**To update several phone number product types at the same time** The following ``batch-update-phone-number`` example updates the product types for all of the specified phone numbers. :: aws chime batch-update-phone-number \ --update-phone-number-request-items PhoneNumberId=%2B12065550100,ProductType=BusinessCalling PhoneNumberId=%2B12065550101,ProductType=BusinessCalling Output:: { "PhoneNumberErrors": [] } **To update several phone number calling names at the same time** The following ``batch-update-phone-number`` example updates the calling names for all of the specified phone numbers. :: aws chime batch-update-phone-number \ --update-phone-number-request-items PhoneNumberId=%2B14013143874,CallingName=phonenumber1 PhoneNumberId=%2B14013144061,CallingName=phonenumber2 Output:: { "PhoneNumberErrors": [] } For more information, see `Working with Phone Numbers <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ag/phone-numbers.html>`__ in the *Amazon Chime Administration Guide*.