**To merge two branches using the squash merge strategy** The following ``merge-branches-by-squash`` example merges the specified source branch with the specified destination branch in a repository named ``MyDemoRepo``. :: aws codecommit merge-branches-by-squash \ --source-commit-specifier bugfix-bug1234 \ --destination-commit-specifier bugfix-bug1233 \ --author-name "Maria Garcia" \ --email "maria_garcia@example.com" \ --commit-message "Merging two fix branches to prepare for a general patch." \ --repository-name MyDemoRepo Output:: { "commitId": "4f178133EXAMPLE", "treeId": "389765daEXAMPLE" } For more information, see `Compare and Merge Branches <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/how-to-compare-branches.html#merge-branches-by-squash>`__ in the *AWS CodeCommit User Guide*.