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**To get information about a change set**

The following ``describe-change-set`` example displays the details of the change set specified by change set name and stack name. ::

    aws cloudformation describe-change-set \
        --change-set-name my-change-set \
        --stack-name my-stack

The following ``describe-change-set`` example displays the details of the change set specified by the full ARN of the change set::

    aws cloudformation describe-change-set \
        --change-set-name arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:changeSet/my-change-set/bc9555ba-a949-xmpl-bfb8-f41d04ec5784


        "Changes": [
                "Type": "Resource",
                "ResourceChange": {
                    "Action": "Modify",
                    "LogicalResourceId": "function",
                    "PhysicalResourceId": "my-function-SEZV4XMPL4S5",
                    "ResourceType": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
                    "Replacement": "False",
                    "Scope": [
                    "Details": [
                            "Target": {
                                "Attribute": "Properties",
                                "Name": "Timeout",
                                "RequiresRecreation": "Never"
                            "Evaluation": "Static",
                            "ChangeSource": "DirectModification"
        "ChangeSetName": "my-change-set",
        "ChangeSetId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:changeSet/my-change-set/4eca1a01-e285-xmpl-8026-9a1967bfb4b0",
        "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/my-stack/d0a825a0-e4cd-xmpl-b9fb-061c69e99204",
        "StackName": "my-stack",
        "Description": null,
        "Parameters": null,
        "CreationTime": "2019-10-02T05:20:56.651Z",
        "ExecutionStatus": "AVAILABLE",
        "Status": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
        "StatusReason": null,
        "NotificationARNs": [],
        "RollbackConfiguration": {},
        "Capabilities": [
        "Tags": null


Name Type Size Permission Actions
wait Folder 0755
_deploy_description.rst File 392 B 0644
_package_description.rst File 3.46 KB 0644
activate-type.rst File 676 B 0644
batch-describe-type-configurations.rst File 1.27 KB 0644
cancel-update-stack.rst File 217 B 0644
continue-update-rollback.rst File 276 B 0755
create-change-set.rst File 766 B 0755
create-stack-instances.rst File 700 B 0755
create-stack-set.rst File 591 B 0755
create-stack.rst File 710 B 0644
deactivate-type.rst File 535 B 0644
delete-change-set.rst File 638 B 0755
delete-stack-instances.rst File 548 B 0755
delete-stack-set.rst File 328 B 0755
delete-stack.rst File 203 B 0755
deploy.rst File 1.18 KB 0644
deregister-type.rst File 583 B 0644
describe-account-limits.rst File 576 B 0755
describe-change-set.rst File 2.31 KB 0755
describe-publisher.rst File 751 B 0644
describe-stack-drift-detection-status.rst File 773 B 0755
describe-stack-events.rst File 1.64 KB 0755
describe-stack-instance.rst File 1.27 KB 0755
describe-stack-resource-drifts.rst File 2.28 KB 0755
describe-stack-resource.rst File 958 B 0755
describe-stack-resources.rst File 2.08 KB 0755
describe-stack-set-operation.rst File 1.24 KB 0755
describe-stack-set.rst File 1.05 KB 0755
describe-stacks.rst File 1.41 KB 0644
describe-type-registration.rst File 878 B 0644
describe-type.rst File 1.03 KB 0644
detect-stack-drift.rst File 425 B 0755
detect-stack-resource-drift.rst File 2.13 KB 0755
detect-stack-set-drift.rst File 740 B 0644
estimate-template-cost.rst File 419 B 0755
execute-change-set.rst File 567 B 0755
get-stack-policy.rst File 659 B 0755
get-template-summary.rst File 736 B 0755
get-template.rst File 1.05 KB 0644
list-change-sets.rst File 823 B 0755
list-exports.rst File 1.02 KB 0755
list-imports.rst File 365 B 0755
list-stack-instances.rst File 1.66 KB 0755
list-stack-resources.rst File 1.57 KB 0755
list-stack-set-operation-results.rst File 1.13 KB 0755
list-stack-set-operations.rst File 932 B 0755
list-stack-sets.rst File 498 B 0755
list-stacks.rst File 843 B 0644
list-type-registrations.rst File 751 B 0644
list-type-versions.rst File 593 B 0644
list-types.rst File 1.27 KB 0644
package.rst File 346 B 0644
publish-type.rst File 692 B 0644
register-publisher.rst File 544 B 0644
register-type.rst File 710 B 0644
set-stack-policy.rst File 753 B 0755
set-type-configuration.rst File 797 B 0644
set-type-default-version.rst File 531 B 0644
signal-resource.rst File 397 B 0755
stop-stack-set-operation.rst File 346 B 0755
test-type.rst File 682 B 0644
update-stack-instances.rst File 657 B 0755
update-stack-set.rst File 435 B 0755
update-stack.rst File 1.35 KB 0644
update-termination-protection.rst File 435 B 0755
validate-template.rst File 813 B 0644