[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Generated from DynaLoader_pm.PL, this file is unique for every OS

package DynaLoader;

#   And Gandalf said: 'Many folk like to know beforehand what is to
#   be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the
#   feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of
#   praise louder.'

#   (Quote from Tolkien suggested by Anno Siegel.)
# See pod text at end of file for documentation.
# See also ext/DynaLoader/README in source tree for other information.
# Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk, August 1994

    $VERSION = '1.42';

use Config;

# enable debug/trace messages from DynaLoader perl code
$dl_debug = $ENV{PERL_DL_DEBUG} || 0 unless defined $dl_debug;

# Flags to alter dl_load_file behaviour.  Assigned bits:
#   0x01  make symbols available for linking later dl_load_file's.
#         (only known to work on Solaris 2 using dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL))
#         (ignored under VMS; effect is built-in to image linking)
#         (ignored under Android; the linker always uses RTLD_LOCAL)
# This is called as a class method $module->dl_load_flags.  The
# definition here will be inherited and result on "default" loading
# behaviour unless a sub-class of DynaLoader defines its own version.

sub dl_load_flags { 0x00 }

($dl_dlext, $dl_so, $dlsrc) = @Config::Config{qw(dlext so dlsrc)};

$do_expand = 0;

@dl_require_symbols = ();       # names of symbols we need
@dl_library_path    = ();       # path to look for files

#XSLoader.pm may have added elements before we were required
#@dl_shared_objects  = ();       # shared objects for symbols we have 
#@dl_librefs         = ();       # things we have loaded
#@dl_modules         = ();       # Modules we have loaded

# Initialise @dl_library_path with the 'standard' library path
# for this platform as determined by Configure.

push(@dl_library_path, split(' ', $Config::Config{libpth}));

my $ldlibpthname         = $Config::Config{ldlibpthname};
my $ldlibpthname_defined = defined $Config::Config{ldlibpthname};
my $pthsep               = $Config::Config{path_sep};

# Add to @dl_library_path any extra directories we can gather from environment
# during runtime.

if ($ldlibpthname_defined &&
    exists $ENV{$ldlibpthname}) {
    push(@dl_library_path, split(/$pthsep/, $ENV{$ldlibpthname}));

# E.g. HP-UX supports both its native SHLIB_PATH *and* LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

if ($ldlibpthname_defined &&
    $ldlibpthname ne 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' &&
    exists $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}) {
    push(@dl_library_path, split(/$pthsep/, $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}));

# No prizes for guessing why we don't say 'bootstrap DynaLoader;' here.
# NOTE: All dl_*.xs (including dl_none.xs) define a dl_error() XSUB
boot_DynaLoader('DynaLoader') if defined(&boot_DynaLoader) &&

if ($dl_debug) {
    print STDERR "DynaLoader.pm loaded (@INC, @dl_library_path)\n";
    print STDERR "DynaLoader not linked into this perl\n"
	    unless defined(&boot_DynaLoader);

1; # End of main code

sub croak   { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_)   }

sub bootstrap_inherit {
    my $module = $_[0];
    local *isa = *{"$module\::ISA"};
    local @isa = (@isa, 'DynaLoader');
    # Cannot goto due to delocalization.  Will report errors on a wrong line?

sub bootstrap {
    # use local vars to enable $module.bs script to edit values
    local(@args) = @_;
    local($module) = $args[0];
    local(@dirs, $file);

    unless ($module) {
	require Carp;
	Carp::confess("Usage: DynaLoader::bootstrap(module)");

    # A common error on platforms which don't support dynamic loading.
    # Since it's fatal and potentially confusing we give a detailed message.
    croak("Can't load module $module, dynamic loading not available in this perl.\n".
	"  (You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports\n".
	"  dynamic loading or has the $module module statically linked into it.)\n")
	unless defined(&dl_load_file);

    my @modparts = split(/::/,$module);
    my $modfname = $modparts[-1];
    my $modfname_orig = $modfname; # For .bs file search

    # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc.
    # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated)
    # It may also edit @modparts if required.
    $modfname = &mod2fname(\@modparts) if defined &mod2fname;


    my $modpname = join('/',@modparts);

    print STDERR "DynaLoader::bootstrap for $module ",
	if $dl_debug;

    my $dir;
    foreach (@INC) {
	    $dir = "$_/auto/$modpname";
	next unless -d $dir; # skip over uninteresting directories
	# check for common cases to avoid autoload of dl_findfile
        my $try = "$dir/$modfname.$dl_dlext";
	last if $file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($try) : ((-f $try) && $try);
	# no luck here, save dir for possible later dl_findfile search
	push @dirs, $dir;
    # last resort, let dl_findfile have a go in all known locations
    $file = dl_findfile(map("-L$_",@dirs,@INC), $modfname) unless $file;

    croak("Can't locate loadable object for module $module in \@INC (\@INC contains: @INC)")
	unless $file;	# wording similar to error from 'require'

    my $bootname = "boot_$module";
    $bootname =~ s/\W/_/g;
    @dl_require_symbols = ($bootname);

    # Execute optional '.bootstrap' perl script for this module.
    # The .bs file can be used to configure @dl_resolve_using etc to
    # match the needs of the individual module on this architecture.
    # N.B. The .bs file does not following the naming convention used
    # by mod2fname.
    my $bs = "$dir/$modfname_orig";
    $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?(;\d*)?$/\.bs/; # look for .bs 'beside' the library
    if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty
        print STDERR "BS: $bs ($^O, $dlsrc)\n" if $dl_debug;
        eval { local @INC = ('.'); do $bs; };
        warn "$bs: $@\n" if $@;

    my $boot_symbol_ref;


    # Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
    # this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of DynaLoader.pm.
    # Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
    # C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
    # in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
    # it executed.

    my $flags = $module->dl_load_flags;
    my $libref = dl_load_file($file, $flags) or
	croak("Can't load '$file' for module $module: ".dl_error());

    push(@dl_librefs,$libref);  # record loaded object

    $boot_symbol_ref = dl_find_symbol($libref, $bootname) or
         croak("Can't find '$bootname' symbol in $file\n");

    push(@dl_modules, $module); # record loaded module

    my $xs = dl_install_xsub("${module}::bootstrap", $boot_symbol_ref, $file);

    # See comment block above

	push(@dl_shared_objects, $file); # record files loaded


sub dl_findfile {
    # This function does not automatically consider the architecture
    # or the perl library auto directories.
    my (@args) = @_;
    my (@dirs,  $dir);   # which directories to search
    my (@found);         # full paths to real files we have found
    #my $dl_ext= 'so'; # $Config::Config{'dlext'} suffix for perl extensions
    #my $dl_so = 'so'; # $Config::Config{'so'} suffix for shared libraries

    print STDERR "dl_findfile(@args)\n" if $dl_debug;

    # accumulate directories but process files as they appear
    arg: foreach(@args) {
        #  Special fast case: full filepath requires no search
        if (m:/: && -f $_) {
	    last arg unless wantarray;

        # Deal with directories first:
        #  Using a -L prefix is the preferred option (faster and more robust)
        if (m:^-L:) { s/^-L//; push(@dirs, $_); next; }

        #  Otherwise we try to try to spot directories by a heuristic
        #  (this is a more complicated issue than it first appears)
        if (m:/: && -d $_) {   push(@dirs, $_); next; }


        #  Only files should get this far...
        my(@names, $name);    # what filenames to look for
        if (m:-l: ) {          # convert -lname to appropriate library name
        } else {                # Umm, a bare name. Try various alternatives:
            # these should be ordered with the most likely first
            push(@names,"$_.$dl_dlext")    unless m/\.$dl_dlext$/o;
            push(@names,"$_.$dl_so")     unless m/\.$dl_so$/o;
            push(@names,"lib$_.$dl_so")  unless m:/:;
            push(@names, $_);
	my $dirsep = '/';
        foreach $dir (@dirs, @dl_library_path) {
            next unless -d $dir;
            foreach $name (@names) {
		my($file) = "$dir$dirsep$name";
                print STDERR " checking in $dir for $name\n" if $dl_debug;
		$file = ($do_expand) ? dl_expandspec($file) : (-f $file && $file);
		#$file = _check_file($file);
		if ($file) {
                    push(@found, $file);
                    next arg; # no need to look any further
    if ($dl_debug) {
        foreach(@dirs) {
            print STDERR " dl_findfile ignored non-existent directory: $_\n" unless -d $_;
        print STDERR "dl_findfile found: @found\n";
    return $found[0] unless wantarray;

sub dl_expandspec {
    my($spec) = @_;
    # Optional function invoked if DynaLoader.pm sets $do_expand.
    # Most systems do not require or use this function.
    # Some systems may implement it in the dl_*.xs file in which case
    # this Perl version should be excluded at build time.

    # This function is designed to deal with systems which treat some
    # 'filenames' in a special way. For example VMS 'Logical Names'
    # (something like unix environment variables - but different).
    # This function should recognise such names and expand them into
    # full file paths.
    # Must return undef if $spec is invalid or file does not exist.

    my $file = $spec; # default output to input

	return undef unless -f $file;
    print STDERR "dl_expandspec($spec) => $file\n" if $dl_debug;

sub dl_find_symbol_anywhere
    my $sym = shift;
    my $libref;
    foreach $libref (@dl_librefs) {
	my $symref = dl_find_symbol($libref,$sym,1);
	return $symref if $symref;
    return undef;



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B.pm File 30.72 KB 0644
Config.pm File 3.29 KB 0644
Config.pod File 250.68 KB 0644
Config_git.pl File 409 B 0644
Config_heavy.pl File 53.13 KB 0644
Cwd.pm File 18.1 KB 0644
DB_File.pm File 63.52 KB 0644
DynaLoader.pm File 10.23 KB 0644
Encode.pm File 35.64 KB 0644
Errno.pm File 4.82 KB 0644
Fcntl.pm File 2.11 KB 0644
GDBM_File.pm File 1.51 KB 0644
IO.pm File 469 B 0644
NDBM_File.pm File 2.44 KB 0644
O.pm File 4.11 KB 0644
ODBM_File.pm File 2.33 KB 0644
Opcode.pm File 15.52 KB 0644
POSIX.pm File 19.72 KB 0644
POSIX.pod File 71.98 KB 0644
SDBM_File.pm File 3.46 KB 0644
Socket.pm File 13.24 KB 0644
Storable.pm File 42.23 KB 0644
_h2ph_pre.ph File 28.63 KB 0644
arybase.pm File 2.75 KB 0644
attributes.pm File 3.03 KB 0644
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