[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# (c) Zygmunt Krynicki 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
# Licensed under GPL, see COPYING for the whole text

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

__version__ = "0.3"
BUG_REPORT_URL = "https://bugs.launchpad.net/command-not-found/+filebug"

    import sys
    if sys.path and sys.path[0] == '/usr/lib':
        # Avoid ImportError noise due to odd installation location.
    if sys.version < '3':
        # We might end up being executed with Python 2 due to an old
        # /etc/bash.bashrc.
        import os
        if "COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_FORCE_PYTHON2" not in os.environ:
            os.execvp("/usr/bin/python3", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)

    import gettext
    import locale
    from optparse import OptionParser

    from CommandNotFound.util import crash_guard
    from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    import sys

def enable_i18n():
    cnf = gettext.translation("command-not-found", fallback=True)
    kwargs = {}
    if sys.version < '3':
        kwargs["unicode"] = True
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
    except locale.Error:
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')

def fix_sys_argv(encoding=None):
    Fix sys.argv to have only unicode strings, not binary strings.
    This is required by various places where such argument might be
    automatically coerced to unicode string for formatting
    if encoding is None:
        encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
    sys.argv = [arg.decode(encoding) for arg in sys.argv]

class LocaleOptionParser(OptionParser):
    OptionParser is broken as its implementation of _get_encoding() uses
    sys.getdefaultencoding() which is ascii, what it should be using is
    locale.getpreferredencoding() which returns value based on LC_CTYPE (most
    likely) and allows for UTF-8 encoding to be used.
    def _get_encoding(self, file):
        encoding = getattr(file, "encoding", None)
        if not encoding:
            encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
        return encoding

def main():
    if sys.version < '3':
    parser = LocaleOptionParser(
        usage=_("%prog [options] <command-name>"))
    parser.add_option('-d', '--data-dir', action='store',
                      help=_("use this path to locate data fields"))
    parser.add_option('--ignore-installed', '--ignore-installed',
                      action='store_true',  default=False,
                      help=_("ignore local binaries and display the available packages"))
                      action='store_true', default=False,
                      help=_("don't print '<command-name>: command not found'"))
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) == 1:
        cnf = CommandNotFound.CommandNotFound(options.data_dir)
        if not cnf.advise(args[0], options.ignore_installed) and not options.no_failure_msg:
            print(_("%s: command not found") % args[0], file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    crash_guard(main, BUG_REPORT_URL, __version__)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
NetworkManager Folder 0755
X11 Folder 0755
accountsservice Folder 0755
apache2 Folder 0755
apt Folder 0755
aspell Folder 0755
at-spi2-core Folder 0755
bfd-plugins Folder 0755
binfmt.d Folder 0755
byobu Folder 0755
cgi-bin Folder 0755
cloud-init Folder 0755
compat-ld Folder 0755
dbus-1.0 Folder 0755
dconf Folder 0755
dpkg Folder 0755
dracut Folder 0755
eject Folder 0755
emacsen-common Folder 0755
environment.d Folder 0755
file Folder 0755
gcc Folder 0755
gettext Folder 0755
git-core Folder 0755
glib-networking Folder 0755
gnome-settings-daemon-3.0 Folder 0755
gnome-terminal Folder 0755
gnupg Folder 0755
gnupg2 Folder 0755
gold-ld Folder 0755
groff Folder 0755
grub Folder 0755
gvfs Folder 0755
initcpio Folder 0755
initramfs-tools Folder 0755
ispell Folder 0755
kernel Folder 0755
klibc Folder 0755
language-selector Folder 0755
libmbim Folder 0755
libqmi Folder 0755
linux Folder 0755
linux-boot-probes Folder 0755
locale Folder 0755
lxcfs Folder 0755
lxd Folder 0755
man-db Folder 0755
mime Folder 0755
modules-load.d Folder 0755
mysql Folder 0755
networkd-dispatcher Folder 0755
notification-daemon Folder 0755
open-vm-tools Folder 0755
openssh Folder 0755
os-prober Folder 0755
os-probes Folder 0755
p7zip Folder 0755
php Folder 0755
pkgconfig Folder 0755
pm-utils Folder 0755
policykit-1 Folder 0755
pppd Folder 0755
pulse-11.1 Folder 0755
python2.7 Folder 0755
python3 Folder 0755
python3.6 Folder 0755
python3.7 Folder 0755
python3.8 Folder 0755
rsyslog Folder 0755
rtkit Folder 0755
sasl2 Folder 0755
shim Folder 0755
snapd Folder 0755
software-properties Folder 0755
ssl Folder 0755
sudo Folder 0755
sysctl.d Folder 0755
systemd Folder 0755
sysusers.d Folder 0755
tar Folder 0755
tc Folder 0755
thunar-archive-plugin Folder 0755
tmpfiles.d Folder 0755
ubuntu-advantage Folder 0755
ubuntu-fan Folder 0755
ubuntu-release-upgrader Folder 0755
udisks2 Folder 0755
unity-settings-daemon-1.0 Folder 0755
update-notifier Folder 0755
upower Folder 0755
valgrind Folder 0755
x86_64-linux-gnu Folder 0755
xfce4 Folder 0755
xorg Folder 0755
xscreensaver Folder 0755
xserver-xorg-video-intel Folder 0755
cnf-update-db File 739 B 0755
command-not-found File 3.22 KB 0755
libDeployPkg.so.0 File 30.57 KB 0644
libDeployPkg.so.0.0.0 File 30.57 KB 0644
libguestlib.so.0 File 26.13 KB 0644
libguestlib.so.0.0.0 File 26.13 KB 0644
libhgfs.so.0 File 163.33 KB 0644
libhgfs.so.0.0.0 File 163.33 KB 0644
libvgauth.so.0 File 83.15 KB 0644
libvgauth.so.0.0.0 File 83.15 KB 0644
libvmtools.so.0 File 616.68 KB 0644
libvmtools.so.0.0.0 File 616.68 KB 0644
os-release File 386 B 0644
pkg-config.multiarch File 17 B 0644
sftp-server File 103.13 KB 0755