**To update a VPC link** The following ``update-vpc-link`` example updates the name of a VPC link. After you've created a VPC link, you can't change its security groups or subnets. :: aws apigatewayv2 update-vpc-link \ --vpc-link-id abcd123 \ --name MyUpdatedVpcLink Output:: { "CreatedDate": "2020-04-07T00:27:47Z", "Name": "MyUpdatedVpcLink", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "sg1234", "sg5678" ], "SubnetIds": [ "subnet-aaaa", "subnet-bbbb" ], "Tags": {}, "VpcLinkId": "abcd123", "VpcLinkStatus": "AVAILABLE", "VpcLinkStatusMessage": "VPC link is ready to route traffic", "VpcLinkVersion": "V2" } For more information, see `Working with VPC links for HTTP APIs <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-vpc-links.html>`__ in the *Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide*.