**To update a repository** The following ``update-repository`` example updates the description of a repo named test-repo in a domain named test-domain to "this is an updated description". :: aws codeartifact update-repository \ --domain test-domain \ --repository test-repo \ --description "this is an updated description" Output:: { "repository": { "name": "test-repo", "administratorAccount": "111122223333", "domainName": "test-domain", "domainOwner": "111122223333", "arn": "arn:aws:codeartifact:us-west-2:111122223333:repository/test-domain/test-repo", "description": "this is an updated description", "upstreams": [], "externalConnections": [] } } For more information, see `View or modify a repository configuration <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeartifact/latest/ug/config-repos.html>`__ in the *AWS CodeArtifact User Guide*.