package Carp;
{ use 5.006; }
use strict;
use warnings;
# Very old versions of load Carp. This can go wrong due
# to the circular dependency. If warnings is invoked before Carp,
# then warnings starts by loading Carp, then Carp (above) tries to
# invoke warnings, and gets nothing because warnings is in the process
# of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet. If we were
# only turning on warnings ("use warnings" above) this wouldn't be too
# bad, because Carp would just gets the state of the -w switch and so
# might not get some warnings that it wanted. The real problem is
# that we then want to turn off Unicode warnings, but "no warnings
# 'utf8'" won't be effective if we're in this circular-dependency
# situation. So, if is an affected version, we turn
# off all warnings ourselves by directly setting ${^WARNING_BITS}.
# On unaffected versions, we turn off just Unicode warnings, via
# the proper API.
if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) || eval($warnings::VERSION) < 1.06) {
${^WARNING_BITS} = "";
} else {
sub _fetch_sub { # fetch sub without autovivifying
my($pack, $sub) = @_;
$pack .= '::';
# only works with top-level packages
return unless exists($::{$pack});
for ($::{$pack}) {
return unless ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{$sub};
for ($$_{$sub}) {
return ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' ? *$_{CODE} : undef
# UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM is a compile-time constant indicating whether Carp
# must avoid applying a regular expression to an upgraded (is_utf8)
# string. There are multiple problems, on different Perl versions,
# that require this to be avoided. All versions prior to 5.13.8 will
# load for the swash system, even if the regexp doesn't
# use character classes. Perl 5.6 and Perls [5.11.2, 5.13.11) exhibit
# specific problems when Carp is being invoked in the aftermath of a
# syntax error.
if("$]" < 5.013011) {
*UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 1 };
} else {
*UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 0 };
# is_utf8() is essentially the utf8::is_utf8() function, which indicates
# whether a string is represented in the upgraded form (using UTF-8
# internally). As utf8::is_utf8() is only available from Perl 5.8
# onwards, extra effort is required here to make it work on Perl 5.6.
if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'is_utf8')) {
*is_utf8 = $sub;
} else {
# black magic for perl 5.6
*is_utf8 = sub { unpack("C", "\xaa".$_[0]) != 170 };
# The downgrade() function defined here is to be used for attempts to
# downgrade where it is acceptable to fail. It must be called with a
# second argument that is a true value.
if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'downgrade')) {
*downgrade = \&{"utf8::downgrade"};
} else {
*downgrade = sub {
my $r = "";
my $l = length($_[0]);
for(my $i = 0; $i != $l; $i++) {
my $o = ord(substr($_[0], $i, 1));
return if $o > 255;
$r .= chr($o);
$_[0] = $r;
our $VERSION = '1.42';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
our $MaxEvalLen = 0;
our $Verbose = 0;
our $CarpLevel = 0;
our $MaxArgLen = 64; # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all.
our $MaxArgNums = 8; # How many arguments to print. 0 = all.
our $RefArgFormatter = undef; # allow caller to format reference arguments
require Exporter;
our @ISA = ('Exporter');
our @EXPORT = qw(confess croak carp);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(cluck verbose longmess shortmess);
our @EXPORT_FAIL = qw(verbose); # hook to enable verbose mode
# The members of %Internal are packages that are internal to perl.
# Carp will not report errors from within these packages if it
# can. The members of %CarpInternal are internal to Perl's warning
# system. Carp will not report errors from within these packages
# either, and will not report calls *to* these packages for carp and
# croak. They replace $CarpLevel, which is deprecated. The
# $Max(EvalLen|(Arg(Len|Nums)) variables are used to specify how the eval
# text and function arguments should be formatted when printed.
our %CarpInternal;
our %Internal;
# disable these by default, so they can live w/o require Carp
# if the caller specifies verbose usage ("perl -MCarp=verbose")
# then the following method will be called by the Exporter which knows
# to do this thanks to @EXPORT_FAIL, above. $_[1] will contain the word
# 'verbose'.
sub export_fail { shift; $Verbose = shift if $_[0] eq 'verbose'; @_ }
sub _cgc {
no strict 'refs';
return \&{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"} if defined &{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"};
sub longmess {
local($!, $^E);
# Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
# The story is that the original implementation hard-coded the
# number of call levels to go back, so calls to longmess were off
# by one. Other code began calling longmess and expecting this
# behaviour, so the replacement has to emulate that behaviour.
my $cgc = _cgc();
my $call_pack = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller();
if ( $Internal{$call_pack} or $CarpInternal{$call_pack} ) {
return longmess_heavy(@_);
else {
local $CarpLevel = $CarpLevel + 1;
return longmess_heavy(@_);
our @CARP_NOT;
sub shortmess {
local($!, $^E);
my $cgc = _cgc();
# Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
local @CARP_NOT = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller();
sub croak { die shortmess @_ }
sub confess { die longmess @_ }
sub carp { warn shortmess @_ }
sub cluck { warn longmess @_ }
if("$]" >= 5.015002 || ("$]" >= 5.014002 && "$]" < 5.015) ||
("$]" >= 5.012005 && "$]" < 5.013)) {
} else {
sub caller_info {
my $i = shift(@_) + 1;
my %call_info;
my $cgc = _cgc();
# Some things override caller() but forget to implement the
# @DB::args part of it, which we need. We check for this by
# pre-populating @DB::args with a sentinel which no-one else
# has the address of, so that we can detect whether @DB::args
# has been properly populated. However, on earlier versions
# of perl this check tickles a bug in CORE::caller() which
# leaks memory. So we only check on fixed perls.
package DB;
qw(pack file line sub has_args wantarray evaltext is_require) }
= $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
unless ( defined $call_info{file} ) {
return ();
my $sub_name = Carp::get_subname( \%call_info );
if ( $call_info{has_args} ) {
my @args;
if (CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK && @DB::args == 1
&& ref $DB::args[0] eq ref \$i
&& $DB::args[0] == \$i ) {
@DB::args = (); # Don't let anyone see the address of $i
local $@;
my $where = eval {
my $func = $cgc or return '';
my $gv =
(_fetch_sub B => 'svref_2object' or return '')
my $package = $gv->STASH->NAME;
my $subname = $gv->NAME;
return unless defined $package && defined $subname;
# returning CORE::GLOBAL::caller isn't useful for tracing the cause:
return if $package eq 'CORE::GLOBAL' && $subname eq 'caller';
" in &${package}::$subname";
} || '';
= "** Incomplete caller override detected$where; \@DB::args were not set **";
else {
@args = @DB::args;
my $overflow;
if ( $MaxArgNums and @args > $MaxArgNums )
{ # More than we want to show?
$#args = $MaxArgNums - 1;
$overflow = 1;
@args = map { Carp::format_arg($_) } @args;
if ($overflow) {
push @args, '...';
# Push the args onto the subroutine
$sub_name .= '(' . join( ', ', @args ) . ')';
$call_info{sub_name} = $sub_name;
return wantarray() ? %call_info : \%call_info;
# Transform an argument to a function into a string.
our $in_recurse;
sub format_arg {
my $arg = shift;
if ( ref($arg) ) {
# legitimate, let's not leak it.
if (!$in_recurse &&
do {
local $@;
local $in_recurse = 1;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
eval {$arg->can('CARP_TRACE') }
return $arg->CARP_TRACE();
elsif (!$in_recurse &&
defined($RefArgFormatter) &&
do {
local $@;
local $in_recurse = 1;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
eval {$arg = $RefArgFormatter->($arg); 1}
return $arg;
my $sub = _fetch_sub(overload => 'StrVal');
return $sub ? &$sub($arg) : "$arg";
return "undef" if !defined($arg);
downgrade($arg, 1);
return $arg if !(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) &&
$arg =~ /\A-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\z/;
my $suffix = "";
if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
$suffix = "...";
if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
my $c = substr($arg, $i, 1);
my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
if($c eq "\"" || $c eq "\\" || $c eq "\$" || $c eq "\@") {
substr $arg, $i, 0, "\\";
my $o = ord($c);
# This code is repeated in Regexp::CARP_TRACE()
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if utf8::native_to_unicode($o) < utf8::native_to_unicode(0x20)
|| utf8::native_to_unicode($o) > utf8::native_to_unicode(0x7e);
} elsif (ord("A") == 65) {
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if $o < 0x20 || $o > 0x7e;
} else { # Early EBCDIC
# 3 EBCDIC code pages supported then; all controls but one
# are the code points below SPACE. The other one is 0x5F on
# POSIX-BC; FF on the other two.
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if $o < ord(" ") || ((ord ("^") == 106)
? $o == 0x5f
: $o == 0xff);
} else {
$arg =~ s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g;
# This is all the ASCII printables spelled-out. It is portable to all
# Perl versions and platforms (such as EBCDIC). There are other more
# compact ways to do this, but may not work everywhere every version.
$arg =~ s/([^ !"\$\%#'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
downgrade($arg, 1);
return "\"".$arg."\"".$suffix;
sub Regexp::CARP_TRACE {
my $arg = "$_[0]";
downgrade($arg, 1);
if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
my $o = ord(substr($arg, $i, 1));
my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0); # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
# This code is repeated in format_arg()
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if utf8::native_to_unicode($o) < utf8::native_to_unicode(0x20)
|| utf8::native_to_unicode($o) > utf8::native_to_unicode(0x7e);
} elsif (ord("A") == 65) {
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if $o < 0x20 || $o > 0x7e;
} else { # Early EBCDIC
substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
if $o < ord(" ") || ((ord ("^") == 106)
? $o == 0x5f
: $o == 0xff);
} else {
# See comment in format_arg() about this same regex.
$arg =~ s/([^ !"\$\%#'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
downgrade($arg, 1);
my $suffix = "";
if($arg =~ /\A\(\?\^?([a-z]*)(?:-[a-z]*)?:(.*)\)\z/s) {
($suffix, $arg) = ($1, $2);
if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
$suffix = "...".$suffix;
return "qr($arg)$suffix";
# Takes an inheritance cache and a package and returns
# an anon hash of known inheritances and anon array of
# inheritances which consequences have not been figured
# for.
sub get_status {
my $cache = shift;
my $pkg = shift;
$cache->{$pkg} ||= [ { $pkg => $pkg }, [ trusts_directly($pkg) ] ];
return @{ $cache->{$pkg} };
# Takes the info from caller() and figures out the name of
# the sub/require/eval
sub get_subname {
my $info = shift;
if ( defined( $info->{evaltext} ) ) {
my $eval = $info->{evaltext};
if ( $info->{is_require} ) {
return "require $eval";
else {
$eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
return "eval '" . str_len_trim( $eval, $MaxEvalLen ) . "'";
# this can happen on older perls when the sub (or the stash containing it)
# has been deleted
if ( !defined( $info->{sub} ) ) {
return '__ANON__::__ANON__';
return ( $info->{sub} eq '(eval)' ) ? 'eval {...}' : $info->{sub};
# Figures out what call (from the point of view of the caller)
# the long error backtrace should start at.
sub long_error_loc {
my $i;
my $lvl = $CarpLevel;
my $cgc = _cgc();
my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
my $pkg = $caller[0];
unless ( defined($pkg) ) {
# This *shouldn't* happen.
if (%Internal) {
local %Internal;
$i = long_error_loc();
elsif (defined $caller[2]) {
# this can happen when the stash has been deleted
# in that case, just assume that it's a reasonable place to
# stop (the file and line data will still be intact in any
# case) - the only issue is that we can't detect if the
# deleted package was internal (so don't do that then)
# -doy
redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
else {
return 2;
redo if $CarpInternal{$pkg};
redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
redo if $Internal{$pkg};
return $i - 1;
sub longmess_heavy {
if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) { # don't break references as exceptions
return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0];
my $i = long_error_loc();
return ret_backtrace( $i, @_ );
# Returns a full stack backtrace starting from where it is
# told.
sub ret_backtrace {
my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
my $mess;
my $err = join '', @error;
my $tid_msg = '';
if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
my $tid = threads->tid;
$tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
my %i = caller_info($i);
$mess = "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg";
if( defined $. ) {
local $@ = '';
local $SIG{__DIE__};
eval {
if($@ =~ /^Died at .*(, <.*?> (?:line|chunk) \d+).$/ ) {
$mess .= $1;
$mess .= "\.\n";
while ( my %i = caller_info( ++$i ) ) {
$mess .= "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\n";
return $mess;
sub ret_summary {
my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
my $err = join '', @error;
my $tid_msg = '';
if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
my $tid = threads->tid;
$tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
my %i = caller_info($i);
return "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\.\n";
sub short_error_loc {
# You have to create your (hash)ref out here, rather than defaulting it
# inside trusts *on a lexical*, as you want it to persist across calls.
# (You can default it on $_[2], but that gets messy)
my $cache = {};
my $i = 1;
my $lvl = $CarpLevel;
my $cgc = _cgc();
my $called = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
my $caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
if (!defined($caller)) {
my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
if (@caller) {
# if there's no package but there is other caller info, then
# the package has been deleted - treat this as a valid package
# in this case
redo if defined($called) && $CarpInternal{$called};
redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
else {
return 0;
redo if $Internal{$caller};
redo if $CarpInternal{$caller};
redo if $CarpInternal{$called};
redo if trusts( $called, $caller, $cache );
redo if trusts( $caller, $called, $cache );
redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
return $i - 1;
sub shortmess_heavy {
return longmess_heavy(@_) if $Verbose;
return @_ if ref( $_[0] ); # don't break references as exceptions
my $i = short_error_loc();
if ($i) {
ret_summary( $i, @_ );
else {
# If a string is too long, trims it with ...
sub str_len_trim {
my $str = shift;
my $max = shift || 0;
if ( 2 < $max and $max < length($str) ) {
substr( $str, $max - 3 ) = '...';
return $str;
# Takes two packages and an optional cache. Says whether the
# first inherits from the second.
# Recursive versions of this have to work to avoid certain
# possible endless loops, and when following long chains of
# inheritance are less efficient.
sub trusts {
my $child = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $cache = shift;
my ( $known, $partial ) = get_status( $cache, $child );
# Figure out consequences until we have an answer
while ( @$partial and not exists $known->{$parent} ) {
my $anc = shift @$partial;
next if exists $known->{$anc};
my ( $anc_knows, $anc_partial ) = get_status( $cache, $anc );
my @found = keys %$anc_knows;
@$known{@found} = ();
push @$partial, @$anc_partial;
return exists $known->{$parent};
# Takes a package and gives a list of those trusted directly
sub trusts_directly {
my $class = shift;
no strict 'refs';
my $stash = \%{"$class\::"};
for my $var (qw/ CARP_NOT ISA /) {
# Don't try using the variable until we know it exists,
# to avoid polluting the caller's namespace.
if ( $stash->{$var} && *{$stash->{$var}}{ARRAY} && @{$stash->{$var}} ) {
return @{$stash->{$var}}
if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) ||
do { no warnings "numeric"; $warnings::VERSION < 1.03 }) {
# Very old versions of import from Carp. This can go
# wrong due to the circular dependency. If Carp is invoked before
# warnings, then Carp starts by loading warnings, then warnings
# tries to import from Carp, and gets nothing because Carp is in
# the process of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet.
# So we work around that by manually exporting to warnings here.
no strict "refs";
*{"warnings::$_"} = \&$_ foreach @EXPORT;