[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# NOTE: Derived from blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pm.
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See AutoSplit.pm.
package Net::SSLeay;

#line 510 "blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay/open_tcp_connection.al)"
sub open_tcp_connection {
    my ($dest_serv, $port) = @_;
    my ($errs);

    $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') unless $port =~ /^\d+$/;
    my $dest_serv_ip = gethostbyname($dest_serv);
    unless (defined($dest_serv_ip)) {
	$errs = "$0 $$: open_tcp_connection: destination host not found:"
            . " `$dest_serv' (port $port) ($!)\n";
	warn $errs if $trace;
        return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0;
    my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $dest_serv_ip);

    warn "Opening connection to $dest_serv:$port (" .
	inet_ntoa($dest_serv_ip) . ")" if $trace>2;

    my $proto = &Socket::IPPROTO_TCP; # getprotobyname('tcp') not available on android
    if (socket (SSLCAT_S, &PF_INET(), &SOCK_STREAM(), $proto)) {
        warn "next connect" if $trace>3;
        if (CORE::connect (SSLCAT_S, $sin)) {
            my $old_out = select (SSLCAT_S); $| = 1; select ($old_out);
            warn "connected to $dest_serv, $port" if $trace>3;
            return wantarray ? (1, undef) : 1; # Success
    $errs = "$0 $$: open_tcp_connection: failed `$dest_serv', $port ($!)\n";
    warn $errs if $trace;
    close SSLCAT_S;
    return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0; # Fail

# end of Net::SSLeay::open_tcp_connection


Name Type Size Permission Actions
SSLeay.so File 537.84 KB 0644
autosplit.ix File 1.54 KB 0644
debug_read.al File 677 B 0644
do_https.al File 508 B 0644
do_https2.al File 446 B 0644
do_https3.al File 466 B 0644
do_https4.al File 357 B 0644
do_httpx2.al File 559 B 0644
do_httpx3.al File 1.52 KB 0644
do_httpx4.al File 544 B 0644
dump_peer_certificate.al File 958 B 0644
get_http.al File 316 B 0644
get_http3.al File 319 B 0644
get_http4.al File 319 B 0644
get_https.al File 319 B 0644
get_https3.al File 322 B 0644
get_https4.al File 322 B 0644
get_httpx.al File 316 B 0644
get_httpx3.al File 319 B 0644
get_httpx4.al File 319 B 0644
head_http.al File 319 B 0644
head_http3.al File 322 B 0644
head_http4.al File 346 B 0644
head_https.al File 322 B 0644
head_https3.al File 325 B 0644
head_https4.al File 333 B 0644
head_httpx.al File 319 B 0644
head_httpx3.al File 322 B 0644
head_httpx4.al File 399 B 0644
http_cat.al File 1.17 KB 0644
https_cat.al File 2.96 KB 0644
httpx_cat.al File 558 B 0644
initialize.al File 815 B 0644
make_form.al File 604 B 0644
make_headers.al File 575 B 0644
new_x_ctx.al File 1.2 KB 0644
open_proxy_tcp_connection.al File 1.25 KB 0644
open_tcp_connection.al File 1.45 KB 0644
post_http.al File 318 B 0644
post_http3.al File 321 B 0644
post_http4.al File 321 B 0644
post_https.al File 321 B 0644
post_https3.al File 324 B 0644
post_https4.al File 324 B 0644
post_httpx.al File 318 B 0644
post_httpx3.al File 321 B 0644
post_httpx4.al File 321 B 0644
put_http.al File 316 B 0644
put_http3.al File 319 B 0644
put_http4.al File 319 B 0644
put_https.al File 319 B 0644
put_https3.al File 322 B 0644
put_https4.al File 322 B 0644
put_httpx.al File 316 B 0644
put_httpx3.al File 319 B 0644
put_httpx4.al File 319 B 0644
randomize.al File 1 KB 0644
set_cert_and_key.al File 828 B 0644
set_proxy.al File 540 B 0644
set_server_cert_and_key.al File 413 B 0644
ssl_read_CRLF.al File 384 B 0644
ssl_read_all.al File 1.06 KB 0644
ssl_read_until.al File 3.07 KB 0644
ssl_write_CRLF.al File 812 B 0644
ssl_write_all.al File 5.6 KB 0644
sslcat.al File 3.05 KB 0644
tcp_read_CRLF.al File 400 B 0644
tcp_read_all.al File 756 B 0644
tcp_read_until.al File 970 B 0644
tcp_write_CRLF.al File 793 B 0644
tcp_write_all.al File 1.2 KB 0644
tcpcat.al File 1.33 KB 0644
tcpxcat.al File 485 B 0644
want_X509_lookup.al File 441 B 0644
want_nothing.al File 357 B 0644
want_read.al File 309 B 0644
want_write.al File 312 B 0644