**To get detailed information about a merge commit** The following ``get-merge-commit`` example displays details about a merge commit for the source branch named ``bugfix-bug1234`` with a destination branch named ``main`` using the THREE_WAY_MERGE strategy in a repository named ``MyDemoRepo``. :: aws codecommit get-merge-commit \ --source-commit-specifier bugfix-bug1234 \ --destination-commit-specifier main \ --merge-option THREE_WAY_MERGE \ --repository-name MyDemoRepo Output:: { "sourceCommitId": "c5709475EXAMPLE", "destinationCommitId": "317f8570EXAMPLE", "baseCommitId": "fb12a539EXAMPLE", "mergeCommitId": "ffc4d608eEXAMPLE" } For more information, see `View Commit Details <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/how-to-view-commit-details.html#how-to-view-commit-details-cli-merge-commit>`__ in the *AWS CodeCommit User Guide*.