**To change the period defined in a Usage Plan** Command:: aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/quota/period",value="MONTH" **To change the quota limit defined in a Usage Plan** Command:: aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/quota/limit",value="500" **To change the throttle rate limit defined in a Usage Plan** Command:: aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/throttle/rateLimit",value="10" **To change the throttle burst limit defined in a Usage Plan** Command:: aws apigateway update-usage-plan --usage-plan-id a1b2c3 --patch-operations op="replace",path="/throttle/burstLimit",value="20"