**To view comments on a commit** This example demonstrates how to view view comments made on the comparison between two commits in a repository named ``MyDemoRepo``. :: aws codecommit get-comments-for-compared-commit \ --repository-name MyDemoRepo \ --before-commit-ID 6e147360EXAMPLE \ --after-commit-id 317f8570EXAMPLE Output:: { "commentsForComparedCommitData": [ { "afterBlobId": "1f330709EXAMPLE", "afterCommitId": "317f8570EXAMPLE", "beforeBlobId": "80906a4cEXAMPLE", "beforeCommitId": "6e147360EXAMPLE", "comments": [ { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "ff30b348EXAMPLEb9aa670f", "content": "Whoops - I meant to add this comment to the line, not the file, but I don't see how to delete it.", "creationDate": 1508369768.142, "deleted": false, "CommentId": "123abc-EXAMPLE", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369842.278, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "SMILE" : 6, "THUMBSUP" : 1 } }, { "authorArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:user/Li_Juan", "clientRequestToken": "123Example", "commentId": "553b509bEXAMPLE56198325", "content": "Can you add a test case for this?", "creationDate": 1508369612.240, "deleted": false, "commentId": "456def-EXAMPLE", "lastModifiedDate": 1508369612.240, "callerReactions": [], "reactionCounts": { "THUMBSUP" : 2 } } ], "location": { "filePath": "cl_sample.js", "filePosition": 1232, "relativeFileVersion": "after" }, "repositoryName": "MyDemoRepo" } ], "nextToken": "exampleToken" }