '"7bit-jis"' );
        define_alias( qr/\beuc.*jp$/i     => '"euc-jp"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bjp.*euc$/i     => '"euc-jp"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bujis$/i        => '"euc-jp"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bshift.*jis$/i  => '"shiftjis"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bsjis$/i        => '"shiftjis"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bwindows-31j$/i => '"cp932"' );

        # for Encode::KR
        define_alias( qr/\beuc.*kr$/i => '"euc-kr"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bkr.*euc$/i => '"euc-kr"' );

        # This fixes ksc5601 vs. euc-kr confusion, practically
        define_alias( qr/(?:x-)?uhc$/i         => '"cp949"' );
        define_alias( qr/(?:x-)?windows-949$/i => '"cp949"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bks_c_5601-1987$/i   => '"cp949"' );

        # for Encode::TW
        define_alias( qr/\bbig-?5$/i              => '"big5-eten"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bbig5-?et(?:en)?$/i     => '"big5-eten"' );
        define_alias( qr/\btca[-_]?big5$/i        => '"big5-eten"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bbig5-?hk(?:scs)?$/i    => '"big5-hkscs"' );
        define_alias( qr/\bhk(?:scs)?[-_]?big5$/i => '"big5-hkscs"' );

    # https://github.com/dankogai/p5-encode/issues/37
    define_alias(qr/cp65000/i => '"UTF-7"');
    define_alias(qr/cp65001/i => '"utf-8-strict"');

    # utf8 is blessed :)
    define_alias( qr/\bUTF-8$/i => '"utf-8-strict"' );

    # At last, Map white space and _ to '-'
    define_alias( qr/^([^\s_]+)[\s_]+([^\s_]*)$/i => '"$1-$2"' );


# TODO: HP-UX '8' encodings arabic8 greek8 hebrew8 kana8 thai8 turkish8
# TODO: HP-UX '15' encodings japanese15 korean15 roi15
# TODO: Cyrillic encoding ISO-IR-111 (useful?)
# TODO: Armenian encoding ARMSCII-8
# TODO: Hebrew encoding ISO-8859-8-1
# TODO: Thai encoding TCVN
# TODO: Vietnamese encodings VPS
# TODO: Mac Asian+African encodings: Arabic Armenian Bengali Burmese
#       ChineseSimp ChineseTrad Devanagari Ethiopic ExtArabic
#       Farsi Georgian Gujarati Gurmukhi Hebrew Japanese
#       Kannada Khmer Korean Laotian Malayalam Mongolian
#       Oriya Sinhalese Symbol Tamil Telugu Tibetan Vietnamese

=head1 NAME

Encode::Alias - alias definitions to encodings


  use Encode;
  use Encode::Alias;
  define_alias( "newName" => ENCODING);
  define_alias( qr/.../ => ENCODING);
  define_alias( sub { return ENCODING if ...; } );


Allows newName to be used as an alias for ENCODING. ENCODING may be
either the name of an encoding or an encoding object (as described 
in L<Encode>).

Currently the first argument to define_alias() can be specified in the
following ways:

=over 4

=item As a simple string.

=item As a qr// compiled regular expression, e.g.:

  define_alias( qr/^iso8859-(\d+)$/i => '"iso-8859-$1"' );

In this case, if I<ENCODING> is not a reference, it is C<eval>-ed
in order to allow C<$1> etc. to be substituted.  The example is one
way to alias names as used in X11 fonts to the MIME names for the
iso-8859-* family.  Note the double quotes inside the single quotes.

(or, you don't have to do this yourself because this example is predefined)

If you are using a regex here, you have to use the quotes as shown or
it won't work.  Also note that regex handling is tricky even for the
experienced.  Use this feature with caution.

=item As a code reference, e.g.:

  define_alias( sub {shift =~ /^iso8859-(\d+)$/i ? "iso-8859-$1" : undef } );

The same effect as the example above in a different way.  The coderef
takes the alias name as an argument and returns a canonical name on
success or undef if not.  Note the second argument is ignored if provided.
Use this with even more caution than the regex version.


=head3 Changes in code reference aliasing

As of Encode 1.87, the older form

  define_alias( sub { return  /^iso8859-(\d+)$/i ? "iso-8859-$1" : undef } );

no longer works. 

Encode up to 1.86 internally used "local $_" to implement this older
form.  But consider the code below;

  use Encode;
  $_ = "eeeee" ;
  while (/(e)/g) {
    my $utf = decode('aliased-encoding-name', $1);
    print "position:",pos,"\n";

Prior to Encode 1.86 this fails because of "local $_".

=head2 Alias overloading

You can override predefined aliases by simply applying define_alias().
The new alias is always evaluated first, and when necessary,
define_alias() flushes the internal cache to make the new definition

  # redirect SHIFT_JIS to MS/IBM Code Page 932, which is a
  # superset of SHIFT_JIS

  define_alias( qr/shift.*jis$/i  => '"cp932"' );
  define_alias( qr/sjis$/i        => '"cp932"' );

If you want to zap all predefined aliases, you can use


to do so.  And


gets the factory settings back.

Note that define_alias() will not be able to override the canonical name
of encodings. Encodings are first looked up by canonical name before
potential aliases are tried.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Encode>, L<Encode::Supported>



Name Type Size Permission Actions
CN Folder 0755
JP Folder 0755
KR Folder 0755
MIME Folder 0755
Unicode Folder 0755
Alias.pm File 12.21 KB 0644
Byte.pm File 2.37 KB 0644
CJKConstants.pm File 1.64 KB 0644
CN.pm File 1.99 KB 0644
Config.pm File 5.92 KB 0644
EBCDIC.pm File 865 B 0644
Encoder.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
Encoding.pm File 8.88 KB 0644
GSM0338.pm File 11.53 KB 0644
Guess.pm File 9.86 KB 0644
JP.pm File 2.62 KB 0644
KR.pm File 1.91 KB 0644
Symbol.pm File 847 B 0644
TW.pm File 2.24 KB 0644
Unicode.pm File 8.89 KB 0644