[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package File::Spec::Unix;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '3.67';
my $xs_version = $VERSION;
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;

#dont try to load XSLoader and DynaLoader only to ultimately fail on miniperl
if(!defined &canonpath && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
  eval {#eval is questionable since we are handling potential errors like
        #"Cwd object version 3.48 does not match bootstrap parameter 3.50
        #at lib/DynaLoader.pm line 216." by having this eval
    if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
	require XSLoader;
	XSLoader::load("Cwd", $xs_version);
    } else {
	require Cwd;

sub _pp_canonpath {
    my ($self,$path) = @_;
    return unless defined $path;
    # Handle POSIX-style node names beginning with double slash (qnx, nto)
    # (POSIX says: "a pathname that begins with two successive slashes
    # may be interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although
    # more than two leading slashes shall be treated as a single slash.")
    my $node = '';
    my $double_slashes_special = $^O eq 'qnx' || $^O eq 'nto';

    if ( $double_slashes_special
         && ( $path =~ s{^(//[^/]+)/?\z}{}s || $path =~ s{^(//[^/]+)/}{/}s ) ) {
      $node = $1;
    # This used to be
    # $path =~ s|/+|/|g unless ($^O eq 'cygwin');
    # but that made tests 29, 30, 35, 46, and 213 (as of #13272) to fail
    # (Mainly because trailing "" directories didn't get stripped).
    # Why would cygwin avoid collapsing multiple slashes into one? --jhi
    $path =~ s|/{2,}|/|g;                            # xx////xx  -> xx/xx
    $path =~ s{(?:/\.)+(?:/|\z)}{/}g;                # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
    $path =~ s|^(?:\./)+||s unless $path eq "./";    # ./xx      -> xx
    $path =~ s|^/(?:\.\./)+|/|;                      # /../../xx -> xx
    $path =~ s|^/\.\.$|/|;                         # /..       -> /
    $path =~ s|/\z|| unless $path eq "/";          # xx/       -> xx
    return "$node$path";
*canonpath = \&_pp_canonpath unless defined &canonpath;

sub _pp_catdir {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->canonpath(join('/', @_, '')); # '' because need a trailing '/'
*catdir = \&_pp_catdir unless defined &catdir;

sub _pp_catfile {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = $self->canonpath(pop @_);
    return $file unless @_;
    my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
    $dir .= "/" unless substr($dir,-1) eq "/";
    return $dir.$file;
*catfile = \&_pp_catfile unless defined &catfile;

sub curdir { '.' }
use constant _fn_curdir => ".";

sub devnull { '/dev/null' }
use constant _fn_devnull => "/dev/null";

sub rootdir { '/' }
use constant _fn_rootdir => "/";

my ($tmpdir, %tmpenv);
# Cache and return the calculated tmpdir, recording which env vars
# determined it.
sub _cache_tmpdir {
    @tmpenv{@_[2..$#_]} = @ENV{@_[2..$#_]};
    return $tmpdir = $_[1];
# Retrieve the cached tmpdir, checking first whether relevant env vars have
# changed and invalidated the cache.
sub _cached_tmpdir {
    local $^W;
    return if grep $ENV{$_} ne $tmpenv{$_}, @_;
    return $tmpdir;
sub _tmpdir {
    my $self = shift;
    my @dirlist = @_;
    my $taint = do { no strict 'refs'; ${"\cTAINT"} };
    if ($taint) { # Check for taint mode on perl >= 5.8.0
	require Scalar::Util;
	@dirlist = grep { ! Scalar::Util::tainted($_) } @dirlist;
    elsif ($] < 5.007) { # No ${^TAINT} before 5.8
	@dirlist = grep { eval { eval('1'.substr $_,0,0) } } @dirlist;
    foreach (@dirlist) {
	next unless defined && -d && -w _;
	$tmpdir = $_;
    $tmpdir = $self->curdir unless defined $tmpdir;
    $tmpdir = defined $tmpdir && $self->canonpath($tmpdir);
    if ( !$self->file_name_is_absolute($tmpdir) ) {
        # See [perl #120593] for the full details
        # If possible, return a full path, rather than '.' or 'lib', but
        # jump through some hoops to avoid returning a tainted value.
        ($tmpdir) = grep {
            $taint     ? ! Scalar::Util::tainted($_) :
            $] < 5.007 ? eval { eval('1'.substr $_,0,0) } : 1
        } $self->rel2abs($tmpdir), $tmpdir;
    return $tmpdir;

sub tmpdir {
    my $cached = $_[0]->_cached_tmpdir('TMPDIR');
    return $cached if defined $cached;
    $_[0]->_cache_tmpdir($_[0]->_tmpdir( $ENV{TMPDIR}, "/tmp" ), 'TMPDIR');

sub updir { '..' }
use constant _fn_updir => "..";

sub no_upwards {
    my $self = shift;
    return grep(!/^\.{1,2}\z/s, @_);

sub case_tolerant { 0 }
use constant _fn_case_tolerant => 0;

sub file_name_is_absolute {
    my ($self,$file) = @_;
    return scalar($file =~ m:^/:s);

sub path {
    return () unless exists $ENV{PATH};
    my @path = split(':', $ENV{PATH});
    foreach (@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
    return @path;

sub join {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->catfile(@_);

sub splitpath {
    my ($self,$path, $nofile) = @_;

    my ($volume,$directory,$file) = ('','','');

    if ( $nofile ) {
        $directory = $path;
    else {
        $path =~ m|^ ( (?: .* / (?: \.\.?\z )? )? ) ([^/]*) |xs;
        $directory = $1;
        $file      = $2;

    return ($volume,$directory,$file);

sub splitdir {
    return split m|/|, $_[1], -1;  # Preserve trailing fields

sub catpath {
    my ($self,$volume,$directory,$file) = @_;

    if ( $directory ne ''                && 
         $file ne ''                     && 
         substr( $directory, -1 ) ne '/' && 
         substr( $file, 0, 1 ) ne '/' 
    ) {
        $directory .= "/$file" ;
    else {
        $directory .= $file ;

    return $directory ;

sub abs2rel {
    my($self,$path,$base) = @_;
    $base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base and length $base;

    ($path, $base) = map $self->canonpath($_), $path, $base;

    my $path_directories;
    my $base_directories;

    if (grep $self->file_name_is_absolute($_), $path, $base) {
	($path, $base) = map $self->rel2abs($_), $path, $base;

	my ($path_volume) = $self->splitpath($path, 1);
	my ($base_volume) = $self->splitpath($base, 1);

	# Can't relativize across volumes
	return $path unless $path_volume eq $base_volume;

	$path_directories = ($self->splitpath($path, 1))[1];
	$base_directories = ($self->splitpath($base, 1))[1];

	# For UNC paths, the user might give a volume like //foo/bar that
	# strictly speaking has no directory portion.  Treat it as if it
	# had the root directory for that volume.
	if (!length($base_directories) and $self->file_name_is_absolute($base)) {
	    $base_directories = $self->rootdir;
    else {
	my $wd= ($self->splitpath($self->_cwd(), 1))[1];
	$path_directories = $self->catdir($wd, $path);
	$base_directories = $self->catdir($wd, $base);

    # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
    my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_directories );
    my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base_directories );

    if ($base_directories eq $self->rootdir) {
      return $self->curdir if $path_directories eq $self->rootdir;
      shift @pathchunks;
      return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath('', $self->catdir( @pathchunks ), '') );

    my @common;
    while (@pathchunks && @basechunks && $self->_same($pathchunks[0], $basechunks[0])) {
        push @common, shift @pathchunks ;
        shift @basechunks ;
    return $self->curdir unless @pathchunks || @basechunks;

    # @basechunks now contains the directories the resulting relative path 
    # must ascend out of before it can descend to $path_directory.  If there
    # are updir components, we must descend into the corresponding directories
    # (this only works if they are no symlinks).
    my @reverse_base;
    while( defined(my $dir= shift @basechunks) ) {
	if( $dir ne $self->updir ) {
	    unshift @reverse_base, $self->updir;
	    push @common, $dir;
	elsif( @common ) {
	    if( @reverse_base && $reverse_base[0] eq $self->updir ) {
		shift @reverse_base;
		pop @common;
	    else {
		unshift @reverse_base, pop @common;
    my $result_dirs = $self->catdir( @reverse_base, @pathchunks );
    return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath('', $result_dirs, '') );

sub _same {
  $_[1] eq $_[2];

sub rel2abs {
    my ($self,$path,$base ) = @_;

    # Clean up $path
    if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
        # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
        if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
	    $base = $self->_cwd();
        elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
            $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
        else {
            $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;

        # Glom them together
        $path = $self->catdir( $base, $path ) ;

    return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;

# Internal routine to File::Spec, no point in making this public since
# it is the standard Cwd interface.  Most of the platform-specific
# File::Spec subclasses use this.
sub _cwd {
    require Cwd;

# Internal method to reduce xx\..\yy -> yy
sub _collapse {
    my($fs, $path) = @_;

    my $updir  = $fs->updir;
    my $curdir = $fs->curdir;

    my($vol, $dirs, $file) = $fs->splitpath($path);
    my @dirs = $fs->splitdir($dirs);
    pop @dirs if @dirs && $dirs[-1] eq '';

    my @collapsed;
    foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
        if( $dir eq $updir              and   # if we have an updir
            @collapsed                  and   # and something to collapse
            length $collapsed[-1]       and   # and its not the rootdir
            $collapsed[-1] ne $updir    and   # nor another updir
            $collapsed[-1] ne $curdir         # nor the curdir
        {                                     # then
            pop @collapsed;                   # collapse
        else {                                # else
            push @collapsed, $dir;            # just hang onto it

    return $fs->catpath($vol,



Name Type Size Permission Actions
AmigaOS.pm File 1002 B 0644
Cygwin.pm File 3.54 KB 0644
Epoc.pm File 1.55 KB 0644
Functions.pm File 2.33 KB 0644
Mac.pm File 22.43 KB 0644
OS2.pm File 6.71 KB 0644
Unix.pm File 9.78 KB 0644
VMS.pm File 15.95 KB 0644
Win32.pm File 10.98 KB 0644