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botdev@ ~ $
package DBI::ProfileSubs;

our $VERSION = "0.009396";

=head1 NAME

DBI::ProfileSubs - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path


  DBI_PROFILE='&norm_std_n3' prog.pl

This is new and still experimental.

=head1 TO DO

Define come kind of naming convention for the subs.


use strict;
use warnings;

# would be good to refactor these regex into separate subs and find some
# way to compose them in various combinations into multiple subs.
# Perhaps via AUTOLOAD where \&auto_X_Y_Z creates a sub that does X, Y, and Z.
# The final subs always need to be very fast.

sub norm_std_n3 {
    # my ($h, $method_name) = @_;
    local $_ = $_;

    s/\b\d+\b/<N>/g;             # 42 -> <N>
    s/\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\b/<N>/g;  # 0xFE -> <N>

    s/'.*?'/'<S>'/g;             # single quoted strings (doesn't handle escapes)
    s/".*?"/"<S>"/g;             # double quoted strings (doesn't handle escapes)

    # convert names like log20001231 into log<N>

    # abbreviate massive "in (...)" statements and similar
    s!((\s*<[NS]>\s*,\s*){100,})!sprintf("$2,<repeated %d times>",length($1)/2)!eg;

    return $_;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Const Folder 0755
DBD Folder 0755
Gofer Folder 0755
ProfileDumper Folder 0755
SQL Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
Changes.pm File 121.42 KB 0644
DBD.pm File 123.57 KB 0644
Profile.pm File 31.89 KB 0644
ProfileData.pm File 19.53 KB 0644
ProfileDumper.pm File 10.14 KB 0644
ProfileSubs.pm File 1.14 KB 0644
ProxyServer.pm File 25.84 KB 0644
PurePerl.pm File 37.69 KB 0644
W32ODBC.pm File 4.5 KB 0644