**To delete a CloudFront distribution** The following example deletes the CloudFront distribution with the ID ``EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE``. Before you can delete a distribution, you must disable it. To disable a distribution, use the `update-distribution <update-distribution.html>`_ command. For more information, see the `update-distribution examples <update-distribution.html#examples>`_. When a distribution is disabled, you can delete it. To delete a distribution, you must use the ``--if-match`` option to provide the distribution's ``ETag``. To get the ``ETag``, use the `get-distribution <get-distribution.html>`_ or `get-distribution-config <get-distribution-config.html>`_ command. :: aws cloudfront delete-distribution \ --id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE \ --if-match E2QWRUHEXAMPLE When successful, this command has no output.