[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package File::Spec::AmigaOS;

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
require File::Spec::Unix;

$VERSION = '3.67';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;

@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);

=head1 NAME

File::Spec::AmigaOS - File::Spec for AmigaOS


 require File::Spec::AmigaOS; # Done automatically by File::Spec
                              # if needed


Methods for manipulating file specifications.

=head1 METHODS

=over 2

=item tmpdir

Returns $ENV{TMPDIR} or if that is unset, "/t".


my $tmpdir;
sub tmpdir {
  return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
  $tmpdir = $_[0]->_tmpdir( $ENV{TMPDIR}, "/t" );

=item file_name_is_absolute

Returns true if there's a colon in the file name,
or if it begins with a slash.


sub file_name_is_absolute {
  my ($self, $file) = @_;

  # Not 100% robust as a "/" must not preceded a ":"
  # but this cannot happen in a well formed path.
  return $file =~ m{^/|:}s;


All the other methods are from L<File::Spec::Unix>.




Name Type Size Permission Actions
AmigaOS.pm File 1002 B 0644
Cygwin.pm File 3.54 KB 0644
Epoc.pm File 1.55 KB 0644
Functions.pm File 2.33 KB 0644
Mac.pm File 22.43 KB 0644
OS2.pm File 6.71 KB 0644
Unix.pm File 9.78 KB 0644
VMS.pm File 15.95 KB 0644
Win32.pm File 10.98 KB 0644