[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
**To create a token based API Gateway Custom Authorizer for the API**


  aws apigateway create-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --name 'First_Token_Custom_Authorizer' --type TOKEN --authorizer-uri 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations' --identity-source 'method.request.header.Authorization' --authorizer-result-ttl-in-seconds 300


      "authType": "custom", 
      "name": "First_Token_Custom_Authorizer", 
      "authorizerUri": "arn:aws:apigateway:us-west-2:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123412341234:function:customAuthFunction/invocations", 
      "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 300, 
      "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", 
      "type": "TOKEN", 
      "id": "z40xj0"

**To create a Cognito User Pools based API Gateway Custom Authorizer for the API**


  aws apigateway create-authorizer --rest-api-id 1234123412 --name 'First_Cognito_Custom_Authorizer' --type COGNITO_USER_POOLS --provider-arns 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:123412341234:userpool/us-east-1_aWcZeQbuD' --identity-source 'method.request.header.Authorization'


      "authType": "cognito_user_pools", 
      "identitySource": "method.request.header.Authorization", 
      "name": "First_Cognito_Custom_Authorizer", 
      "providerARNs": [
      "type": "COGNITO_USER_POOLS", 
      "id": "5yid1t"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
create-api-key.rst File 235 B 0644
create-authorizer.rst File 1.55 KB 0644
create-base-path-mapping.rst File 203 B 0644
create-deployment.rst File 724 B 0644
create-domain-name.rst File 259 B 0644
create-model.rst File 804 B 0644
create-resource.rst File 151 B 0644
create-rest-api.rst File 323 B 0644
create-stage.rst File 508 B 0644
create-usage-plan-key.rst File 167 B 0644
create-usage-plan.rst File 281 B 0644
delete-api-key.rst File 120 B 0644
delete-authorizer.rst File 139 B 0644
delete-base-path-mapping.rst File 162 B 0644
delete-client-certificate.rst File 121 B 0644
delete-deployment.rst File 132 B 0644
delete-domain-name.rst File 114 B 0644
delete-integration-response.rst File 233 B 0644
delete-integration.rst File 183 B 0644
delete-method-response.rst File 224 B 0644
delete-method.rst File 163 B 0644
delete-model.rst File 133 B 0644
delete-resource.rst File 126 B 0644
delete-rest-api.rst File 91 B 0644
delete-stage.rst File 118 B 0644
delete-usage-plan-key.rst File 167 B 0644
delete-usage-plan.rst File 97 B 0644
flush-stage-authorizers-cache.rst File 154 B 0644
flush-stage-cache.rst File 131 B 0644
generate-client-certificate.rst File 145 B 0644
get-account.rst File 289 B 0644
get-api-key.rst File 464 B 0644
get-api-keys.rst File 523 B 0644
get-authorizer.rst File 518 B 0644
get-authorizers.rst File 591 B 0644
get-base-path-mapping.rst File 258 B 0644
get-base-path-mappings.rst File 452 B 0644
get-client-certificate.rst File 115 B 0644
get-client-certificates.rst File 470 B 0644
get-deployment.rst File 244 B 0644
get-deployments.rst File 326 B 0644
get-domain-name.rst File 338 B 0644
get-domain-names.rst File 397 B 0644
get-export.rst File 650 B 0644
get-integration-response.rst File 360 B 0644
get-integration.rst File 696 B 0644
get-method-response.rst File 359 B 0644
get-method.rst File 1.09 KB 0644
get-model-template.rst File 239 B 0644
get-model.rst File 462 B 0644
get-models.rst File 942 B 0644
get-resource.rst File 252 B 0644
get-resources.rst File 420 B 0644
get-rest-api.rst File 205 B 0644
get-rest-apis.rst File 256 B 0644
get-sdk.rst File 1.13 KB 0644
get-stage.rst File 1.43 KB 0644
get-stages.rst File 995 B 0644
get-usage-plan-key.rst File 187 B 0644
get-usage-plan-keys.rst File 133 B 0644
get-usage-plan.rst File 106 B 0644
get-usage-plans.rst File 87 B 0644
get-usage.rst File 158 B 0644
import-rest-api.rst File 148 B 0644
put-integration-response.rst File 673 B 0644
put-integration.rst File 825 B 0644
put-method-response.rst File 299 B 0644
put-method.rst File 337 B 0644
put-rest-api.rst File 380 B 0644
test-invoke-authorizer.rst File 224 B 0644
test-invoke-method.rst File 470 B 0644
update-account.rst File 435 B 0644
update-api-key.rst File 976 B 0644
update-authorizer.rst File 1.35 KB 0644
update-base-path-mapping.rst File 312 B 0644
update-client-certificate.rst File 219 B 0644
update-deployment.rst File 331 B 0644
update-domain-name.rst File 867 B 0644
update-integration-response.rst File 794 B 0644
update-integration.rst File 1.31 KB 0644
update-method-response.rst File 627 B 0644
update-method.rst File 4.29 KB 0644
update-model.rst File 513 B 0644
update-resource.rst File 706 B 0644
update-rest-api.rst File 344 B 0644
update-stage.rst File 2.82 KB 0644
update-usage-plan.rst File 783 B 0644
update-usage.rst File 275 B 0644