[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package Cwd;
use strict;
use Exporter;

$VERSION = '3.67';
my $xs_version = $VERSION;
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;

@ISA = qw/ Exporter /;
@EXPORT = qw(cwd getcwd fastcwd fastgetcwd);
push @EXPORT, qw(getdcwd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
@EXPORT_OK = qw(chdir abs_path fast_abs_path realpath fast_realpath);

# sys_cwd may keep the builtin command

# All the functionality of this module may provided by builtins,
# there is no sense to process the rest of the file.
# The best choice may be to have this in BEGIN, but how to return from BEGIN?

if ($^O eq 'os2') {
    local $^W = 0;

    *cwd                = defined &sys_cwd ? \&sys_cwd : \&_os2_cwd;
    *getcwd             = \&cwd;
    *fastgetcwd         = \&cwd;
    *fastcwd            = \&cwd;

    *fast_abs_path      = \&sys_abspath if defined &sys_abspath;
    *abs_path           = \&fast_abs_path;
    *realpath           = \&fast_abs_path;
    *fast_realpath      = \&fast_abs_path;

    return 1;

# Need to look up the feature settings on VMS.  The preferred way is to use the
# VMS::Feature module, but that may not be available to dual life modules.

my $use_vms_feature;
    if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
        if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
                   local @INC = @INC;
                   pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.';
                   require VMS::Feature; }) {
            $use_vms_feature = 1;

# Need to look up the UNIX report mode.  This may become a dynamic mode
# in the future.
sub _vms_unix_rpt {
    my $unix_rpt;
    if ($use_vms_feature) {
        $unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
    } else {
        my $env_unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
        $unix_rpt = $env_unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i; 
    return $unix_rpt;

# Need to look up the EFS character set mode.  This may become a dynamic
# mode in the future.
sub _vms_efs {
    my $efs;
    if ($use_vms_feature) {
        $efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
    } else {
        my $env_efs = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
        $efs = $env_efs =~ /^[ET1]/i; 
    return $efs;

# If loading the XS stuff doesn't work, we can fall back to pure perl
if(! defined &getcwd && defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader) {
  eval {#eval is questionable since we are handling potential errors like
        #"Cwd object version 3.48 does not match bootstrap parameter 3.50
        #at lib/DynaLoader.pm line 216." by having this eval
    if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
      require XSLoader;
      XSLoader::load( __PACKAGE__, $xs_version);
    } else {
      require DynaLoader;
      push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
      __PACKAGE__->bootstrap( $xs_version );

# Big nasty table of function aliases
   VMS =>
    cwd			=> '_vms_cwd',
    getcwd		=> '_vms_cwd',
    fastcwd		=> '_vms_cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> '_vms_cwd',
    abs_path		=> '_vms_abs_path',
    fast_abs_path	=> '_vms_abs_path',

   MSWin32 =>
    # We assume that &_NT_cwd is defined as an XSUB or in the core.
    cwd			=> '_NT_cwd',
    getcwd		=> '_NT_cwd',
    fastcwd		=> '_NT_cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> '_NT_cwd',
    abs_path		=> 'fast_abs_path',
    realpath		=> 'fast_abs_path',

   dos => 
    cwd			=> '_dos_cwd',
    getcwd		=> '_dos_cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> '_dos_cwd',
    fastcwd		=> '_dos_cwd',
    abs_path		=> 'fast_abs_path',

   # QNX4.  QNX6 has a $os of 'nto'.
   qnx =>
    cwd			=> '_qnx_cwd',
    getcwd		=> '_qnx_cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> '_qnx_cwd',
    fastcwd		=> '_qnx_cwd',
    abs_path		=> '_qnx_abs_path',
    fast_abs_path	=> '_qnx_abs_path',

   cygwin =>
    getcwd		=> 'cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> 'cwd',
    fastcwd		=> 'cwd',
    abs_path		=> 'fast_abs_path',
    realpath		=> 'fast_abs_path',

   epoc =>
    cwd			=> '_epoc_cwd',
    getcwd	        => '_epoc_cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> '_epoc_cwd',
    fastcwd		=> '_epoc_cwd',
    abs_path		=> 'fast_abs_path',

   MacOS =>
    getcwd		=> 'cwd',
    fastgetcwd		=> 'cwd',
    fastcwd		=> 'cwd',
    abs_path		=> 'fast_abs_path',

   amigaos =>
    getcwd              => '_backtick_pwd',
    fastgetcwd          => '_backtick_pwd',
    fastcwd             => '_backtick_pwd',
    abs_path            => 'fast_abs_path',


# Find the pwd command in the expected locations.  We assume these
# are safe.  This prevents _backtick_pwd() consulting $ENV{PATH}
# so everything works under taint mode.
my $pwd_cmd;
if($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
    foreach my $try ('/bin/pwd',
		     '/QOpenSys/bin/pwd', # OS/400 PASE.
		    ) {
	if( -x $try ) {
	    $pwd_cmd = $try;

# Android has a built-in pwd. Using $pwd_cmd will DTRT if
# this perl was compiled with -Dd_useshellcmds, which is the
# default for Android, but the block below is needed for the
# miniperl running on the host when cross-compiling, and
# potentially for native builds with -Ud_useshellcmds.
if ($^O =~ /android/) {
    # If targetsh is executable, then we're either a full
    # perl, or a miniperl for a native build.
    if (-x $Config::Config{targetsh}) {
        $pwd_cmd = "$Config::Config{targetsh} -c pwd"
    else {
        my $sh = $Config::Config{sh} || (-x '/system/bin/sh' ? '/system/bin/sh' : 'sh');
        $pwd_cmd = "$sh -c pwd"

my $found_pwd_cmd = defined($pwd_cmd);
unless ($pwd_cmd) {
    # Isn't this wrong?  _backtick_pwd() will fail if someone has
    # pwd in their path but it is not /bin/pwd or /usr/bin/pwd?
    # See [perl #16774]. --jhi
    $pwd_cmd = 'pwd';

# Lazy-load Carp
sub _carp  { require Carp; Carp::carp(@_)  }
sub _croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }

# The 'natural and safe form' for UNIX (pwd may be setuid root)
sub _backtick_pwd {

    # Localize %ENV entries in a way that won't create new hash keys.
    # Under AmigaOS we don't want to localize as it stops perl from
    # finding 'sh' in the PATH.
    my @localize = grep exists $ENV{$_}, qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV) if $^O ne "amigaos";
    local @ENV{@localize} if @localize;
    my $cwd = `$pwd_cmd`;
    # Belt-and-suspenders in case someone said "undef $/".
    local $/ = "\n";
    # `pwd` may fail e.g. if the disk is full
    chomp($cwd) if defined $cwd;

# Since some ports may predefine cwd internally (e.g., NT)
# we take care not to override an existing definition for cwd().

unless ($METHOD_MAP{$^O}{cwd} or defined &cwd) {
    # The pwd command is not available in some chroot(2)'ed environments
    my $sep = $Config::Config{path_sep} || ':';
    my $os = $^O;  # Protect $^O from tainting

    # Try again to find a pwd, this time searching the whole PATH.
    if (defined $ENV{PATH} and $os ne 'MSWin32') {  # no pwd on Windows
	my @candidates = split($sep, $ENV{PATH});
	while (!$found_pwd_cmd and @candidates) {
	    my $candidate = shift @candidates;
	    $found_pwd_cmd = 1 if -x "$candidate/pwd";

    # MacOS has some special magic to make `pwd` work.
    if( $os eq 'MacOS' || $found_pwd_cmd )
	*cwd = \&_backtick_pwd;
    else {
	*cwd = \&getcwd;

if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
  # We need to make sure cwd() is called with no args, because it's
  # got an arg-less prototype and will die if args are present.
  local $^W = 0;
  my $orig_cwd = \&cwd;
  *cwd = sub { &$orig_cwd() }

# set a reasonable (and very safe) default for fastgetcwd, in case it
# isn't redefined later (20001212 rspier)
*fastgetcwd = \&cwd;

# A non-XS version of getcwd() - also used to bootstrap the perl build
# process, when miniperl is running and no XS loading happens.
sub _perl_getcwd

# By John Bazik
# Usage: $cwd = &fastcwd;
# This is a faster version of getcwd.  It's also more dangerous because
# you might chdir out of a directory that you can't chdir back into.
sub fastcwd_ {
    my($odev, $oino, $cdev, $cino, $tdev, $tino);
    my(@path, $path);

    my($orig_cdev, $orig_cino) = stat('.');
    ($cdev, $cino) = ($orig_cdev, $orig_cino);
    for (;;) {
	my $direntry;
	($odev, $oino) = ($cdev, $cino);
	CORE::chdir('..') || return undef;
	($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
	last if $odev == $cdev && $oino == $cino;
	opendir(DIR, '.') || return undef;
	for (;;) {
	    $direntry = readdir(DIR);
	    last unless defined $direntry;
	    next if $direntry eq '.';
	    next if $direntry eq '..';

	    ($tdev, $tino) = lstat($direntry);
	    last unless $tdev != $odev || $tino != $oino;
	return undef unless defined $direntry; # should never happen
	unshift(@path, $direntry);
    $path = '/' . join('/', @path);
    if ($^O eq 'apollo') { $path = "/".$path; }
    # At this point $path may be tainted (if tainting) and chdir would fail.
    # Untaint it then check that we landed where we started.
    $path =~ /^(.*)\z/s		# untaint
	&& CORE::chdir($1) or return undef;
    ($cdev, $cino) = stat('.');
    die "Unstable directory path, current directory changed unexpectedly"
	if $cdev != $orig_cdev || $cino != $orig_cino;
if (not defined &fastcwd) { *fastcwd = \&fastcwd_ }

# Keeps track of current working directory in PWD environment var
# Usage:
#	use Cwd 'chdir';
#	chdir $newdir;

my $chdir_init = 0;

sub chdir_init {
    if ($ENV{'PWD'} and $^O ne 'os2' and $^O ne 'dos' and $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
	my($dd,$di) = stat('.');
	my($pd,$pi) = stat($ENV{'PWD'});
	if (!defined $dd or !defined $pd or $di != $pi or $dd != $pd) {
	    $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
    else {
	my $wd = cwd();
	$wd = Win32::GetFullPathName($wd) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
	$ENV{'PWD'} = $wd;
    # Strip an automounter prefix (where /tmp_mnt/foo/bar == /foo/bar)
    if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $ENV{'PWD'} =~ m|(/[^/]+(/[^/]+/[^/]+))(.*)|s) {
	my($pd,$pi) = stat($2);
	my($dd,$di) = stat($1);
	if (defined $pd and defined $dd and $di == $pi and $dd == $pd) {
    $chdir_init = 1;

sub chdir {
    my $newdir = @_ ? shift : '';	# allow for no arg (chdir to HOME dir)
    if ($^O eq "cygwin") {
      $newdir =~ s|\A///+|//|;
      $newdir =~ s|(?<=[^/])//+|/|g;
    elsif ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
      $newdir =~ s|///*|/|g;
    chdir_init() unless $chdir_init;
    my $newpwd;
    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
	# get the full path name *before* the chdir()
	$newpwd = Win32::GetFullPathName($newdir);

    return 0 unless CORE::chdir $newdir;

    if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
	return $ENV{'PWD'} = $ENV{'DEFAULT'}
    elsif ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
	return $ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
    elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
	$ENV{'PWD'} = $newpwd;
	return 1;

    if (ref $newdir eq 'GLOB') { # in case a file/dir handle is passed in
	$ENV{'PWD'} = cwd();
    } elsif ($newdir =~ m#^/#s) {
	$ENV{'PWD'} = $newdir;
    } else {
	my @curdir = split(m#/#,$ENV{'PWD'});
	@curdir = ('') unless @curdir;
	my $component;
	foreach $component (split(m#/#, $newdir)) {
	    next if $component eq '.';
	    pop(@curdir),next if $component eq '..';
	$ENV{'PWD'} = join('/',@curdir) || '/';

sub _perl_abs_path
    my $start = @_ ? shift : '.';
    my($dotdots, $cwd, @pst, @cst, $dir, @tst);

    unless (@cst = stat( $start ))
	_carp("stat($start): $!");
	return '';

    unless (-d _) {
        # Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
        # NOTE that this routine assumes that '/' is the only directory separator.
        my ($dir, $file) = $start =~ m{^(.*)/(.+)$}
	    or return cwd() . '/' . $start;
	# Can't use "-l _" here, because the previous stat was a stat(), not an lstat().
	if (-l $start) {
	    my $link_target = readlink($start);
	    die "Can't resolve link $start: $!" unless defined $link_target;
	    require File::Spec;
            $link_target = $dir . '/' . $link_target
                unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
	    return abs_path($link_target);
	return $dir ? abs_path($dir) . "/$file" : "/$file";

    $cwd = '';
    $dotdots = $start;
	$dotdots .= '/..';
	@pst = @cst;
	local *PARENT;
	unless (opendir(PARENT, $dotdots))
	    # probably a permissions issue.  Try the native command.
	    require File::Spec;
	    return File::Spec->rel2abs( $start, _backtick_pwd() );
	unless (@cst = stat($dotdots))
	    _carp("stat($dotdots): $!");
	    return '';
	if ($pst[0] == $cst[0] && $pst[1] == $cst[1])
	    $dir = undef;
		unless (defined ($dir = readdir(PARENT)))
		    _carp("readdir($dotdots): $!");
		    return '';
		$tst[0] = $pst[0]+1 unless (@tst = lstat("$dotdots/$dir"))
	    while ($dir eq '.' || $dir eq '..' || $tst[0] != $pst[0] ||
		   $tst[1] != $pst[1]);
	$cwd = (defined $dir ? "$dir" : "" ) . "/$cwd" ;
    } while (defined $dir);
    chop($cwd) unless $cwd eq '/'; # drop the trailing /

my $Curdir;
sub fast_abs_path {
    local $ENV{PWD} = $ENV{PWD} || ''; # Guard against clobberage
    my $cwd = getcwd();
    require File::Spec;
    my $path = @_ ? shift : ($Curdir ||= File::Spec->curdir);

    # Detaint else we'll explode in taint mode.  This is safe because
    # we're not doing anything dangerous with it.
    ($path) = $path =~ /(.*)/s;
    ($cwd)  = $cwd  =~ /(.*)/s;

    unless (-e $path) {
 	_croak("$path: No such file or directory");

    unless (-d _) {
        # Make sure we can be invoked on plain files, not just directories.
	my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
	return File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $path) unless length $dir;

	if (-l $path) {
	    my $link_target = readlink($path);
	    die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
	    $link_target = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $link_target)
                unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($link_target);
	    return fast_abs_path($link_target);
	return $dir eq File::Spec->rootdir
	  ? File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, $file)
	  : fast_abs_path(File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, '')) . '/' . $file;

    if (!CORE::chdir($path)) {
 	_croak("Cannot chdir to $path: $!");
    my $realpath = getcwd();
    if (! ((-d $cwd) && (CORE::chdir($cwd)))) {
 	_croak("Cannot chdir back to $cwd: $!");

# added function alias to follow principle of least surprise
# based on previous aliasing.  --tchrist 27-Jan-00
*fast_realpath = \&fast_abs_path;


# VMS: $ENV{'DEFAULT'} points to default directory at all times
# 06-Mar-1996  Charles Bailey  bailey@newman.upenn.edu
# Note: Use of Cwd::chdir() causes the logical name PWD to be defined
#   in the process logical name table as the default device and directory
#   seen by Perl. This may not be the same as the default device
#   and directory seen by DCL after Perl exits, since the effects
#   the CRTL chdir() function persist only until Perl exits.

sub _vms_cwd {
    return $ENV{'DEFAULT'};

sub _vms_abs_path {
    return $ENV{'DEFAULT'} unless @_;
    my $path = shift;

    my $efs = _vms_efs;
    my $unix_rpt = _vms_unix_rpt;

    if (defined &VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath) {
        my $path_unix = 0;
        my $path_vms = 0;

        $path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ m#(?<=\^)/#);
        $path_unix = 1 if ($path =~ /^\.\.?$/);
        $path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ m#[\[<\]]#);
        $path_vms = 1 if ($path =~ /^--?$/);

        my $unix_mode = $path_unix;
        if ($efs) {
            # In case of a tie, the Unix report mode decides.
            if ($path_vms == $path_unix) {
                $unix_mode = $unix_rpt;
            } else {
                $unix_mode = 0 if $path_vms;

        if ($unix_mode) {
            # Unix format
            return VMS::Filespec::unixrealpath($path);

	# VMS format

	my $new_path = VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath($path);

	# Perl expects directories to be in directory format
	$new_path = VMS::Filespec::pathify($new_path) if -d $path;
	return $new_path;

    # Fallback to older algorithm if correct ones are not
    # available.

    if (-l $path) {
        my $link_target = readlink($path);
        die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;

        return _vms_abs_path($link_target);

    # may need to turn foo.dir into [.foo]
    my $pathified = VMS::Filespec::pathify($path);
    $path = $pathified if defined $pathified;
    return VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($path);

sub _os2_cwd {
    my $pwd = `cmd /c cd`;
    chomp $pwd;
    $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
    $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
    return $pwd;

sub _win32_cwd_simple {
    my $pwd = `cd`;
    chomp $pwd;
    $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
    $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
    return $pwd;

sub _win32_cwd {
    my $pwd;
    $pwd = Win32::GetCwd();
    $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
    $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
    return $pwd;

*_NT_cwd = defined &Win32::GetCwd ? \&_win32_cwd : \&_win32_cwd_simple;

sub _dos_cwd {
    my $pwd;
    if (!defined &Dos::GetCwd) {
        chomp($pwd = `command /c cd`);
        $pwd =~ s:\\:/:g ;
    } else {
        $pwd = Dos::GetCwd();
    $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
    return $pwd;

sub _qnx_cwd {
	local $ENV{PATH} = '';
	local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
	local $ENV{ENV} = '';
    my $pwd = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t`;
    chomp $pwd;
    $ENV{'PWD'} = $pwd;
    return $pwd;

sub _qnx_abs_path {
	local $ENV{PATH} = '';
	local $ENV{CDPATH} = '';
	local $ENV{ENV} = '';
    my $path = @_ ? shift : '.';
    local *REALPATH;

    defined( open(REALPATH, '-|') || exec '/usr/bin/fullpath', '-t', $path ) or
      die "Can't open /usr/bin/fullpath: $!";
    my $realpath = <REALPATH>;
    close REALPATH;
    chomp $realpath;
    return $realpath;

sub _epoc_cwd {
    return $ENV{'PWD'} = EPOC::getcwd();

# Now that all the base-level functions are set up, alias the
# user-level functions to the right places

if (exists $METHOD_MAP{$^O}) {
  my $map = $METHOD_MAP{$^O};
  foreach my $name (keys %$map) {
    local $^W = 0;  # assignments trigger 'subroutine redefined' warning
    no strict 'refs';
    *{$name} = \&{$map->{$name}};

# In case the XS version doesn't load.
*abs_path = \&_perl_abs_path unless defined &abs_path;
*getcwd = \&_perl_getcwd unless defined &getcwd;

# added function alias for those of us more
# used to the libc function.  --tchrist 27-Jan-00
*realpath = \&abs_path;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
B Folder 0755
CORE Folder 0755
Compress Folder 0755
Data Folder 0755
Devel Folder 0755
Digest Folder 0755
Encode Folder 0755
File Folder 0755
Filter Folder 0755
Hash Folder 0755
I18N Folder 0755
IO Folder 0755
IPC Folder 0755
List Folder 0755
MIME Folder 0755
Math Folder 0755
PerlIO Folder 0755
Scalar Folder 0755
Sub Folder 0755
Sys Folder 0755
Tie Folder 0755
Time Folder 0755
Unicode Folder 0755
asm Folder 0755
asm-generic Folder 0755
auto Folder 0755
bits Folder 0755
gnu Folder 0755
linux Folder 0755
sys Folder 0755
threads Folder 0755
B.pm File 30.72 KB 0644
Config.pm File 3.29 KB 0644
Config.pod File 250.68 KB 0644
Config_git.pl File 409 B 0644
Config_heavy.pl File 53.13 KB 0644
Cwd.pm File 18.1 KB 0644
DB_File.pm File 63.52 KB 0644
DynaLoader.pm File 10.23 KB 0644
Encode.pm File 35.64 KB 0644
Errno.pm File 4.82 KB 0644
Fcntl.pm File 2.11 KB 0644
GDBM_File.pm File 1.51 KB 0644
IO.pm File 469 B 0644
NDBM_File.pm File 2.44 KB 0644
O.pm File 4.11 KB 0644
ODBM_File.pm File 2.33 KB 0644
Opcode.pm File 15.52 KB 0644
POSIX.pm File 19.72 KB 0644
POSIX.pod File 71.98 KB 0644
SDBM_File.pm File 3.46 KB 0644
Socket.pm File 13.24 KB 0644
Storable.pm File 42.23 KB 0644
_h2ph_pre.ph File 28.63 KB 0644
arybase.pm File 2.75 KB 0644
attributes.pm File 3.03 KB 0644
encoding.pm File 22.45 KB 0644
endian.ph File 4.36 KB 0644
errno.ph File 23 B 0644
features.ph File 12.64 KB 0644
lib.pm File 2.23 KB 0644
mro.pm File 9.86 KB 0644
ops.pm File 997 B 0644
re.pm File 8.5 KB 0644
signal.ph File 3.3 KB 0644
stdarg.ph File 2.8 KB 0644
stdc-predef.ph File 921 B 0644
stddef.ph File 12.08 KB 0644
syscall.ph File 86 B 0644
sysexits.ph File 1.26 KB 0644
syslimits.ph File 452 B 0644
syslog.ph File 85 B 0644
threads.pm File 35.69 KB 0644
wait.ph File 83 B 0644