**To create a commit** The following ``create-commit`` example demonstrates how to create an initial commit for a repository that adds a ``readme.md`` file to a repository named ``MyDemoRepo`` in the ``main`` branch. :: aws codecommit create-commit \ --repository-name MyDemoRepo \ --branch-name main \ --put-files "filePath=readme.md,fileContent='Welcome to our team repository.'" Output:: { "filesAdded": [ { "blobId": "5e1c309d-EXAMPLE", "absolutePath": "readme.md", "fileMode": "NORMAL" } ], "commitId": "4df8b524-EXAMPLE", "treeId": "55b57003-EXAMPLE", "filesDeleted": [], "filesUpdated": [] } For more information, see `Create a Commit in AWS CodeCommit <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/how-to-create-commit.html#how-to-create-commit-cli>`__ in the *AWS CodeCommit User Guide*.